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Old November 27th, 2014, 03:02 PM
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Hi everyone.

Hope the day was a success for all. Plenty to be thankful for around here, including neighbors who love me and feed me.

Night 2 is upon us. Last night we jacked a plane to swing the gear, then changed an engine on a 757. There were 9 of us, which is way more than was needed, but it just seemed to fight us every step of the way. We were never so glad to see turnover. No idea what's in store for tonight.

Okay have a good evening and don't knock over too many people when you go out shopping tonight.
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Old November 27th, 2014, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
....Last night we jacked a plane....
IDK why but for some weird reason when I first read that I thought you'd stolen it at gun point Must be too much of the news wearing off on me
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Old November 28th, 2014, 03:33 AM
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Mornin all.

Well yesterday was a success I guess. Actually several of those who we don't care so much for didn't show up. I guess it was a pretty good day. The pizza salad and beer was tasty. And that little jrt dog never ceases to amaze.

HAve a great day all.
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Old November 28th, 2014, 05:07 AM
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hahahahaha Good morning everyone.

Clint when I played that video my dogs thought it was real dogs outside and they ran to the window barking.

Man it was cold as a mother out last night. Do you know how I know? I worked inside the warm hangar all night doing a fan lube on an MD90, and when we opened the doors to take the plane out, it was cold as a mother!

Alex welcome to the fold. A couple days late. I bought a smashed 65 and thought I'd do something with it, but it turned out to be too far gone and became a parts car. I did learn that I liked 65's, when before I was one of those dreaded people who only liked 70. Good luck with your project.

Okay off to bed. Friday tonight. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old November 28th, 2014, 06:32 AM
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Mawn'in all

Like Mike said

Watch'in de crazies go shopping. I mean really
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Old November 28th, 2014, 07:10 AM
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Morning eVery one

As it turns out I'm thankful we didn't have to celebrate Thanksgiving yesterday. When the missus turned on the oven, nothing happened. Thought it might be the touchpad but nope. Could be the thermostat, wiring, or something else. Looks like a date with the repairman. Stupid oven is a,most 6 years old and the extended warranty expired in Feb this year. It's one of those expensive LG convection ovens with stainless front and glass top burners. Crap.

Snow is still falling. So far there's a good 2 feet of it on the walks and about 3 feet drifting across the drive. I parked the Sonata on the street and is buried up to the top of the bumper covers. Time to break out the blower.

Hahahahahaha, I filled up on Wednesday and thought I was getting a great deal on fuel paying only .96/L. This morning after oil tanked below 70/barrel, it's down to .90/L. Oh well, it's likely to go even lower but won't come anywhere close to what any of you are paying.

Mike, you musta met my mother. She can be purty cold at times.

Clint, cool video. Are all those dogs yours? How's Torrey doing?

Jim, I'm staying put, too many nut cakes go shopping on Black Friday, although I doubt many will be hittin de stores here. Roads aren't that passable.

Time for koffee an watch de commuters struggle wit dere drive. Enjoy your day.
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Old November 28th, 2014, 08:37 AM
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Happy Black Freya's Day

'Twas a tad chilly this mernin': 33* at the Plantation; but seems to warmin' up quick. Sun is a'bustin'.

So nice to be snug at home while all the crazies are out fighting over personal electronics devices.

Got leftovers for days now... prolly will have to freeze some. All the stuff came out just dandy. Turkey dark meat was not falling off the bone, but the breast was the best I've ever eaten. I've found that to cook the thighs and legs to "falling off the bone" tenderness, you have to overcook the breast. So I'd rather the dark be "al dente," and have the breast perfect. My gravy was superb, if I must say so myself. Mashed taters were a tad lumpy. I'm going to get a hand masher next time. The little hand beater just don't cut it. Too much tater.

Clint, a friend of mine is getting ready to pull the trigger on a restored '72 1972 Yamaha DT 250 (see pic below). Any familiarity? He's trying to recapture some of the emotions of his youth, which is something I'm highly familiar with. He says he had three of these of various years (including one '72) way back when.

