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Old August 19th, 2014, 07:47 AM
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Someone sent the cow my way, as it's coming down! Been dry, so it's needed, as long as it ain't too much at once.
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Old August 19th, 2014, 10:47 AM
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Happy Tiu's day to iu

Looks a mite drier today than yesternday, but it was good to get a little soakin'. You could cut the humidity with a butter knife out there right now. I feels like I'm in the Amazon rainforest when I walk outside.

It just so happened that it poured on my way to return my Billy Goat brush hog to the Home Despot. Cost me $80 for the day, but I think that's better than spending $2800 + tax for a new one I'd prolly use 2-3 X/yr. It ran like a wild hog -- very nice and strong Honda motor; but it flung the drive belt twice. Thanks be to God I was able to pop it back on both times w/out a major hassle. But I think those pulleys need adjustment. No hornets came attackin', Jamesbo.

On level terrain, the going is pretty quick; but as things go, most of my hoggin' was near a ditch along the side of the road, which complicated things. Shifting from forward to reverse about 100 times takes a bit of time, since you have to take your hands from the grips to change the selector lever.

Also complicating things were the remnants of a fence built goodness-knows-when, and long since leveled. The blade cought some old fence wires twice -- one time the wires captured the beast. I had to stop it, walk to the house, get the side cutters, go back, snip the "fence" in about 3 places, then get the beast back to level ground and clear the many feet of wire wound around the blade shaft. I guess that all goes with the territory.

One thing I learned: brush-hoggin' is big-time work! Sunday I spent 2 hours out there ... and "spent" is the operative word... especially in the sun. Clothes were like I jumped in a pool.

Anyhoots, hopefully I'll be good for a few months now.

Sorry things suck for you, Clint. What's the beef?

And sorry you guys couldn't get the crowing glory of the 100% complete engine swap, Mike. There's no justice in this life.

That sounds like a fabulous evening for you, Sandy! So glad you now have an even better idea of how much your friends (car + otherwise) up there really care! What a wonderful gesture.

Mike, I told the pigs' mammies and the mammies rushed over to add a few deeper holes to my pockmarked landscape. I dunno why I want to see the stinkin' critters, but I just do. I want to know exactly what I'm dealing with. Right now, there are folks flying the Louisiana skies in both planes & helpcopters shooting the wild pigs .... and the shooters are spose to be putting a dent in the population. But you'd never know it here. I heard on the radio yesterday that a certain bacon preservative (no kiddin'!) baits & kills the critters effectively, without affecting the deer and other animal populations. It was in the newspaper a couple months back. Maybe it's time for me to set up a little Ponchatoula roadside cafe for the porcine beasts:

Jamesbo, I think you're right. Maybe I should try shooting the shetlands?

Have a great one, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; August 19th, 2014 at 12:30 PM.
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Old August 19th, 2014, 03:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Clint I hope your day got better. Whatever your funk I think it's catching.

John that's funny, there really is pig-be-gone. I hope you can come up with a solution to your pig problem. I'm guessing that if Adrian had pigs rooting in his front yard it would be a bit of a different scene. By the way, Adrian, where you at?

So the bacon preservative is serving two purposes. It's killing the pigs and turning them into bacon at the same time. Prices should be going down at the Awful house soon.

Beautiful now but rained all afternoon. Hope I'm not due in brain surgery later, I didn't get a lot of sleep. Hope the nice weather holds out for the evening.

So it's Friday. Can't come soon enough, unless it was yesterday. Hope everyone is doing well.
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Old August 19th, 2014, 04:28 PM
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And the humidity rises...

X3 on the worries about 2X4's on 24" OC.

Allan, the situation with my 30 something son is like being painted into a corner, and I held the brush!
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Old August 20th, 2014, 04:42 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike, I didn't think it was contagious. Sorry. John, Just not feelin it. In a funk as Mike stated.

Dad, Whereabouts you call home?

Jamesbo I hope you didn't lose your ***** in the tall grass.

Sandy, TWD is getting closer!

Trying to seal the deal on a trailer in Duluth.

Have a day all.
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Old August 20th, 2014, 05:16 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Engine change Friday. Gotta love it. This time it was a 767. A little more involved than the other night, but the plane was here when we got to work and we finished about a quarter to 7. It was a success. And I'm beat.

Boy was I in a foul mood when I got to work. I wouldn't talk to anyone. I figured it best that I kept to myself. I softened up as the night went on. Funny how I start feeling better as soon as I get in my car to come home.

