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Old June 13th, 2016, 04:11 AM
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Mornin all.

Spose to rain today. the wife cancelled her hay hauling trip this morning after we got up at 2:30. gonna be close to 100 next weekend for the race. gonna try to steer away from the beer and focus more on water this week. hoping the new venue is a good time. Looks like the wife will race the 2 wheeler on Saturday and we'll both race 4 wheels on Sunday. The kid is out until she gets her back fixed up. She had a MRI that showed a herniated disc.

Jamesbo, if you read down the post you will see what I meant. Earl is feeling like a new penny again.

Have a Monday all.
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Old June 13th, 2016, 10:01 AM
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Hi, y'all.... Doing OK in da' Swamp, thanks, Jamesbo. Honestly, I never used to pay much attention to the heat -- having grown up in it; but the older I get, the hotter it seems. It's downright oppressive when it's in the 90s for both temp AND rel. humidity.

Yesterday I worked outside for a few hours; not really laborious; just active stuff with a lot of walking. When I'd change into dry clothes to eat, I'd get totally re-soaked within 20-30 minutes of going back out. You really need to do some heavy-duty hydration under those conditions.

Hope the "kid" gets better soon, Clint... And it sounds as if the Rocky Mountain State is getting its share of heat as well.

Y'all have a great one, Olds buds.
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Old June 13th, 2016, 04:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Another most excellent one today. The dogs don't like being outside when it's this hot, they much prefer laying across the AC vents on the floor. John I guess I'm just acclimated to it, I love the heat and don't seem to mind the humidity. I like AC in the house but not in the car, strange.

Ted welcome back. I do indeed have one of those cars and if I'm recognizing that truck I know who owns the car in your picture. My car is far from usable, but that's okay. One of these days...

Clint hope the kid gets better soon. My Dad had a herniated disc and he had all sorts of trouble from it.

I know Jamesbo, the life of an airplane mechanic sounds glamorous, but then you get into the nitty-gritty and the reality is it isn't for lightweights.

Okay my Friday awaits. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old June 13th, 2016, 08:45 PM
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Evening everyone. We've been in a cold snap for several days, in the low 50's this morning and managed to get to 72. Felt more like late September than June. I know some of you would like a break from the heat, hope you get it soon.

Trying to figure out what's been going on with my Mom, she's been having very serious allergic reactions. Not sure to what but could be from the cancer drugs or something else. Trying to get her in to see a doctor this week to get to the bottom of this.

Clint - hope the family is feeling better soon.

Mike - I don't blame you, I would wear those gloves too for that job.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old June 14th, 2016, 03:35 AM
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Mornin all.

Lots of thunder rain and hail yesterday. Looks like the shop had 2nd hail storm last night after we went to bed. can't wait to see what my petunias look like.

Darrell, hope they find out whats up with your mother.

Mike you can have the bluejuice and the Skydrol. I'll stick with Antifreeze and Gear lube.

John, I'm glad its not snowing.

Jamesbo, Didja get it figgured out?

Have a day all.
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Old June 14th, 2016, 04:01 AM
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Hotter than a $2 pistol

Speaking of pistols. Your history lesson for today is on mass shooting.

December 1890 the 7th Calvary killed 297 men woman and children at Wounded knee after they gave up their firearms

Have a GREAT day Olds friends
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Old June 14th, 2016, 09:06 AM
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December 1890 the 7th Calvary killed 297 men woman and children at Wounded knee after they gave up their firearms
In 1973 Russel Means activist, and later an actor (Last of the Mohicans) led a takeover at Wounded Knee. I was in the tenth grade at the time, and my perspective of that event has changed probably due to maturing and not having a media prospective on the issues.
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Old June 14th, 2016, 09:20 AM
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Nudder sauna today; expecting more scattered downpours today & t'morrey.
Continue to shave the "to do" list, but working on the cars is not really in sight until at least about another week.
Hope everyone his his flag on prominent display today!
Have a great (and cool) one, Olds friends.
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Old June 14th, 2016, 07:53 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Got home from work today to find an air cooled Westfalia on fire in front of my house. Luckily everyone was out and safe.