Whelpt, y'all have a great one, Oldsmofriends.

p.s.: Here's a little timely "lagniappe" from my buddies, Donald Fagan & Walter Becker:

"Black Friday"

When Black Friday comes
I'll stand down by the door
And catch the grey men when they
Dive from the fourteenth floor
When Black Friday comes
I'll collect everything I'm owed
And before my friends find out
I'll be on the road
When Black Friday falls you know it's got to be
Don't let it fall on me
When Black Friday comes
I'll fly down to Muswellbrook
Gonna strike all the big red words
From my little black book
Gonna do just what I please
Gonna wear no socks and shoes
With nothing to do but feed
All the kangaroos
When Black Friday comes I'll be on that hill
You know I will

When Black Friday comes
I'm gonna dig myself a hole
Gonna lay down in it 'til
I satisfy my soul
Gonna let the world pass by me
The Archbishop's gonna sanctify me
And if he don't come across
I'm gonna let it roll
When Black Friday comes
I'm gonna stake my claim
I'll guess I'll change my name

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Old November 28th, 2014, 12:49 PM
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Old November 28th, 2014, 03:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Good day of sleeping. The dogs only got me up twice. Then I got up and went next door to get my leftovers from yesterday. I could hardly carry it all home!

Allan I hate that you didn't have a good relationship with your Mom. I remember you mentioned that before. I only wish I would have learned to appreciate my Mom earlier in life. I'm guessing a lot of people say that.

John love that bike! I doubt very seriously I ever have another bike but it's nice to look at them.

Jamesbo that's a cute picture of the puppies trying to get to Black Friday. Why did the people on facebook think it was sad?

Well gotta scoot and get to night 3. I wouldn't mind working inside again tonight, but that usually means a big job that makes me stay late. Hm, that or freeze, it's hard to pick the lesser of the two evils.

Have a good evening everyone, the weekend is here.
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Old November 28th, 2014, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Allan I hate that you didn't have a good relationship with your Mom. I remember you mentioned that before.
Thanks, but there's nothing that can be done to change the past. It was what it was. She's never changed and it's really her loss and there's no fence mending efforts on her radar. Don't lose sleep over it, I don't.
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Old November 28th, 2014, 08:54 PM
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Evening all!

Glad you all survived Thanksgiving! We had a gray cloudy day, temps in the 20's with lake effect snow last night. Had a great dinner. Nicole and Jon made it in around 2:30, just as we were ready to sit down and eat. Jean was here and Jr. came. Food was delicious! Packed a lot of leftovers for everyone to take home. Nicole finished off our turkey before they left this evening, lol. I only have a few candied yams and some baked beans left.

Nicole and Jon went to Best Buy around 5:00 last night. Jean and I went to Target a little after 6. There were less people in the stores than last year! I got some things for Jon and took them out to Tincanio so when they got to Target they wouldn't see. Well it was snowing like a bit*h!! Heavy wet snow. Cleaned off the car and picked Jean up at the entrance. We went over to the 5 Below store and to Wal-Mart. Not as many people in there either. We got a few things. Jon got a 50" TV for a little over $200. Cleaned off the car again and went over to Kohl's. I was tired! My thigh was throbbing. Roads were horrible!!!! I used the 4 wheel drive a few times. Got home after 11. Jean decided to spend the night and I was glad. I'd have worried about her on the roads. So we had a good tiring day. Lots to be thankful for.

Today Nicole, Jon, Jean and I went to Cracker Barrel and I bought us breakfast. Then we went back to Target and got gift cards. They had 10% off gift cards from 6am - noon. Went back to Wal-Mart too. Got home around 4 ish and Jean headed home. Glad the roads were clear. Jon and Nicole left around 6:30 ish. Larry and I ate supper and watched TV. I kept thinking it was Saturday all day, lol.

I want to put up Christmas decorations this weekend, if I don't get rained out. It's supposed to be rainy and snowy tomorrow morning, but clear up some in the afternoon. Rain most likely on Sunday. We'll see! Have to get all the scarecrows dry before I can pack them away in their container. Miserable snow.....