So thanks everyone on the opinions of the garage timbers. Now, since I can't put a floor up there, should I insulate up at the roof, or put in a ceiling and insulate there?

CutlassDad are you saying you're the reason your son is hooked on video games?

Well I guess I'll hit the sack for a little while then decide what I want to do this afternoon. Happity Humpity everyone.
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Old August 20th, 2014, 05:18 AM
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Still wet for the rains but spose to be a hot one.

John, Why not jes let de weeds grow so ya won't ever see de pigs. Consider it saving green space. Heck ya may be able to get a federal grant.

Clint, Good luck trailer shopping. Hopes ya find what cha need/ want. Remember when ya get in a funk jes watch de Chip "Blew a Seal " video, It werks fer me.

Gonna weed eat de cemetery markers [and such] Dig de last of de taters in de garden, get my ears lowered, go put sum money in my over drawn account and meet a family after lunch.

I'm not real sure why, But at my ripe old age, I've decided I want to learn how to whistle with my fingers. Watch 2/3 videos on you tube and still can't get it. Any Olds friends got de secret? I wanta be able to do it so loud that it shakes peoples teeth. Might use it [jes kidding of course] to get de Super model to leave de party. [right before my funeral]

Anywho Have a great day Olds friends

Edit, Mike, I wouldn't bother. I did dat to one of mine to keep de dust off de long depart H/O and all it did was make a dead space fer criitters to hide.
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Old August 20th, 2014, 08:24 AM
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Morning all!

Sun is out now after having heavy rains and storms all last night and in to this morning. Temps in the 70's now. Supposed to be chances of storms coming back this afternoon. All week, really. Ive had enough rain!!!!!!! Hope it doesn't spoil my last few shows this weekend. I want to ho to Hudson tonight since I've missed it the last 2 weeks. Bellacinos tomorrow...

We went shopping last night. Made it home and got sprinkled on unloading the groceries. At least we made it inside before it poured hard! Dude was scared.... he doesn't like the thunder. I'm glad Nicole gets a discount where she works. Docs bill was over $500 for all she did testing Dude, but with Nicole's discount it was only like $340. Larry chipped in a hundred so I didn't have to pay that much.
The special food he's on now is $20 a bag!!! Way too expensive to be feeding the stupid raccoon's that come in at night and eat it when I forget to set his bowl in the garage! There were 2 of them in the breezeway the other night. Mama and a baby. When I opened the door, they headed for the hole, both trying to fit through it at the same time! Dumbasses! Then they turn around on the deck and stare at me through the door till I chase them off the deck.

Clint.... stop giving me these little tips, lol! I love it!!! Yeah I think Oct. 12th is the first WD!! Can't wait!!!

Jamesbo..... you know I'll be expecting cards while I'm recouperating, lol. . Seriously, it is nice to know my friends care and love me. My heart smiles.

I was reading on line to see what to expect from other women who've had this procedure. Guess it takes many many months for the swelling to go down and the abdomen is the main issue. Not so much the new breasts. Not too many women had infections or anything. Some are still not able to lift even a gallon of milk yet, after almost a year. Gonna be fun..... not!

So I finally showed Nicole my head, lol. She said "mom... its so pretty! You could totally rock a pixie." That made me feel good. This white hair is gonna take some getting used to. I think I look stupid as heck! I might end up coloring it down the line... It's taking its sweet old time coming back. Wish it would have fell out this slow.

I think we'll have a cook out on Labor day so I can visit with my sisters. I told them I don't want anyone coming to see me at the clinic cause I'm going to be in pain and mean, and I just don't think I'll want visitors. Larry will be enough.... and I'm sure I'll make him mad, lol.

Yesterday I took home some of my cans of soup and such that I keep here at work. The ones that expire pretty soon. The stuff I left should keep ok until I come back in November. I really hope I'll be able to come back then.... not that I'm going to miss it here! I hope Brian will water my plants in here. I don't want to take them home and shock them since they're used to this place. I'll take the big planters outside, home. I'm sure Brian will be loving having no fan on and no radio on and no one in here breathing while I'm off! Steve has that heater on again... been on all morning! Actually its been on all week! Hes gonna freeze to death this winter when it gets cold.....!! But... he's healthy. I'm not!

I went through my emails and deleted a bunch and printed a bunch for my records and took home. So when Brian snoops while I'm gone, there wont be anything good for him to see lol.

