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Old July 3rd, 2011, 04:30 PM
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HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! I am first hehehe, only cause I have a time line to help me out Hope everyone is having a great long weekend. We can't go to the shop and buy fireworks down under, they are illegal to sell to the public, or some nonsense like that. Governments take the fun out of everything

Good to see your making progress on the engine Ken. I can't wait to be doing the same with mine.

Time to go do some work in the yard, have a great day ya'll

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Old July 3rd, 2011, 08:55 PM
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Thanks Adrian!! I keep thinkin today is Saturday, lol. It was another muggy day here, but breezy, thank God! I cleaned the house and Larry worked out by his water garden, killin weeds, diggin up and moving things around, mulching, and planting some new plants for the deer to enjoy. I couldn't believe that they even ate the buds and most of the leaves off of 2 of my geraniums I put out there!! I have them up off the ground in stands, so it had to be the friggin deer. Nothing else could reach them. Im really hating the deer this year. Bastar*s!!!!!!!

Went up to Lins and took her shopping this afternoon. Didn't get home till 10:30 tonight. I won't get home until probably midnight tomorrow night if i go to Newton Falls to see the fireworks. Then I have to get up for work on Tuesday, so I dunno. Would have liked to take Tuesday off since it's Nicole's birthday, but with Brian off again this week, Steve and Clay would be in there by themselves so I probably wouldn't have been allowed. Brian always takes the last week of June and first week of July off. Kinda screws the rest of us. I might try it next year.

Thinkin about goin to a show in Chagrin Falls tomorrow from 12 to 4, but I dunno yet. Never been to Chagrin Falls, but hear it's a nice place. From looking at last years pics, there were a lot of cars there.

Well gotta get to bed... talk to ya tomorrow! Everyone have a safe and happy 4th!!
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Old July 4th, 2011, 03:07 AM
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Mawn'in all

Happy 4th of July everyone.

But since it's Monday and I'm a creature of habit, I'm gonna go smack whitey round dis mawn'in.
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Old July 4th, 2011, 05:48 AM
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Happy independence day! Taking the 442 and the Model A up to be in a parade today. Gonna be pushin 100F. stay cool and stay Hydrated everyone.
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Old July 4th, 2011, 07:34 AM
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Happy 4th of July to all my Oldsmobile Fanatics!

Going to be a hot one as usual down here in Dixieland.

I hope everyone has a great and safe day!

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Old July 4th, 2011, 08:21 PM
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Just on quick today, but wanted to say Happy Independence Day to everyone.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 04:28 AM
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Good Morning All.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Glad its cooling off into the 80s today. Lots of car stuff this weekend. Threw some pics up in another thread. Had a good time in my first parade. The goof ball in his hot rod ricer in front of me needs some new back tires and the t-bird in front of him needs some clean shorts.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 04:46 AM
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Mawn'in all

It was a hot one yesterday and gonna be anutter hot one today. Only 40% chance of afternoon shower. Humidity is "bout 200%


Played like a goat on de front side but not bad on the back 48/40
I think I need new batteries fer my 3 wood.

Dis was kinda a wierd 4th fer me. All de firewerks etc were on Saturday nite 'round ere so by de time de 4th arived it was kinda over.


I went to school wit sum folks from Chagin Falls, I think it's a pretty ritzy neighborhood.


I'd fergotten all 'bout de famous Jerry Clower, He's a stitch and a half. Thanks fer bring'in back good memories.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 05:45 AM
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Good Morning All!

I hope everyone had a great weekend as well. I know we did. I'm with you on the fireworks Jamesbo, by the time it was dark out everyone was done with it. My miniature Cha-nauser was glad though because she thought the British were coming Saturday night. She is VERY gun shy and runs to her "cave" to hide.

Jerry Clower is an old favorite. One of the very few that can actually tell a funny story without having to cuss one bit.

I hope everyone has a great short week!

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Old July 5th, 2011, 06:05 AM
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Scot, I agree, I jes listened to Marcel's adventure wit his chain saw and the beer joint
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Old July 5th, 2011, 06:25 AM
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Morning All!