Today is 11 years since we lost my nephews wife Chrissy in a car accident. Put a damper on the day. Next Friday will be 11 years since Jean's husband Bob was killed in a car accident. They fell on the exact days this year. That makes it harder.

I don't think Teepo made the Olds calendar this year. I looked on Facebook cause BigJerr finally posted the pics. I thought I had some good pics, but I guess he didn't. Oh well.

Guess I'll head to bed. I'm tired. Talk to you all later!
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Old November 29th, 2014, 04:16 AM
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Mornin all.

Hope the weather holds out for you Sandy.

John what a nice lookin scoot. We all relive our past in one way or another. I assume we just don't want to let go of good memories.

Allan, only 3 dogs are ours. (only 2 on the vid). The JRT doin the climbing and the Blue Heeler. the little terrier, the tall black and white dog, and the rust colored Golden are the MIL's. Tor is doing well. the boys are playing games. but she's not innocent of that either. She is focusing on getting this new mule shes riding ready for the national western next month. Silly girl.

I put some sealer on the roof at the shop. hope that slows the leaks a little. also put lights on the shop as well. haven't done that for years. the town action committee was trying to get all the businesses to put up decorations. So I gave in.

Have a great weekend all.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 04:51 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chili Willie but spose to warm up

Mike, Dat girl what's posted on FB is dutch. May not get de humor.

Allan, Sorry 'bout de relationship but someone on FB posted

"Blood is thicker than water and syrup is thicker than blood so. Pancakes are more important dan family. " I Try but if de don't pick up de ball, I don't bother them any more.

Sandy, Thanksgiving has some bad memories fer me too. I was wit one of my Ex's when I got a call dat my step mom had suddenly and unexpectedly passed. I went to help my dad while she stayed at de party.

Oh well Thank God and greyhound shes GONE.

Clint hope de patch werks. If not jes tie a bucket from de bar Joist and put a sump pump in it. Werks like a champ

Have a great weekend Olds friends.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 08:11 AM
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Friggen cold morning everyone.

Got the sidewalk and drive unburied yesterday. The sno tek handled the 2 ft of snow pretty easy. It's a bear when it hits larger drifts and just,guzzles down more fuel and ramps up rpms. It's really impressive, nothing seems to slow it down. Had to use the electric start as it didn't seem to respond well to the recoil. Probably need some fresh gas.

-22F here this mawnin and with wind chill it's only -44! De polar vortex is making its presence known. Forecast says it won't last long. Battery in the Sonata doesn't like this cold at all. I think it's time to replace it as it was very slow cranking yesterday even though it has 5/20 synthetic oil. Have to check Costco for a 27 code application. Dealer wants 164.00 for an OEM replacement with 600 CCA. Autozone wants 119.99 for theirs. Costco is usually 20-30.00 less for the same one.

Jim, no worries. I feel the same way.

Clint, your building has a flat roof? Probably need new tar and sealing membrane in the Spring. Sounds like Tor has bounded ok.

Enjoy your day.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 10:22 AM
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Howdy, gang...

'Twas about 45* dismawnin' at the Plantation.... I guess if you put a minus sign in front of that, it would be roughly equivalent to Edmonton. (Gee, Allan, I don't know how you's do it.) Sorry about the "Mum" info; but I guess it's all been said. Mike, I know what you mean about it taking so long. I think you're in good company.

Clint & Sandy, snap us a pic of da' decorations when y'alls is done.

My buddy pulled the trigger on that bike. He's gonna' be like a kid w/ a new toy. Only issue now is getting it shipped from CA to LA . I'm sure that will be a few more hundred. The seller, according to my friend, was a decent guy who had resto'd quite a few old Yammies in his day... the pic did reveal some level of expertise, IMHO. I hope it's a win-win.