Well I guess I better do something constructive so you all have a good day!!!

Last edited by cutlassgal; August 20th, 2014 at 08:29 AM.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 03:24 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy I hope this is over in a moment and you're back in business.

Jamesbo. It's funny how you start off looking for one thing and as the cards start getting shown, you end up in a place you never thought you'd be. I should be pulling the trigger today on a trailer. Rockford or Duluth. Then I'll be leaving late next Friday to get to the dealership by Saturday.

Mike I would insulate at the ceiling level. That way there is less space to keep heated, and it will probably be a little easier on the shingles.

Rained last night. Can't bemember the last time my lawn was so green in Aug.

Have a Thursday all.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 05:14 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Boy did we get a storm blow through here yesterday afternoon. It's nice now, and cool. Hope the rain stays away this afternoon.

My sister is driving through to Chicago again today. Have no idea why. But we're going to meet for lunch/early dinner/whatever, it will be nice to see her. In the not too distant future I'm going to make a trip to Daytona Beach and then stop by her place in Jacksonville on the way back.

Oh shoot gotta hit the road. Why does time go so fast when I'm wasting it on this thing? Headed to the doctor for my annual physical, which I missed last year. It will be the same old thing. Lose weight, sleep better, don't go to Awful house. See you guys later.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 05:59 AM
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Hot an clear down ere

Scot, it's spose to be a scorcher down in your neck of de woods. Glad you know your HVAC

I've giving up de news I jes can't watch this country circle de bowl any longer

Mike, I'm witcha. Why do I go to de same doctor to hear a broken record every year

GTG Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 21st, 2014, 06:44 AM
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Crap, I had a nice post and it's gone. Curse of the site logon. Not doing it again so have a good Thorsday all.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 08:02 AM
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That must be Thor's curse, Allan ;-)

Mornin', all.... spose to be a scorcher down here for next day or three.... I need to mow, so I hope to get my lard a$$ in gear earlier rather than later.

The better half goes to visit Mom tomorrow, so I'm "bachin'" it this weekend. Then when she returns, I think a trip to the hills is on the schedule .

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
I've giving up de news I jes can't watch this country circle de bowl any longer
Nicely said, Jamesbo. Da' news is mighty painful to watch. Even local news is such fluff & BS nowadays... it's just a vehicle to deliver commercials by.

And speaking of commercials, does anybody out there like the new Chibby commercial song? Don't want to offend anyone -- sorry if we disagree -- but that's one of the worst, most horrible tunes and male voices I've ever heard. I just quit liking the new Impala, and have firmly decided not to buy a new C7.

I have this guy giving me prices for custom made flower bed curbs for the front of the house. I mentioned I'd like a little concrete work done around, so he quickly dispatched his son the following day to take some measurements. I wound up with a $5 grand estimate just for the concrete.... just a little out of the playing field. Funny, 'cause the curb estimate he gave me was very reasonable. He came back yesterday and took a few more measurements for just a small amount of concrete in the front, by the curbs. Should be interesting. Right now there's a short brick walkway going to the front of the house from the driveway, and it's a PITA: Uneven, and the grass grows between the bricks just like I'm cultivating it.

Anyhoots, Sandy, I foresee real good things a couple months down the road. We need to perhaps plan a little summit for early spring next year when you're all better and feeling chipper. Maybe we'll even get Clint and Scot (& Darrell & Paul & Adrian & .... ?) to grace us with their presence this time .

Mike, enjoy the little rendezvous w/ your sister. I went to Daytona Beach once (before I was married) and loved it. I drove my new black '89 Mustang 5.0 LX hatchback on the beach and imagined myself to be $H1+ on a stick.

Clint, hope the skies clear for you soon (figuratively). I think we can all relate. As the Brothers Johnson said once way back in my yoot, "Get the funk outta' my face." Hope all works out well with whatever trailer you pull the trigger on.

Whelpt, the Deer with the new battery is beckoning... vroom, vroom....

Have a great Thor's day, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; August 21st, 2014 at 09:24 AM.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 10:14 AM
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Hi everyone. Back from the doctor.

Everything is pretty much the same as before, except he thinks my blood pressure is a little high. So, usual changes and come back in a month. He thinks I can lose 15 pounds by then. Hm.

Allan, Allan. Don't you know you're supposed to right click and save your message before you post? I know this because every time my post gets lost I say, why didn't I right click and save my message?