Things have been quieter at work lately! Still plenty to keep me busy but not crazy.

Spent the day working at the local GM only car show on Sunday. Unfortunately, the weather was wet, cold and windy. Definitely got wind burn. About 60 cars showed up though.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
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Old June 15th, 2016, 03:58 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Was nice and sunny when I got up yesterday and then a storm came up while I was out and the dogs freaked out. So I went home to take care of them and never went back out.

Windows 10 strikes again. Last night as I slept it installed updates and it updated the Internet Explorer icon right off the desktop. So now to connect I have to go through a succession of boxes, which are never the same twice, which eventually leads me to Bing which lets me go elsewhere. It's always something. All I want this stupid thing for is to look at the internet and email, how simple is that. I can't even get a good machine for that.

Clint I think I've graduated away from Skydrol. I still need to find that video where the guy from DuPont drinks it.

Paul too bad about the Bus. Why was it in front of your house, someone visiting the neighborhood or it was just rolling down the street and burst into flames? That's a pretty good turnout for a car show in the rain.

John my flag stays in the house these days. It belonged to my Grandmother and it's getting a little frayed around the edges. It doesn't need to be outside and deteriorate any more. I did have to count the stars on it because it was old when I was little. All 50 are there. I should get a new flag to hang outside, but am afraid if I went shopping for one what the label would say where it was made

Going up to Kentucky today to see that car. I'm guessing it isn't as nice as I hope it is, but if it's at least solid that will be a good start. But first, Awful house. Then come home to get the dogs and take them to jail.

Have a good humpity everyone.
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Old June 15th, 2016, 04:56 AM
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Hot so I alternate werk

Dig taters...................pressure wash

John/Mike I got a flag that was used on mission in Iraq Pretty cool

Darrell, Hope they figure out what the problem is with your mom.

Mike, Safe travels [p.s. I keeping score on your collection]

Clint, Yes I figgered it out. I was born at night but it wasn't las nite

Have a GREAT day Olds friends
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Old June 15th, 2016, 05:12 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike, I have an older flag that I still hang outside, but I also have a 48 star flag I keep neatly stored away. That was something I got from my Great Aunt Mildred who lived on the bank of the mighty Maumee river.

Paul, if something had to burn, I guess I'm glad it was a Vdub than some old american steel.

Well the fruit of my loins turned 22 today. And shes already off working at the MIL's on her day off. That applette didn't fall far from the tree.

It's all downhill from here. Have a humpday all.
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Old June 15th, 2016, 09:09 AM
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In the 90s already and the sun ain't even out. Humidity feels like New Guinea.

Safe travels, Mike.

Need a calculator to keep up with Slantflat's collection, Jamesbo. ;-) I'm waiting for him to bring his halftrack to Hiawassee so's we can climb Eagle Mountain with it...

Happity Humpity, Olds friends...
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Old June 15th, 2016, 01:20 PM
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Evening all

Having a great week watching football matches three times a day as it's the European championship. Not getting any work done but so what.

We are all gearing up to what will be the most important vote of our lives next week. It's time for us to pull out of the most corrupt unfit organisation on this planet, the European union. Time to stand up and be counted.

Rain rain and more rain this week. We've had three months worth in one week, still it's another excuse to sit and watch the TV.

Have a great day all.
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Old June 15th, 2016, 08:49 PM
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Sum bitch was it raining on the way home from work, coming down in buckets, in fact I think that the buckets had buckets! Speaking of wet, my phone that went through the! Pulled the battery and left it open, then set it in the sun on a window sill for a couple of days.
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Old June 16th, 2016, 03:51 AM
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Anutter hot dry one [so fer]]

After I drop my phone in le toilet,I always put it in a plastic bag with rice

Well, Headed to de big city to de dentist. Got so many taters I decided to cook up sun gratin dauphinois fer sum older friends

GTG have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 16th, 2016, 05:04 AM
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Hot here in da' Swamp, too, of course. Was 95 yesterday, and looking at the same today.