Whelpt, today's generator oil changing, and the better half has a Moots bicycle we're going to try and put up for sale. Of course, that falls on yours truly. Then tonite is my 40th anniversary HS graduation reunion downtown. We're hoping the Bayou Classic is well cleared out B4 we start at 7, since the reunion is across the street from the Dome. We figure all the activity there will be over by then. There was a pretty serious accident on I-10 a little west of Metairie on our way back up here last night... delayed us by a half hour or so. Seemed to involve 4-5 cars, and obviously at speed. Bumpers were caught up in guardrails, some people were being carried off on stretchers, and one young girl we saw handcuffed being escorted to a trooper's cruiser. I don't think anyone perished. (Last night we went to the 50th anniversary gala of my H.S. alma mater's founding (it's been shuttered now longer than it was in existence!).

Have a great weekend, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 29th, 2014 at 10:24 AM.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 11:57 AM
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Zo, I bought dis cool wooden box with brass corners at a yard sale fer next to nutt'in.

Only problem is inside it looks like someone glued sum foam in it to protect sum'in den ripped it out. So It's got foam stuck to glue

Allan, What would you use to clean out dis mess
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Old November 29th, 2014, 12:00 PM
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Jim, prolly some paint stripper. It'll dissolve the glue and foam. Den jess scrape it and normal clean up with mineral spirit afterwards.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 01:27 PM
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Hi everyone.

I think what I'll do next week is tell the dogs to wake me up at 11. Then they'll get me up at 12 like I really want. Well, they are smarter than me so they'll see that coming.

Nice day here. Hope it lasts I have lots of things to do outside. I need to get over to the shop and start doing stuff there. I could probably count as many projects over there as I have here, and I've only had the place a week.

Jamesbo, is your friend Dutch from Holland? Do they not get humor over there? I'm Dutch, from Rock Island. Humor I get, when it's actually funny.

Guess I'll get a few things done around the house. It will be dark in about an hour so I can't start anything big outside. Ah winter, and it's not even winter.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 02:02 PM
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Mike if anything, the Dutch might have a wry sense of humor. I was watching the History Channel several years ago which was about ancient battles, and the Dutch, on horseback, riding into battle wielding their large war hammers, would say "Guten Tag" (Good Morning) to their enemies, whose day was about to get worse.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 02:16 PM
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Now THAT is funny. I don't care who you are.
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Old November 29th, 2014, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
the Dutch, on horseback, riding into battle wielding their large war hammers, would say "Guten Tag" (Good Morning) to their enemies, whose day was about to get worse.
Really? I thought Guten Tag meant (Good day) and Guten Morgen meant (Good Morning). Either way, I get your point.

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Old November 29th, 2014, 04:31 PM
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Allan, your def. appears to be correct, as I could not find a Dutch "Guten Tag", all references come up German, "Good Day". Apparently the memory is starting to stink. Goede Morgen is Dutch...ahhhh heck with it!!

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Old November 30th, 2014, 04:46 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Such a nice day. A little cool but I'm guessing it will warm up.

Think I'll work in the shop after Awful house this morning. I still have some Met parts to pick up, I'll get them this afternoon. I also need to start collecting supplies so I can work on my seawall. The lake starts coming down tomorrow and will be down for three months. I need cement, rebar, and lumber for the dock.

Okay have a good Sunday all. Time to get moving.
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Old November 30th, 2014, 05:16 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool but gonna warm up nicely

Zo, Strip box/ hit golf ballls? Decisions decisions

Mike yes, She's from de Netherlands. near Maastricht in de south.

I never told y'all about dring the road in de movie "A Bridge too Far. Einhoven to Arhnem? Some poor fella who I'm sure doesn't werk fer Avis anymore rented me a Alfa. Drove all over Europe,Went Bastogne and den to Normandy.

Great adventure.I'd drive up to toll booths and jes hold out a hand full of what ever and let dem take what de needed.
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Old November 30th, 2014, 08:36 AM
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Morning everyone

Still cold here. De boys GF came over yesterday and stayed over. Nice kid and she's studying hard for end of term exams. Got a healthy appetite too.

So yesterday I was doing some cleaning and used my forehead to stop myself from falling too far into a cupboard door. De bad part is it started bleeding like a stuck pig. Got it cleaned and bandaged. I tink I'm gonna be a sure fire stand in fer ol Harry Potter now.