John that's a good video. It hasn't been too many years that I'd look at clothes like that and not think anything was strange. Lately the 70s stuff is looking a little dated, and the 80s stuff looks completely normal. Same with the hair do's. Safe trip for the better half...

Haven't decided how to insulate in the garage yet, but got another question. Should I go to the trouble of fiberglass insulation like in the house, or can I get a decent job with Styrofoam panels, shiny or otherwise? I'm not intending to heat the place up like it's Florida, just want to be comfortable when I'm in there working in the winter. I know once the door goes back up all the heat goes away anyway.

My sister texted and said she's not leaving until tomorrow, so I got the whole day to myself now. Exciting stuff planned. Laundry, housecleaning, yardwork.

Sandy keep your eye on the prize. No more cancer and you get to move to Arizona when you're better.

Well things aren't doing themselves so here I go. Hot here today as well. Everybody have a great day.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 11:19 AM
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John, Is it true dat anutter hurricane is headed towards de Big Easy? I read it on line so it must be true right?
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 04:31 AM
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Mornin all.

Well bought the one ion Rockford. Heading out Friday afternoon to get it by Sat afternoon.

My employee is off today so It's just me. He's down in Calhan for a national 305 race. We may go down tomorrow and watch.

Sure was nice this mornin at 4. Went out to feed and it was cool damp and nice out. The crickets song is slower and lower. Summer is on its way out.

Have a weekend all.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 05:22 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Happy Friday! Looks like it will be good and hot here. The way it should be.

That's awesome Clint. I'm jealous. Lots of blues bars in Rockford if you like that kind of stuff.

Stayed up and watched Bullitt last night. I don't think I'd ever seen it all the way through. The guy that orchestrated the car chase won all sorts of awards for it. Wonder how long it will be before the Mustang surfaces. It's only been what, 46 years.

Haven't seen Darrell in awhile. Or Adrian. Or Don. I don't think Tony is ever coming back.

Okay headed to the Awful house then a couple errands. Have a good last day everyone, the weekend awaits.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 05:46 AM
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Anutter hot one down ere

John, FB has all kinds of Nostrodamus kinda info posted and it "said" the hurricane was gonna hit de Big Easy on de same day Katrina did. I was kinda cusious if you'd heard anything or it was jes internet BS. Sum times it's kinda hard to sift thru

Mike, I'm kinda curious about your particular Aweful House. What do you get fer a 5 year perfect attendance award?

Clint congrats on de new purchase.

Now anyone what de old B & W movie where the actress goes to the phonograph pulls de record off and smashes it. I can't remember fer de life of me. I need de video

TGIF Olds friends
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 06:36 AM
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Its a wonderful life.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 07:08 AM
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Morning all.

Nice and cool here. Overnight low of 44 and high later close to 61. No rain either so a beautiful day shaping up. You southern folks would need winter coats I expect.

Was grumpy yesterday. Had 2 cardio monitors hooked up for 24 hours and it restricted everything I could do. The BP monitor kept inflating every 25 minutes so I didn't get much sleep. I was glad to drop it off at 2:00.

Mike - Dont complain about what the doc says, you know that if he has to,say the same thing over and over, it's not because he likes to hear himself speaking. Son, if you're not being part of the solution, you're being part of the problem. I'm sure the doc is as frustrated with you as you are with his prognosis. BTW, yes you can. I lost 12 lbs in the last month, and if I can so can you. Re: logon. I was on the IPad and didn't check remember me.

Clint - Hope that TH works out for you. Safe travels picking it up. Ya beat me to the movie. BTW, if you haven't seen it? A modern adaptation using clips from oldies? Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - starring Steve Martin. Still funny after all these years.

John - Freya's watching over us today so all should be well. Got to rip some lumber today and stain it. Not anywhere close to,the work you've been up to.

Jim - Not onee yer country dats swirling. Up here is jes as bad wit all de bleeding heart crap goin on an pollytickle scaNdals. It's not news it's jes same ol same ol. Makes ya wonder if der are any values left dat were paid for in blood by our fore fathers. Oh yeah, re de dr? I'm wit de dr. Dey prolly think yer de record stuck in de groove. Ya really think they like haing to record 'no change, won't lissen to advice' on yer chart? Sum ones gotta tell ya my friend, lissen up,and do what they tell ya. Den it won't sound like a broken record. Either that or just stop going if ya don't like hearin de results. Der are plenty o choices dat y'all control, in de long run. Make em good ones so yer around fer a long time,ok? Ok, rant over.