Have fun at the Tooth Doc, Jamesbo. I know just going to the big city is a thrill in itself. Those gratin dauphinois sure sound good....

Glad you made it thru the buckets, Dan... Hopin' our car show in August is spared any such downfall.

Have a great one, Olds pals.
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Old June 16th, 2016, 05:07 AM
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Good day everyone.

Rain did put our plans at work to halt. Now im at home. Tomorrow normal day and then weekend. Was at work from Mon 06.00am to Tue 05.30am, then from Tue 05.00pm to Wed 05.00am, and Wed 10.00am to 09.30pm. Today just normal day, which was stopped due to heavy rain.

Okay. Enough of my work times. Just an examples how we do work at summer, compared to it that we sit whole winter at home.

Hows everyone else? Its Mid-summer celebration here next weekend. We should go to relatives, but im not yet sure do i want, since its 3-day weekend. I think i would rather just sit at home alone, heat sauna and drink beer. And meanwhile drive my Cutlass.
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Old June 16th, 2016, 08:15 AM
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Sometimes i miss my time at the army. Nothing to take care off; just follow orders. They gave your food 4 times a day, warm Place to sleep ( usually), clean clothes, and some money to pocket so that you could buy a beer or donut, if you happened to like them. I dont. At weekend you did drive to meet your parents, or spend time with your girlfriend. No rents to pay for, almost zero bills, no stress.

Such is a life. Now you work your *** off just to get bills payed, and very few things anymore feel special, to say. And very few happenings you anymore wait for 6 months. Only thing which havent changed is that i have an lovable women at home, and i pretty much believe thats everything i really need.

This may sound out of Place, but sometimes i stop to wonder whats the reason for all of this? You could get away far easier. Only reason ive so far identified, is pride. To show yourself, and others, that you can keep everything up yourself. And to give something to your offsprings. And hope they dont waste it.
I should promise for me and my women, that i stop this when my house is payed for. Should it then be time to learn enjoy life as it is? Well, next year were getting married. I think that 6 years together is enough to get married and know your women well enough.

Oh well, just some thoughts ive been wondering now and then.
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Old June 16th, 2016, 08:56 AM
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Yep Jamesbo, I have heard of the rice treatment, but I have none in the house, and as it's a cheap phone (almost disposable), I tried ole sol instead, if it hadn't worked I would have just bought another one. Cool and overcast at the moment, my neighbor across the street lost a few 6-8" dia. branches from one of his maple trees, due to the storm that blew through last night. Supposed to be hot (88-90°) and humid this weekend, so it'll be a sticky one at Homecoming.
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Old June 16th, 2016, 09:47 AM
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Hi everyone.

Got home around 4 this morning. Long, long day and I think Dan's buckets traveled to Nashville. Holy cow was there rain, and wind. No rain on the return trip. Yes the car followed me home. I just parked on my neighbor's driveway this morning so I need to get everything over to the shop then go pick up the dogs.

So John I guess this makes me ridiculous.

London how is the MIL?

Good luck in the city Jamesbo. You should have gone to the big city yesterday. I hear there was quite a show at the Fox. A lot of people at work fly up to New York for the dentist. I can't figure that one out.

Darrell how's Mom?

Okay gotta get something done. Nice to sleep for a change without being disturbed. Beautiful out, too, and hot. Last night off. Have a good day everyone.
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Old June 16th, 2016, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Yep Jamesbo, I have heard of the rice treatment, but I have none in the house,

Ya need to ax John but I'm fairly certain there's a law in NOLA that cha gotta have rice in yur house or ya go to prison

John, French scalloped taters swimming in butter, onions, heavy cream with crumbled bacon topped with melted guyere cheese What's not to like
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Old June 16th, 2016, 04:09 PM
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Wow! I'm drooling reading that recipe, Jamesbo...