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th! Cooler here today. The humidity is gone, finally. Had some "pop up storms" come through yesterday afternoon - of course when I was almost home in Teepo! Couldn't have waited another 15 minutes. So I had to dry her good when I got back from Chagrin Falls, in that hot garage..... lord!! Now she needs wax.

Didn't go to any fireworks last night. First time in many years I've missed them. Just was tired and didn't feel good. Went up to Jeans and we went to the cemetery early evening, and drove through Newton Falls, but there was no where to park, people everywhere, a mess! I told her I was just gonna go home.

Today is Nicole's 19 birthday! I'm gonna take her out to eat tonight. Larry didn't get her a card or mention it or anything. I got two words for him, and they ain't nice!! It depresses me.

Phones haven't rang once yet today. Not much traffic on the roads this morning. Probably a lot of people have the week off. Wish I did. Next year I'm taking the 5th off whether Brian is here or not.

I won't go back to that Chagrin Falls show again, I don't think. Parking was horrible as you'll see from the pics when I get them downloaded. We were packed in like sardines, and I don't like that. If something would happen, you're screwed! Not much room between the cars for people, dogs, and kids!! Didn't like the setup at all.

Talked to Mr. Chebelle - Blue's neighbor - at the show, and was telling him I haven't seen Blue at any shows. He said he hasn't either. He said he goes by Blue's house and all the regular cars are in the drive. He said he hasn't seen the garage door up, so he doesn't know if Blue still has the old cars. He said he would have to stop by there and see. I told him to tell Blue to let me know he's still alive! I would have went by yesterday, but Larry was with me - his one show a season duty - and he was impatient to get home cause Jr. was coming over. God forbid if Jr. had to wait a few minutes! So I had to come right home. On the wet roads.

Jamesbo..... yeah, Chagrin Falls is kinda one of those "historic" (they think) areas, (kinda like Hudson) and is considered "ritzy". I've never been there. The falls is beautiful! I took some pics of it. Kinda felt like a tourist in my own backyard, ya know? I'd like to go back one day and see more of the town. People were very friendly at the show. Good turnout. Guess they had more cars than expected.

Scot.... Glad you did well on your tests! That will be a good job! Let us know when you hear something!

Have a great day all!
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Old July 5th, 2011, 09:33 AM
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Good morning guys and Sandy

Got back from my bi-weekly travels to Mississippi Early Saturday (3:00 am) Seattle time 5:00 am Memphis time. Had a weather induced layover in Fargo ND, couldn't land for the connecting flight in Minneapolis because of weather so had to go to Fargo for fuel then back to Minneapolis then wait for the next flight to Seattle. How I hate flying. Had a good 4th though cruised around in the 57 all day just the wife, dog, and myself. Nice just to relax for a change.

Have a good day all
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Old July 6th, 2011, 04:27 AM
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Morning all.

nice easy rain this morning, gonna be low 80's today.

Got the carb set up on the 67 last night. Should get me much better MPG until its time to go thru the carb and reseal the intake gasket. I get the infamous rough idle but cruise is smooth. I'll get a smog check and plates this week. Hope everyone has safe travels and a wonderful Wednesday.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 04:38 AM
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Good Morning All!

Good luck on your smog test CQR.

Pat I know you must hate flying with all of the travel time you do.

Its going to get into the mid 90's again here with a slim chance of the afternoon wet stuff.

Well it's Wednesday already I haven't heard back from the USPS just yet but maybe sometime today I hope to hear something.

I hope everyone has a great day.

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Old July 6th, 2011, 04:50 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter hot muggy one with chance of afternoon showers.

Originally Posted by GAOldsman
! I haven't heard back from the USPS just yet but maybe sometime today I hope to hear something. Scot
Scot, Why don't cha send them a letter?

Pat, I used to love to fly but these days, it's a PITA

CQR, Yea, Rotsa ruck with the smog test. What the heck do you need a smog test fer anywho.