Last edited by Allan R; August 22nd, 2014 at 07:11 AM.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 07:44 AM
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Jim, just a small event in the Atlantic at the moment, with what appears to be a 50% chance of developing into something bigger.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 08:08 AM
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Dan - mebbee stirring de pot a bit, but I'm at 5,626,424 on 2048. Haven't played it much this week tho.

Cutlass dad - I get why you have a sore spot on electronics. If my son was thirty something and wasting his life just playing games I'd feel the same way. My son is only 19 though and is paying his own way through college this year with money from summer job. He heads out to the coast next Monday for a week with some friends for a last hurrah before the academic year starts. The only thing we're helping him with is a ride to the airport. Our decision to force these issues was to help him understand the value of money and education. We'll allow him to live at home rent free only so long though. I think most parents can relate to the strings and letting go.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 09:01 AM
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Dan - mebbee stirring de pot a bit, but I'm at 5,626,424 on 2048.
I'm not talking to you!
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Old August 23rd, 2014, 05:29 AM
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Hooda thunk I'd get da' woim?

Hope Clint has a safe (solo) trip to Rockford, and all those blues clubs don't become a distraction....

Hotter than a soldering iron down here... you'll never see this on the official reports, but coming home from Metairie on the concrete jungle of I-10 at about 3:30 yesterday afternoon, therm said 103*, and it wasn't lying. Official was sumpin' like 95 or so. Looks like anudder scorcher today.

Got about 3/4 thru painting anudder bedroom yesterday and ran out of paint, but I stayed as long as I did just to finish the paint. Will run down to Sherwin-W again on Moon day. After this room I'm currently on, there's one more (same size ... relatively small) and then the garage, and I'm done! I'm sure it will be next month some time.

Got at the house at 5:00 yesterday morning after dropping off better half at airport at about 4:40. That getting up at 3 crap is for the birds. I really collapsed last night.

Jamesbo, the weather reports down here last night said we were out of the woods. Doesn't look as if Nostradamus still has his marbles. Anyhoots, by the time it would get here, we & the kitties would be "evacuated" to the hills anyway, thank goodness....

Wish I could help with da' movie ID. I have one of my own: it's (I'm about 99% sure) an old '50s or early '60s B&W sci-fi John Agar "B" movie -- a dragonfly in the lab gets a hold of some experimental elixir and grows to the size of a large turkey, and ol' John stabs the varmint with a huge knife and carries the knife around some distance with the monster insect still attached.

Hope that monitor reveals only good stuff, Allan! My breath is bated.

Glad you got some good results, Mike. We won't have to discontinue the monster meals on special mountain occasions. Bullitt is one of my all-time fave's. We have it on DVD. Having Jacqueline Bisset in it didn't hurt one bit, IMHO. This guy across the street from my Grandmother's when I was a kid had a '68 Charger 383-2V and we were crazy about that car. It seemed to go faster than it had any right to.

Y'all have a fab Saturn's day, Oldsmofriends.

Edit: Clint, didn't know what your "It's a Wonderful Life" post was until I started researching Jamesbo's question. Good job! Donna was a one & only.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; August 23rd, 2014 at 10:35 AM.
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Old August 23rd, 2014, 07:44 AM
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Hotter dan a $2 pistol down ere

Headed to de mountains fer sum relief.

John, I'd rather break rocks dan paint

Enjoy de weekend Olds friends
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Old August 23rd, 2014, 12:42 PM
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My stubby fingers kept me out of the VG world from the green flag. I'd just as soon not dwell on the VG world .

It looks like we are going to get served a heapin' helpin' of H&H next week.
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Old August 23rd, 2014, 02:59 PM
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Hi everyone.

Been nice here today, but I slept until almost three. The dogs were surprisingly calm today. Usually they are bored and want to play, thus sticking their noses in my eye.

CutlassDad I grew up not too, too far from you. South suburbs of Chicago.

Hope the better half enjoys her time in P-town, John. When is she due back?

I know what you're saying, Allan. Actually it sounded sort of like he was either lecturing me or had it with me. I've been overweight for years and he says the same things over and over. This time he said, it isn't going to happen naturally so you have to do something about it. Or you can do nothing and have statistically better chances at stroke, heart attack, instead of feeling good and living longer. I guess if he starts sounding like my Mother I ought to listen to him. One of her harping is enough.

