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Old August 9th, 2015, 08:26 AM
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Allan, the idea is to reduce the foilige that the plant needs to support. With an established root ball , and reduced size above ground that the root system needs to support greatly increases the chance of survival.i learned this from my father, and it works well. Also, the best time to plant is in the Fall and never prune until after the shrub has not know the science but I know it works
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Old August 9th, 2015, 01:57 PM
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Thanks Ted. I just finished planting them. I did a fair bit of pruning on the larger ones but next to nothing on the prickly short one. I also cut the root ball down the sides and across the bottom to hopefully let them start expanding. I filled the holes with water before I put the plants in and let them soak for awhile before backfilling. Did I mention that these plants were free? I know you have more trees than horses have flies in the summer....

Thanks for the tips on tree mtce. Now to see if they grow!
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Old August 9th, 2015, 02:49 PM
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Hi everyone.

Slept good this morning, the dogs woke me up around 2. It was later than I wanted to sleep but I got to bed an hour later than I normally would, so it worked out.

Went to Northern to get an engine hoist. Looked on their website and they had a 2 ton one for 229 and a 1 ton one for 179. Got to the store and saw that not only did they not have the 179 one, which I wanted, but the 229 one wasn't on sale anymore and it was now 299. So I passed.

Nice out. Had a bit of a shower while I was gone, but the sun is out now and it's nice out. Think I'll take a screwdriver out to the van and start taking the dash apart. Ever since I got the AC charged there's a hugely annoying squeal coming from behind the dash. I'm assuming it's vacuum related, don't know why a newly charged AC would make it start but I'll see what I can see. I should also go in the garage and find my timing light.

Had something I was gonna ask and now I forgot. Eh, it will come to me, probably at 2am.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 04:31 AM
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Mawn'in all

Nice day fer smack'in whitey

Mike, If ya think what it was call me at 2;00 a.m. Dat's de time things usually come back to me.

Sum one gave me [dug up at de wrong time] a bush I need to chop back before I plant it in de fall.

Dis "Goy" [werd fer de day ] has GTG Whitey awaits.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 05:07 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Thanks Jamesbo the pressure is off. I've learned something already today now I can relax.

Nice out. Think I'll go to the shop and work on cars. That's after the Awful house of course. Summit is tonight, have to decide if I'm taking the convertible or not. Probably not. I don't care to win any of their awards and I hate worrying about someone scratching it.

And that's about it. Happy Monday everyone.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 06:04 AM
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Sure was a hot one yesterday Well the berfday party went great and we managed to keep the entire cast fed and entertained. Received several complements and most of the tikes running around from waterslide to the pool made it all day, but crashed out as soon as it was over My grand nephew didn't make it out of the subdivision before crashing The berfday girl made out like a bandit and we even celebrated for another grand nephew that his berfday was last week They wore me out just watching

Whelp supposed to be a 20% chance of elsie dropping by and about a 60% chance tomorrow so I better get back at it. Cleaning up the aftermath that is.

Mike I sure need to get up there to Summit and place some RWYB flyers in the racks. Doubt I can make it up today though, maybe next Monday

As Clint would say "Have a Monday All"
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Old August 10th, 2015, 06:40 AM
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Elsie showed up around midnight and started out with a percussion and light show. Then she wailed and played her favorite tune Cow on de flat rock for about half hour. It came down in buckets. No need to water today. Apodaca be a hot one later and prolly humid too.

I see Ferguson is getting more press. When is this crap going to stop?

Scot, good to hear you survived. Kids wear me out too although I do wish I had their energy again.

Jim, hope whitey doesn't play ya like a GTO.

Ok, question. If no one is home do you need to close the baffroom door?
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Old August 10th, 2015, 07:51 AM
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Ok, question. If no one is home do you need to close the baffroom door?
Yes, cuz if you don't, someone will come home while you're in the act. That's also when the phone will ring. Well, back to work today, gonna take awhile to re-acclimate.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 08:28 AM
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Good to hear you're back to normal Dan! Hope the first day back goes well. 105 meelyun and counting....
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Old August 10th, 2015, 09:41 AM
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Had an interesting morning. Got to the Awful house the same time two other guys did, went in and there were these two people sitting smack in the middle of the high counter. Neither side had three seats in a row so we sat in a booth. Very weird. Then anther guy showed up so there were four full size guys in the booth. Try eating like that.