Sandy, I'm tired of worry'in 'bout Blue PM me his phone # and I'll call him and say "WTH"

Don, Go ahead and be as political as ya want as long as it's not PC. I don't give a rats rump. IMHO We need to say "God Bless American" more and quit watch'in murder trials and reality TV. [ I guess the murder trial was kinda reality TV with the remote chance the star would get the chair]

Ken, How's 'bout you?
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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:10 AM
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Jamesbo, Colorado is Kalifornias little brudder. Seems we need to try everything that the leftcoasters do. It's mostly about revenue, but I only need to have it tested once and then as long as the plates don't expire or it changes ownership, it won't need another test. It's a real basic test on the moldy-oldies. They sniff at idle twice and then 30 seconds of cruise speed in the middle. The standards are lax too. I think 6%CO and 1000 ppm HC on the 1970 and older crowd.

Good luck on the Job Scot.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:29 AM
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Clint, I didn't know dat. Next thing ya know, I'll be read'in labels dat says, "Labratroy test in Colorado have shown that this product may cause cancer in mice."
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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:50 AM
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Morning All!

Gettin muggy here this morning. Got a chance of storms to roll through this afternoon and heading to 88 degrees, they say. Getting cloudy out there now.

I took Nicole and Dave to a Japanese place in Solon last night for her birthday. It was pretty good. The chef was a fun guy - did all the tricks with the knives while he was cooking, and he made Nicole a little cake out of onion layers and lit it on fire, and let her blow it out, lol! That was nice of him. I took a cake with us, and the people that were sitting at the other end of our table and the manager and waitresses came over and sang Happy Birthday to her and had some cake! I didn't get home until late, so I'm tired today.

It's another quiet day in here. I'm enjoying it with Brian out. No one whining or complaining or talking on the phone all day long, or bitching about my fan being on! He'll be back on Monday.

I hate those friggin E-Check tests I used to have to have on my car! What a waste of money, I think. It's not a fair thing around Ohio.... some counties have it, and some don't. I hated them running my car on those rollers...... at least on the new cars, all they do is check the gas cap and the computer.

Well have a great day all! Hope you get that call, Scot!!
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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:51 AM
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Yup. Even the wifes '29 needed a test
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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:57 AM
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Thanks Clint and Sandy for the encouragement. I guess the air in the mile high state is thin enough without the pollution from vehicles. Atlanta is no exception and I believe they have to pass inspection as well, correct me if I'm wrong Jamesbo. Luckily we don't have that issue here where the water is pure and the air is cleaner than most.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 06:02 AM
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They don't test the Oldies here, but they test everything else every other year a 20 bucks a pop. Even my 91 diesel motorhome which only fits in one shop 25 mile from home has to be tested and it has no smog control on it. Go figure
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Old July 6th, 2011, 06:41 AM
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in Salt Lake City Utah.. and a couple other counties.
any vehicle newer than 1967 Requires the sniffer up the pipe.. (diesel or gas)
1998 and newer they plug in to the OBDII port
costs on average about $45 unless you get a coupon from the testing station
Then after that even on my 1994 I get to pay the state an additional $70 for the little sticker that goes on my plates.. and that is the cheapest it gets for the sticker. newer cars are assessed on the age.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 07:31 AM
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Morning All! Hey Clint! Great photos from the parade BTW. I just got the renewal notice on my collector plates for my F85...No emission test required probably because it was tested the first time the plates were issued (5 year plate)? cost for 5 years is about two fiddy.
The Super Cruise sounds fun...I'll have to do it next month!
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Old July 6th, 2011, 07:38 AM
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Absolutely. Get in touch with me, and we'll meet up out there. There are some really nice looking rides up there. The Mrs is falling for the 67. She was pleasantly surprised how well it handled the canyon when she was driving it home from the parade.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Atlanta is no exception and I believe they have to pass inspection as well, correct me if I'm wrong Jamesbo.
Nope Scot,

The oldies get a pass even in Hotlanta as well as both my 2500 trucks [Pick'em up and Surburban] GVW of sum'in goes w/o out test'in.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 04:56 AM
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Good Morning All. Gonna be a long day. At least it'll stay in the 80's today. Hope everyone has a good one.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 05:50 AM
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Morning All!