My sister finally made it through town last night. Had a nice dinner with her. We were never a close family when I was growing up so it's nice to be together when we can now.

Okay time for work. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 06:14 AM
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9:13 a.m. and I'm it? Jeesh, been drinking coffee for an hour. Oh well, off to work. see ya sleepy heads.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 07:45 AM
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Good Suns day everyone.

Yesterday I got to use my new Porter Cable brad nailer. Stupid as it sounds loading it wasn't that easy if you follow the instructions, especially if you've never owned one before. Anyway I finally got it. The next biggest problem is I only have 100 ft of hose that I can chase after Brad so I can nail him..

Nice day to be outside today again. Finally we're shut of the hot weather.

Dan - WTH? You work on Sunday? What kind of work do you do? Hmmm, maybe something like Mike?

Mike - I just don't want to hear that something bad happened because you ignored the Dr.s recommendations. Honestly I understand about the weight issue, I don't have a Thyroid gland so for me everything is based on pills. I don't want to sound like your Mom, but you're at the top of a very slippery slope my friend. Please live not only for the moment, but the future as well?

Clint - How'd the road trip go? We can see that big grin you're wearing looking at your new TH. Bet you can't wait to try it out.

Cutlassdad - Forgive my ignorance, what's VG?

Jim - Hope you and red dog enjoyed the mountains. Ready to go whack whitey tomorrow? I had a strange golf dream last night that I could hit nice an straight upn down shots over 400 yards. Onee catch is de ball went some where's else den I wanted it to. Good thing I don't take golf too seriously.

John - Paint on my friend! Yeah I know what you mean about early get ups. I used to get up around 4:00 am back when I was working. So how long do you get to be your own boss?

One more day and the boy will be winging off to the coast for a week. He must trust me cause he gave me the password to his laptop so I can check emails for him. They're doing a no puter vacation. Cool that there's a train from the airport to downtown and the last station is right across the street from the hotel!

Enjoy your day.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 08:03 AM
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VG - video games. I guess I entered my own world of forum abbreviations.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 08:56 AM
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Sun is smiling on his day

Good morning, boys & girl. Way muggy today. They upped the chance of showers to 20%, so with any luck, it might keep the temps down a tad. Tomorrow is even greater chance. Gosh, we sure need some Elsie down here. Heat is miserable w/ the humidity.

Allan, no indication I'll be going back to work. This could easily be permanent "retirement," but I'm not ruling out anything. As long as better half stays on part time, I think we can make it. Just need to keep the peace in the family, so I'm trying to stay real busy! ;-)

Mike, I'm not jumping on the Allan bandwagon per se, but have you tried to walk the puppies? I know time is at a premium, but brisk walking might just be the best exercise there is. We used to have two pretty big pups when we first got married (a 90-lb catahoula and a 70-lb springer-lab mix). I'd have one leash in each hand as they dragged me around the neighborhood. ;-)

Whelpt, got more trimming and such to be done on property, so let me get at 'em. Y'all have a fab day of the sun, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; August 24th, 2014 at 08:59 AM.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 02:38 PM
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Dan - WTH? You work on Sunday? What kind of work do you do?
Quite frequently...voluntarily of course, but I like the double time $$! Airfoils and vanes for jet engines, G.E. and Rolls Royce, Pratt Whitney, which go into Boeing, Airbus and the military. Been hiring like crazy, adding 200 by the time that it is done.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 03:08 PM
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Hi everyone.

Dan I'm about to go work on what you work on. Actually, I do very little to the blades in an engine. They don't require much in the way of maintenance unless contacted by a bird or random items from the ground. We have a whole shop that blends, polishes, etc. the blades that are taken out.

John I laugh when people suggest I walk with my dogs. Not laughing at the person, just the suggestion. My dogs are a disaster on a leash. It's all I can do to stay upright when we're going to the van or coming home from the kennel. If I could harness that energy I could power a small city. They never walked nice on leashes in their past life and they are too old to learn now. Make that, I don't have the patience. I wish I could walk with them.

So speaking of walking, I'm going to walk around the lake again on my days off. Also gonna start using the Soloflex again. Eating better should fall into that category as well, but I'll start out easy and just modify what I eat now. Awful house is going to be a challenge. The doctor is right, I need to take better care of myself.