After that went to the shop and thought I'd try to get one of the Mets going. One of the tires was stone dead so I swapped on another one that had just enough air in it to go flat 10 minutes later. Had jumper cables so I put one end on some junction block and the other to ground and the motor started turning, slowly. Hm, thinking about it I had it backward. Metropolitans are positive ground and I had positive on the block. No wonder ground sparked a lot.

Also found the squeal in the Dodge van. There's a junction block of teeny vacuum hoses under the dash that had disintegrated and one of the lines had constant vacuum and that was the noise. Could explain why I only get air out of the defrost and heat.

Then I swept and picked up golf ***** and came home. A little lunch then it's out to do something productive around the house.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 09:55 AM
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Here ya go Mike, at the Del Shannon Memorial show this past Sat.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 10:01 AM
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Sweet! Even though these cars are only the size of a shoebox, I always thought the black ones had just a little bit of elegance.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 11:56 AM
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Played like a goat. De older I get the worse I play. Mike, I could use a few extra ***** after todays round.

A big ole pecan limb fell last nite. It's gonna be hard as a brick to split
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Old August 10th, 2015, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
I could use a few extra *****....
Way too easy so I'm not touching it.
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Old August 10th, 2015, 05:08 PM
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Hi everyone.

Just got back from Summit. I think I was there ten minutes. I left the dogs in the house and when I got there the sky seemed overcast but not alarming. It was Corvette night so there were 50 Corvettes and hardly anyone else showed up. Corvette people aren't always terrific. So I went inside to buy my weekly two quarts of oil and when I came out the sky was dark. I hurried home and the dogs were fine, but I haven't been downstairs yet to see what they've torn up. That's where they like to go if it rains and I'm not home. Anyway, no Oldsmobiles.

Jamesbo I think the guy across the street hits the ***** over into my yard. It's pretty far but he said he can clear the trees and hit the creek. I hope he doesn't hit one of my many windshields. I've probably found 200 golf ***** so far and I find new ones every time I mow.

How'd things go today Dan?
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Old August 10th, 2015, 09:10 PM
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How'd things go today Dan?
Not bad, tightened up by the end of the shift, but not swollen like I thought it might be, I will ice it anyway. When we was teens, my buddy's brother had a Metro convert. (about 1971-1972) and when he put the top down, it would droop on the ends due to rust weakening the frame, he always had a hell of a time getting the top back up and fastened properly.
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Old August 11th, 2015, 04:55 AM
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Mawn'in all

Overcast and a little cooler dis mawn'in

Mike, I sent those dudes down to sit in de middle of the high counter cause you won't count cars. I planning on wreck'in you repast until ya tell me how many ya gots

Hit dem back at him. If ya hit dat many ***** you might get really good.

Scot, Glad y'all had fun. My invitation musta gotten lost in de mail.

Welp, headed to de mountains fer a few days.

Enjoy your week Olds friends
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Old August 11th, 2015, 05:08 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Beautiful morning and cool. What I don't get is why does my AC still come on when it's 69* out?

Jamesbo you are more than welcome to come on down and count the cars for yourself. I'll even take you over to the shop so you can get them all. But it has to be before 2 because I don't go to the Awful house once the morning shift leaves.

I had hoped to go to the shop today and cut up some branches but everything is all wet, not sure I want to do that now.

No Clint yesterday. He must have forgotten to come back from the weekend.

Okay headed out. I've got my cattle prod to clear out the high counter. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday.
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Old August 11th, 2015, 10:26 AM
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WTH is everyone ?

I know where Mike is [in jail after using a cattle prod to get his favorite seat at de Awful House]
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Old August 11th, 2015, 11:06 AM
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Actually Jamesbo I've been to the Awful house twice. Sat at the high counter both times. I was telling my buddy this morning that I was needing some Freon and that it was 30/can on ebay. He said he'd ask his mechanic friend. So buddy calls me a little while ago and says, my mechanic said he can get you some for 10/can. I said I got a hundred bucks right here if he'd get me 10 cans. My buddy was going back to the Awful house for lunch(he only had coffee this morning) so I met him up there for lunch and gave him my money. So I'm gonna have real, honest to goodness Freon in a couple days to charge up my systems. I'm pretty excited.

Well the sun is out but I don't think it's dry enough at the shop to cut wood, so I'll stick around here and tinker with cars. Jamesbo what's going on in the mountains?
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Old August 11th, 2015, 11:25 AM
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Mike, You're gonna founder on scattered, covered and smothered.