At the moment, I'm fixin' supper, consisting of bison burgers (better half's favorite, believe it or not) and grilled white squash on our new Sam's gas grill. Mine'll be on a bun, & #2 will be sans-a-bun. The new grill looks more like a stainless steel pipe organ console than a grill. It's humongous. 3 separate burn boxes & lids; one regular, one "mini," and one infrared, supposedly. I guess it's for searing, but I needs to read up on it. The "regular" or main box has lower burners & an upper one for searing or broiling.

Yep -- Re: the rice: Iffin' you're caught without it in New Orleans, do not pass Go, do not collect $200: straight to Orleans Parish Prison. We have to have both white & brown in the house at all times. I think Mom put rice juice in my noo-noo bottle.

Mike, ridiculous might not be ain't as bad as it sounds. ;-) Glad ya' had a safe trip.

Heat didn't disappoint today. I did more running in the truck; made a trip to the dreaded landfill I've been procrastinating on for months, and got rid of a few more items at recycling/reusing places. Sure am glad I spent the small fortune to have the A/C fixed (for the third time) a while back. Would've been brutal without. Funny, 'cause we didn't have A/C on any of our cars when I was a kid, and it didn't seem to bother anybody that much. (Certainly not Dad, who didn't want to spend the money when he was buying the car.)

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Old June 17th, 2016, 04:43 AM
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Kwik mernin', all.... and worm to boot! A/C guy is coming over this morning to check up on the equipment. Kinda' important these days, in this neck o'the woods.
Y'all have a great Friday, Olds amigos.
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Old June 17th, 2016, 05:17 AM
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Since only mad dogs and English men go out in de noon day sun [no offense London]

I had to pick squash, dig taters, water maters before 7:30 no I gots to go weed whack now

Have a GREAT day Olds friends
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Old June 17th, 2016, 07:08 AM
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Good afternoon everyone. Weekend at last. Rainy weekend.. Perfect weather to paint my engine block. Already been preparing it By masking tape.

Now to sauna. Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old June 17th, 2016, 08:41 AM
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French scalloped taters swimming in butter, onions, heavy cream with crumbled bacon topped with melted guyere cheese
Damn that sounds good!
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Old June 17th, 2016, 09:23 AM
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If dat ain't good grits ain't groceries
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Old June 17th, 2016, 04:09 PM
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Hi everyone.

Nice all morning while I was sleeping, then rained this afternoon. I guess that's the right order, because if it would have rained this morning I wouldn't have gotten any sleep.

Thought I needed a treat for my supper tonight, so I fixed an all time favorite: cream dried beef on toast. Or as my Dad used to call it, $hit on a shingle. My Mom used to fix that for us kids when I was little and boy what a treat it was. How funny the rest of the world has a different view. I don't fix this very often but man was it good eatin'.

Not much else going on. Haven't done anything with the new Cutlass, I'll wait until I'm off next week and get it all squared away. Need to get all my license plates on Monday, I get off light this year, under 300 bucks. Like a dope I didn't get a bill of sale with the Cutlass, just the title, so to ward off having to pay thousands in "sales" tax, I need to "resell" it to myself. Sheesh. What the state won't do to get my money, and what I won't do to keep it.

Okay Monday. Only three this week. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old June 17th, 2016, 08:01 PM
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Evening everyone. I'm heading to GM Carlisle tomorrow, hope its a good show.

Thanks for the comments and well wishes about Mom, still not sure what is wrong but she seems to be better. She went for a bunch of tests and we're waiting for the results. She came down with breast cancer around the same time as Sandy. So far she's cancer free but she's developed myelodisplaysia from the Chemo. It has caused her platelets to drop to abnormally low levels and now she is also having serious allergic reactions, to what no one knows.

Well, getting up at 4 for the drive and taking the 63 Riv, have a good night all.
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Old June 17th, 2016, 08:47 PM
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Off to Homecoming in the morning, gonna be hot for these parts (90°), and on asphalt, we will leave at 7am so we can leave the show earlier if it heats up too much, it runs from 9am to 3pm. Will post pics later.
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Old June 18th, 2016, 12:19 AM
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Morning all

Well another day another airport, this time though to drop off the wife to go back and see her mum. The MIL is still hanging in there but no change since we last saw her, thanks for asking Mike.