Everyone sleeping in today, lol?? It's a muggy morning here. Sunny and pretty though with no rain in sight for the next few days they're saying!! Works for me! I watered my maters and green beans early this morning.

Went out to the garage and started cleaning Teepo last night, from having to drive her on those wet roads Monday. Will finish up tonight. Going to 2 shows back to back this Sunday. Makes for a long day, that's for sure. Don't think I'll go to any on Saturday. I'll have to see though. I love shows, lol!

Where is Wolfie...... Where is Ken?? Where are Scot and Jamesbo and Don this morning? Come out........ Have a great day all!
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Old July 7th, 2011, 07:27 AM
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Good morning all

Cool and damp this morning. Got a call from my engine builder the 455 for the 48 is finely done. I will pick it up Friday or Monday. I'm excited. We're getting ready for the Puget Sound chapter of OCA zone show at Country Village Bothell, WA on July the 16th. A bunch of us will be stuffing the greeting bags this Sunday then I'll be cleaning up the 57 for the show. Busy week.

Have a great day all
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Old July 7th, 2011, 07:53 AM
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Good Morning All!

Gonna be another hot one here in the mid 90's. We got a few rain showers yesterday and last night finally. The weather is funny here, most of the time a good storm will be heading our way and then split apart and go north and south of us and we get little to nothing.

I bet you are excited Pat to be getting the 455 back from the builders. It's going to wake that '48 up I bet.

Are there any tax experts on here? If so shoot me a PM if you don't mind me asking a few questions. Nothing serious or complicated I am just wondering about some charitable deductions and how it would affect my return.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Old July 7th, 2011, 11:14 AM
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Morning all, temps are still dropping around here. 39 degrees at the moment

No emissions tests for cars in Queensland at the moment , not sure about the other states.

Any news from USPS yet Scot? Here's hoping you get the job

Any word from Blue yet Sandy? Really starting to worry down here

Have fun with your 455 now it is ready Pat I'm sure the '48 will be flying along in no time now

Have a great day everyone

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Old July 7th, 2011, 11:22 AM
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Afternoon all,

Had to beat feet into de city dis mawn'in. The traffic was a bear.

Whilst I was down thar I had sum crawfish fer lunch wit one of my Emory buds. Yummy

Pat, I think ya need to crank dat puppy up E-A-R-L-Y and see what the neighbors think.
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Old July 8th, 2011, 05:02 AM
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Good Friday Mornin'!

Workin on very little sleep. The Mrs. and I went to a Kenny Chesney concert last night at the world famous Red Rocks Amphitheater. And in the high altitude desert its monsoon season. It rained all night. Good show, but this old body really likes its sleep.

Clear skies this a.m. but its supposed to open up and rain again most of the day.

I think its a good morning to find that burrito lady.
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Old July 8th, 2011, 05:18 AM
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Good Friday Morning All!

Going to be another hot one again today with the humidity around 91% Heat index somewhere around 103 and another chance of afternoon showers.

Thanks to all that wished me good luck on the job I have heard from them yet, but I am still optimistic.

Sandy there is a new gal in town she goes by hurstoldsgal and it is get this Jamesbo.... a '69 H/O check out the thread under the H/O column And that car looks good in the pic.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe weekend!!!

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Old July 8th, 2011, 05:44 AM
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Morning All!

Happy Friday to ya! It's been a long week for a short one, lol! Well bout time another girl joins us! They seem to never last long.

It's in the low 70's here and muggy. There's some rain in the area, but none here right now. Supposed to clear up later and be a sunny hot weekend!

Clint..... I know the feeling, lol! Why do they always put the concerts on Thursday nights?? I never understood that. Then you're draggin butt the next day! Kenny was just here a few weeks ago. I didn't see him.