Not much, I jes need to get away sum times. It's really good fer business, if I sit at home de phone never rings, if I go play golf or go to de mountains I always get several calls Go figger
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Old August 11th, 2015, 02:01 PM
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Hey, y'all.... sorry I been a stranger; no excuses; heat has me someshat beat down. Went to replace a little piece of the indoor-outdoor carpeting on the screened in porch-deck yesterday and pretty much saturated the whole job with sweat. I came back in after a couple hours.

But today it seems a bit reluctant to rise much above 90*, so I'm rejoicing.

Allan, I'm always available to render opinions on N.O. and LA eateries.

Whelpt, this goy-mensch (& thanks for the compliment, Jamesbo!) is going out to check on his tchotchkes. Y'all have a great one, Oldsmofriends.
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Old August 12th, 2015, 02:49 AM
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I wish sum one would use their vast influence with de Awful House to get dem to open up a store near me in de mountains

De nearest meat and 3 is down right crummy

Cool'in off wit mawn'in temps below 70

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 12th, 2015, 03:01 AM
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Evening all, been a long week here. Our Grandma (Tinks side) passed away on Sunday morning so as you can imagine it has been hard. She was always such a strong lady and she will be deeply missed.

Allan, the only difference to the trucks that are brought over here is they are right hand drive as you can't register a left hand drive car over here that is less then 30 years old. So other then being a massive money grab I have no idea why they are so ridiculously expensive.

Winter still hasn't hit as far as I'm concerned. I go most of the day with only a shirt on so clearly it isn't that cold

Time to go get some stuff done before bed, take care buddies,

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Old August 12th, 2015, 04:55 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Boy I just don't learn. Was out in the front yard yesterday pulling weeds and the like, and of course got my arms covered in poison something. My yard is full of it, and I don't know what poison ivy or anything else looks like. So now it will be a week of scratching my arms all damn day. I have a pretty good spray that keeps the itching down, but it isn't working too well this time.

Adrian I'm sorry about your Grandma. Both my Grandmas have been gone a long time and I still miss them greatly.

Jamesbo I'll see what I can do.

Okay see ya's later. I just got a call there's a guy waiting on my at the Awful house. Haven't seen him in weeks.
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Old August 12th, 2015, 05:13 AM
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Cooler today, nice

Allan, keep water on those transplants

I can vouch for John's expertise....what is an Abode? Nice looking home BTW

Mike, do not scratch ! I think that is the way it spreads. My dad got it in the eye once.

Adrian, sorry to hear about your Grandma. Mine have passed, but the next gen still has 3. I am glad that they are around for my son.

Where's Clint?...I would gladly pay a local mechanic more to do work. Mine stands behind all of his work . Well worth the $

Have a day

Last edited by sammy; August 12th, 2015 at 02:04 PM.
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Old August 12th, 2015, 07:21 AM
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Mike, " Leaves of three, let it be"

Adrian, So sorry for your an Tinks' loss
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Old August 12th, 2015, 08:14 AM
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what is an Abode?
House/Home. Mild weather here, low humidity for a day or two. I want to go to "Back to the Bricks" in Flint this weekend, but can't get a commit from my buddy...his son who is in the area has also thrown some hints, we'll see. Ole Klauss (head of Alcoa) visited when I was off, he's supposed to be back in November, and apparently some "surprise" is supposed to happen then, but we don't know what. We had a monthly meeting Monday night, and the president of Alcoa Power & Propulsion, that's us in Whitehall, Mi. led the meeting, they spent $100m building a new plant in LaPorte Ind. and invested $22m at our location, so I am curious as to what they have planned for November. We have solid commitments (next nine years) for engine he put it, "if you placed an order for a 737 from Boeing today and put a down payment on it, they will tell you that we will gladly call you when you jet is 2024, can I have my deposit back? NO."
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Old August 12th, 2015, 04:28 PM
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Jamesbo that stuff is all over my yard. It looks so unassuming. Nevertheless, it needs to go. Maybe if I put on a hazmat suit.

So I rush to the Awful house to see my friend and he's not there. I said, how long ago did Robert leave? Oh he just left. Sheesh, I told him I'd be there in 20 minutes and actually made it in 26. Well he calls me when I'm sitting there and says he wants me to go with him to tow a bobcat to his house he wants to rent from Lowes. His dump truck is broke down and when he gets it fixed he'll call me. Well, the dump truck must still be broke...

Ted I can vouch for John as well. Their place in the north Georgia mountains is beautiful. I don't think he had much to do with the view, though.