So I'm home alone for the week. Not sure if I wanna be a couch potato or get busy. I do have a few car bits to do, both the Cutlass and the BMW are due their yearly roadworthiness checks next week and my mate has dropped off his car to see if I can sort a few problems which should be interesting as it's an early import Daewoo which I have never seen before.
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Old June 18th, 2016, 04:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Must have been an exciting Saturday. Where is everyone?

Overcast most of the day and around 80. This will make for an extremely comfortable evening at work.

Got ready a little early today so I sat and watched about half of Passenger 57. Of course I screamed at the TV every time there was something inaccurate about the airplane. There was a lot. Eh, I like when Wesley Snipes bugs his eyes out you really believe he's going to shoot you in the head.

Night 2 is upon us. Last night wasn't so bad, wouldn't have minded getting out a little earlier but I had to bail out another guy. That's okay, I get bailed out plenty.

Okay hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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Old June 19th, 2016, 12:10 AM
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Good Morning.

Not exciting, but okayish saturday. Friends from work visited at evening and one of them "impressed" my wifey By walking in without pants. Lol. He was really drunk. Well, so was others and me, but we have no issues keeping pants on.
Today ill got my block painted second time, looks to be turning out nice.


slantflat- sounds familiar, when you look program and you happen to know about it more than the makers. Have fun nights at work.

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Old June 19th, 2016, 10:13 AM
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We're [well at least me] are watching the US Open
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Old June 19th, 2016, 03:56 PM
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Hi everyone. Happy Father's Day.

Beautiful out and 80. It must be fall already. Supposed to be nice the rest of the week I here. I'll take it.

Last night I was frazzled all night. Had a write up that half the sidewall lights wouldn't dim in flight, but they would on the ground. Hm, sounds like a relay. I'm not the best when it comes to wiring diagrams, so hours later I still don't know what I'm doing, and one of the leads says oh no, just do a Phase 2 auto reload. Well we did, went to air mode, and the lights worked fine. Next up was a write up that seat 02A didn't have audio. I could not get the Entertainment system fired up for nothing. Finally had to call Panasonic to get some password. Guess what, the audio at 02A was just fine. Sometimes I think if I just beat my head against the wall a little longer...

Tonight is Friday. I took tomorrow and next Friday off to celebrate the next trip around the sun. No real plans for the week, just trying to catch up on stuff. I wouldn't mind getting home a bit early in the morning.

Okay have a good night everyone, and have a good week starting out tomorrow.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 04:00 AM
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Beautimus day to smack whitey round

Mike, I'm glad I'm not the only one who beats their head like that. It's kinda like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. It feels so good when ya stop

Inline, I'm afraid if I had a friend like that, my wife would have him singing soprano in a New York Second

John, Ya got the NOLA life support system up and running?

London, I vote for couch potato


Have a GREAT day Olds friends
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Old June 20th, 2016, 04:08 AM
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Mornin all.

Race weekend. hung out southeast of Pueblo this weekend. what a scorcher. showed 102F at 5pm yesterday.

Chrysler blue?

Have a day all. I need to get to the shop for a special delivery.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 07:20 AM
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I need to get to the shop for a special delivery
Hmm, Clint should we check FB to see what's up?
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Old June 20th, 2016, 07:38 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I did get off a little early this morning, then caught a ride home with a friend of mine. Seems the serpentine belt on the blue van wanted to shred itself and depart about half way to work last night. Nowhere on the expressway to stop, so I took it easy and made it to work. Of course I cooked the hell out of the motor, so it will probably blow a head gasket now. Eh, it's only money. I'll head up there with the trailer and bring it home, probably in a couple days.

Jamesbo have fun smacking whitey. Up where I'm from originally there's an ice cream place called Whitey's.

Looks more like Pontiac blue to me.

Headed to the tag office today to get my next round of registrations. I think I get off light this year, less than 300. I always love the look I get when the person initially sees how many I hand her.

Time to get moving. Maybe Awful house for lunch. Hm. Have a good day everyone.
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