Adrian..... Nice to hear from ya! 39 is pretty cold, lol!! Bundle up!

Citcapp.... glad you're getting your motor! Sounds like you're gonna be busy!

Jamesbo.... my green beans have little flowers on them now! I'm excited, lol!

Spent last evening cleaning Teepo for the shows on Sunday, so she's all tucked under her blankie, lol!

Brian comes back Monday..... sure has been nice in here, lol!

Well have a great day all!
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Old July 8th, 2011, 05:56 AM
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Mawn'in all

Hot wit a chance of showers dis afternoon.

Scot, Yeah I know hurstoldsgal [No, not in the Bibical sense]

Sandy, Be sure not to pick beans when they have dew on them. it'll give dem de rust.

Red [ my new Golden] has to go get a manicure.

Hey, that reminds me of a joke.

2 dogs are sitt'in in the vets and one says to the other, "What cha ere fer?"

And the German Shepard says, " Well, my master's little kid kept hitt'in me with a stick, and driv'in me crazy, so I bit the $hit out of him. I'm afraid, they're go'in to put me down. How about you?"

So the Great Dane says, "Well my masters wife was filling up the tub, and bent over the tub naked and I just couldn't help myself. So, I mounted her from behind."

So the Shepards says, "They gonna put you down too?"

"No," says the great Dane, "They're gonna trim my toe nails."

GTG, have a great day.
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Old July 8th, 2011, 07:14 AM
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LOL! You ain't right, Jamesbo! So you have a new dog?? Is the beagle gone now, and did Mosby do any damage to it, lol??
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Old July 8th, 2011, 07:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Hot wit a chance of showers dis afternoon.

Scot, Yeah I know hurstoldsgal [No, not in the Bibical sense]

Sandy, Be sure not to pick beans when they have dew on them. it'll give dem de rust.

Red [ my new Golden] has to go get a manicure.

Hey, that reminds me of a joke.

2 dogs are sitt'in in the vets and one says to the other, "What cha ere fer?"

And the German Shepard says, " Well, my master's little kid kept hitt'in me with a stick, and driv'in me crazy, so I bit the $hit out of him. I'm afraid, they're go'in to put me down. How about you?"

So the Great Dane says, "Well my masters wife was filling up the tub, and bent over the tub naked and I just couldn't help myself. So, I mounted her from behind."

So the Shepards says, "They gonna put you down too?"

"No," says the great Dane, "They're gonna trim my toe nails."

GTG, have a great day.
That is too funny! You all have a great day!
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Old July 8th, 2011, 09:48 AM
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Ding dong the beagles gone. Yep Sandy he's outa ere. Mosby sent him pack'in with a slight tic.

Yep, my Super model rescued a Golden Retreiver. His name be Red. "Bout a year old if I had to guess. Mosby and Red get along pretty good. Ever now and then Mosby will go up to Red and box his ears jes to let him know whose boss.. Red looks at me with those big eyes that say, WTF did I do.
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Old July 8th, 2011, 09:54 AM
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My TW has been wanting a Golden Retriever, I on the other hand are fond of the less common White Labs. I had one about 10 years ago and she could sail over a 4' rio grande fence without slowing down or even touching it. The Golden's have a little too much fur IMO for the deep south.

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Old July 8th, 2011, 10:09 AM
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Yeah, Scot, I roll de winder down in my truck and spit out fur ***** Red's left behind.

I've only had black labs and goldens.

'Bout 20 years ago one January nite, it started ic'in up real bad. I went back to de kennel to check on my pointers. De were all huddle up in thar houses nice and cumfy. Ice was hangin down the fence wire and my golden [Midas] was stand'in on top of his dog house, nose pointed directly in the wind with his ears flopp'in in de storm. He had the "Bring it on " look on his face and was hav'in a ball as everyone else froze thar butt's off.

Now my question is.................................. What's a white Lab look like after it's rolled on a dead possum?
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