Jim, y'all goin to de strippers? Shotgun!

Mike, have fun moving more parts.

John, hope you had fun at the reunion. How many of the class showed up?

Koffees gettin cold, so GTG. Enjoy your day.
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Old November 30th, 2014, 10:50 AM
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I could watch this all day. And evidently I have been, instead of doing what I'm supposed to.

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Old November 30th, 2014, 10:52 AM
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Oh good it worked. I watched the extended, here's how we did it video. I wish they would have shown more close up of the truck during and after the jump. I'm guessing they won't be using that rig for hauling duties for awhile. It would be a good promo for Renault trucks, though.
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Old November 30th, 2014, 01:08 PM
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That tractor and trailer had to have been carefully balanced to pull that off. Did you see all the crap flying off the trailer when it landed? No way in Heck I'd try that. BTW, did you notice the Lotus lost about 1/4 of it's rear tire rubber burning out of the shop?
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Old November 30th, 2014, 02:05 PM
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Ya I noticed they didn't show what was inside the trailer. Still cool as heck. The driver of the truck was a stunt driver for Fast and Furious.

I like things flying that aren't supposed to. I could watch the bus from Speed jump the freeway all day long. And it doesn't hurt that Sandra Bullock is there as well.

Well my friend from work called and asked if I wanted to go for pizza. You bet. So I'm off to Marietta. I feel sorry for you guys that won't be having pizza tonight.
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Old November 30th, 2014, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
I feel sorry for you guys that won't be having pizza tonight.
Yeah, well I feel sorry for you guys that will be having pizza instead of enjoying a great time curling
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Old November 30th, 2014, 03:22 PM
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used my forehead to stop myself from falling too far into a cupboard door
Ok, now that's two of us, no more copycats here!
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Old December 1st, 2014, 05:07 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, Yup its a flat roof. But it isn't a tar and gravel roof. It's been rolled asphalt since before it went out of code. And since has a with rubber membrane covering the rolled roofing. I keep putting another coat on each time it needs it. The roof and trusses are in terrible shape. and the building really needs to come down. But it's all I have right now. so we keep with it.The wife has a scratch on her tailgate that looks just like Potters scar.

Mike we had pizza for turkey day. Think we may make it a tradition.

Found out this weekend a friends boy OD'd. Sad situation. That and all the rest thats going on right now makes me want to keep my distance from everyone. Gonna be a hard day...week... Month... But on the bright side Looks like today is the day Brit gets to show off for a month.

Have a day all.
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Old December 1st, 2014, 06:14 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Another Awful house-less day. I'm going to breakfast with my neighbor later on and I have to go to Walmart, so I'll skip AH for now. I have extra chances next week to make up for it.

Clint you want to take your building down? I thought it was some historical landmark. Too bad about your friend's boy. I know what you're saying. This is typically not a good time of year for me, either.

Guess I'll get moving. Not feeling with it this morning, must be the lack of "Co-Cola" in my system. Happy Monday everyone.
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Old December 1st, 2014, 06:21 AM
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Morning everyone

Crashed and burned last night. Too bad, it was such a smooth and promising take off.

Not much new, the plows came through and did the Main Street yesterday which smoothed out the roads nicely but they're now slick and icy. Sanding trucks still need to show up.

Clint, be careful how much stuff you keep rolling out on the roof. The extra weight could be devastating if the old roof isn't taken off first. You have to tiger torch the new membrane on? Sorry to hear about your personal worries. You will be in my thoughts.

Hmmmm, just saw some news from Georgia. No snow and peeps walking around without coats. That's just disgusting. Probably out whacking whitey too!

Didn't sleep well, so I best git a kot o poffee going. Enjoy your day
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Old December 1st, 2014, 06:49 AM
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Kwik g'mernin'

It's as tepid in LA as it is in GA, Allan. It hit 81* in Hammond yesterday, and it didn't get much below 60 here overnight.