Okay night number two awaits. Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and has a good week coming up.
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Old August 24th, 2014, 04:22 PM
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Talking The gathering

Dixie Olds Club presents: THE GATHERING

Celebrating Oldsmobiles in the South

2014 Southeast Regional All Oldsmobile
Cruise In • Car Show-Swap Meet
Fri. Oct. 10th & Sat. Oct. 11th

Show proceeds to benefit the R. E. Olds Transportation Museum
Hosted by the Dixie Olds Chapter of The Oldsmobile Club Of America

Show Location: Founders Plaza
Cherokee Ave & Public Square Cartersville, GA

Cruise-In • Friday Evening 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Car Show/Swap Meet Saturday • Registration to start at 8:00 am
Judging to start at 10:00 AM • Awards ceremony to start at 3:00 pm

This show is open to everyone who has an Oldsmobile.
Club affiliation not required.

Host hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn at 24 Liberty Drive in Cartersville Georgia. Room rate is $99 plus tax per night for a room with 2 Queen beds or 1 King bed. Contact info: (770) 382-9787, mention the Dixie Olds Car Show no later than September 19th to receive this rate.

Please visit the Dixie Olds Club website at for registration form and show information.

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Old August 24th, 2014, 08:22 PM
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Rick, you might have better exposure to this kind of show notice if you put it into it's own thread. Good luck with the show! Your link didn't work, so I installed one that does
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Old August 25th, 2014, 03:56 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, It'll be next Friday we leave. Me and my dad are gonna make the trip to get it. About a 2000 mile round trip.

John, Hope it cools off a bit and CDad I assume it'll be H&H since I'm headed in that direction. Been real nice around here.

We park the trailer on the south side of the Garage and we have a bunch of trees along the property line. Well this trailer is a bit taller, wider and longer than the old one so the missus tells me on Saturday she's gonna trim up the branches a bit. I come back out front to find all the trees on the ground. So looks like I won't have to worry about scratching up that side of the trailer.

Put up some more shelving yesterday. Wasn't on the agenda, but I went and helped my dad and BIL get a map case out of dad's storage container. Dad gave me a bunch of stuff that I needed to make room for. Mostly old tools from my great grandfather. I'm now the proud owner of a 1913 anvil will all the attachments, an antique tap & die set, lots of old punches and calipers and odds and ends.

Have a Monday all.
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Old August 25th, 2014, 07:08 AM
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Morning all you Luna worshippers (dat would be you John) and de rest of the group!

Beautiful cool day shaping up, but it's pretty dry. De boy just left with his GF for a week on the west coast. Sheesh, I miss him already. Got plenty to do outside tho that should keep me occupied.

Clint - Sorry bout dat! For some strange reason I thought you went this past weekend. 2000 mile round trip is a real slog, glad your Dad is going with you. Lol, surprised Lynn isn't going, she's pretty used to long hauls? Hee hee hee, she must be cause she married you.

Jim - You sleep in, or you already out giving whitey what for?

Mike - I used to walk my Moms shepherds and I know what you mean. Conway was the stronger of the two, and I had to watch him because he had an impulsive nasty streak. He even turned on my Mom and she needed stitches. He went back to his original owner after that and far as I know he was retrained (beaten into submission). Not a good outcome all the way around. We didn't get him back because of his previous behavior possibly returning.

Dan - I saw a program on the pieces you make for aircraft. I found it fascinating about the production, quality control and documentation that goes into this. Failure doesn't seem to be in the production vocabulary. Between what you and Mike do, I feel a lot safer flying.

Yo yo yo, where are all de udder peeps who used to visit and post on this thread? Can't believe life got in the way that much...
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Old August 25th, 2014, 08:06 AM
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Yo yo yo, flat out on the couch with a strained back..heating pad and all...
My son is doing all the work today....I will miss him when he leaves home

...just following along

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Old August 25th, 2014, 09:48 AM
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Ted, sorry to hear you're laid up. What happened?

re: son leaving? Yeah I know what you mean. Graeme is boarding the plane as I type this. Sort of like a 'trial leaving home' separation anxiety for me.

Get better soon my friend.
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Old August 25th, 2014, 10:43 AM
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Allan, trying to find good pics of what we do is a pain, tried to find something online a while back to show my cousin out in Nevada, pretty much came up dry. On a related note, China just placed an order for 80 Boeing airliners...$$, that is good for us, good for employment. We have solid orders through 2019 at this point, as long as there is no big market meltdown, we will be good.
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