Dan we have orders for 737s through I think 2019. We would have had more but they were contingent on the pilots ratifying their latest contract. Now we are stuck with those stupid Airbus. There used to be a big Alcoa plant in Davenport, IA but I don't know if it's still there, I went past it last many years ago.

Didn't get much done today. Lack of parts, lack of tools. I did get two tires changed on a Metropolitan. One was a spare that just needed inflating, the other was swapping out a good tire on one car for the bad tire on the other.

Gonna go grab a bite then head to Walmart. I feel like I've achieved some sort of victory. I've been off work four days and have not been to Walmart.

The sun is out but the dogs are skittish. I heard an airplane fly over a few minutes ago, maybe they thought it was thunder. So into their room they go when I leave.

Work tomorrow. So I'll stay up really late tonight and sleep in in the morning. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old August 12th, 2015, 09:04 PM
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Mike, the Davenport plant is still there.
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Old August 13th, 2015, 05:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Nice day, May sneak off and smack whitey around

I should be bush hoggin de pasture. Decisions Decisions

Mike, Agent orange should do the trick.
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Old August 13th, 2015, 08:03 AM
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Dang, where'd everybody go?
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Old August 13th, 2015, 09:15 AM
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Not to the gas pumps, that's for sure. Price went up .15/L overnight. That translates to roughly .68/gal Canadian. Spode be cause Indiana refinery is down to half production? Total bunch of crap.

Anutter hot one today. Only 10:15 and already 75. Highs forecast for the nineties.
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Old August 13th, 2015, 02:54 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out all day and when I woke up at 2 it started clouding up and thundering. The dogs won't go out and I told them they need to look forward, because they will be in their room all night and will be uncomfortable. Currently they are hiding under the desk.

Jamesbo I think my neighbor has issues with poison ivy as well...

First night back. I hope this week is relatively painless. I think I'll start planning a birthday party for my dogs. Their birthday is Monday.

Okay have a good night everyone.
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Old August 13th, 2015, 08:47 PM
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Yep, Allan it was $2.34 gal on Monday, up to $2.99 gal. now, due to an unexpected partial shutdown of the Indiana refinery. I guess if oil prices are down, that you can make up a reason to shut down a refinery to artificially raise prices, thus the price of shares.
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Old August 13th, 2015, 09:13 PM
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4.48 here for the same gas. I heard Indiana on one news broadcast, then it changed to Detroit refinery.... I don't think the news gets the BS right either way. Only thing I can hope is this is short lived. Very frustrating, especially from a consumers point of view.

In an interesting turn of events, ONT and the eastern provinces are getting prices below that of the oil producers of AB and SK. AB is the biggest oil producer in Canada, followed by SK.
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Old August 14th, 2015, 04:34 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cooler wit a few sprinkles here and there

Bush hogged some yesterday after I got a new battery fer de Massey Ferguson at NAPA.

So, I guess I can sneak off an smack whitey if the sprinkles let up

Mike, Red likes snausages fer treats Would your pair like sum fer their berfday?

TGIF Olds friends
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Old August 14th, 2015, 04:44 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Last night another guy and I messed with a sliding cockpit window in an MD90. Talk about over-engineered. We finally got it and when we pressurized the airplane to check for leaks, the window wasn't leaking but some structure around the window was. Odd.

Jamesbo I've never given them Snausages. Some friends of mine go to the bakery and get their dog a cake with his name on it for his birthday. I'm not going to do that.

Dan gas has gone up here I think about 15 cents. No good reason. I think everything here has a full tank except what I'm driving every day. I may need to rethink the driving order.

So for those of you with construction experience, if I were to build an addition to my house out of block, do I pour the floor first and then build the walls either on top of or around it, or do I build the walls first and then pour the floor inside them?

Okay off to bed. Have a good day everyone.
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Old August 14th, 2015, 07:03 AM
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Finally cooler. Might rain later. Hope so.

Ted, when are you heading to the island?

Clint, looks like you had a great unwind in the mountains. Stunning territory.

Jim, sounds like you've been busy.

Dan, speculation is its going to get even more expensive.

Adrian, my condolences.

Scot, you recovered from Spartacus?

John, just checking to see you're ok. News said to check on seniors when it gets hot and you don't see em for awhile. Gonna have to paint the wood trim on the outside of the second story. Hope I don't fall off.

Home team won their game last night. Looks like I got a new team this year for curling. Can't be worse than last year, I hope.
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Old August 14th, 2015, 10:57 AM
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Mike, Pour de footing fer de block, lay de block den pour de floor.
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