As for the Saturday reunion, we only had 34 in our graduating class. Of those, 2 are no longer above ground. We had about 25 at the reunion, but 2 of those were guys that didn't graduate (i.e., not part of the 34: we were about 65 when we were freshmen; 31 kids fell off the ship between starting as a freshman and parading up the stage 4 yrs. later). But considering how long it's been, and the hardship of driving downtown the day of the Bayou Classic, I'd say it was a stellar turnout....

Didn't get home until around 2 a.m. yesterday, and then got up at 6. Kinda' felt hung over all day (lack o'sleep ONLY, since I was the designated driver). Feeling better this morning.

Boys in black & gold finally won one yesterday... the one nobody picked them to win~! Go figger. Good thing that Roethlisberger didn't have another 5 minutes on the clock or things might have ended differently.

Whelpt, have a great cyber moon day, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; December 1st, 2014 at 08:39 AM.
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Old December 1st, 2014, 11:39 AM
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Beautiful day to smacky whitey around

John, I actually watched de dirty birds yesterday. Couldn't believe it

Happy Curling Allan [what ever dat is]
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Old December 1st, 2014, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Happy Curling Allan [what ever dat is]
Itz zackly like whackin whitey onee ompletely diffrent. De objeckt uv de game is to get closest to de pin izzent it?
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Old December 2nd, 2014, 03:42 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan/Jamesbo, I do believe the terrain is just a bit different between the 2. And I'm not sure about Canada, but round here the courses do have an off season. Them silly people will go out and buy colored ***** to play with when its snowing.

John, The shop is nothing spectacular but it does have lights on it
Attachment 161159

Allan, The Rubberized membrane I use is fairly thin and doesn't add much weight. It's almost like a real thick coat of paint. And taking layers off is not really an option. Thats really whats kinda holding things together. Theres even a hood skin from an old Pontiac GP covering a hole where my bride fell thru.

Mike, It's not that I want to, its just that it is pretty far gone and was not designed properly for what we use it for. Also, It's not mine, I only rent. Which is good as I'm sure the EPA would love to see what the ground contained at a location that has been a shop for more than 100 years. Remember how they used to keep the dust down?

Hope everyones noggins heal up.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old December 2nd, 2014, 05:28 AM
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Mawn'in all

Unseasonable warm

Allan, I was jes funn'in wit cha. I've actually watch it a few times on TV. Not real sure I fully understand it all

Course golf is a game ya can not win.........only play It's alot like hitting yourself in de head wit a hammer. It feels so good when ya stop.

Clint, De EPA is a sad [but expensive] Joke. Think about [in de old days] how many filling station and country store were right up next to de road. I have personally witnessed the cable buring company run right over old burried gas lines where de old store and fallen down. Didn't even slow down. Jes left a pile of twisted gasoline lines lay'in on de ground. I wonder how many times dat's happened.

Welp, Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 2nd, 2014, 07:23 AM
Just an Olds Guy
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Location: Edmonton, AB. And "I am Can 'eh' jun - eh"
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Morning everyone

Can't believe it's already December the tooth. Gonna have to put up the tree and decorate soon.

Jim, I nose ha were Jess fun in. Zo Wuz eye. Honestly I don't think most folks who just watch curling will appreciate the skill level it requires unless they've actually played it. I know wutchu mean about whackin whitey tho, sometimes I'll jes pick him up after I can't count de score on both hand fer one hole.

Clint, nice job on the decorations. Didn't know the building was rented/leased. Should be the owner doing the roof repairs, not you. You're right about what could potentially be under the soil. We had that up here for a station that had been around for a hundred years. Cleanup crews hauled out hundreds of truckloads of contaminated soil. Then the inspectors had to certify the site and verify no further leaching before it was bac filled and tamped with née clean fill. BTW, the noggin thing was not intentional. Doesn't hurt, just looks terrible. I will try real hard (same as Dan) not to do it again!

Going to take the missus with me to curling practice at 1:00 pm. Then we'll head over to my cousins. They just had a lil teepee creeper couple months ago, so time to go see him.

Time for koffee now. Enjoy your day.
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