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Old February 27th, 2014, 07:07 AM
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Lol! that's funny Clint!!!

Morning all!

Snowing and blowing and temps in the teens and dropping. Gonna be around 2* tonight. Visibility is not great out here this morning. They wind is blowing the snow all over the place. I'm hearing now they're calling for 6 inches this weekend. It will never be over.

I'm feeling about 80% human today which is a wonderful thing! Taste is improving, body not as sore. 9 days afterwards.... Have to see Rehmus on Friday. Hopefully when they check my blood I'll have white cells this time from these neupogen shots. I better have.

Had to reschedule the genetic test appt next month, as it would be 3 days after chemo and I wont be in any condition to listen to them tell me about my bad genes or whatever they found in the 2 vials of blood they took. So I moved it to the 5th. Im in no hurry to hear what they found.

Nicole is starting to listen to her friends on line again and is getting disgruntled about her job and not making much money. I told her to talk to doc if she feels shes being taken advantage of and doing all the cleaning and work when the other girls are doing nothing. I told her to write down all she does and talk nicely to doc and see if she can't get an extra day or a little more money. I understand her frustration - she's paying back over $10000 in student loans for a $5500 loan to learn what she learned, and only making $9.50 an hour. That's not much. She really wants to get another car. It never ceases to amaze me though how shes okay with things until she starts chatting with her 'friends' online every night and then sure as shi* she starts complaining about her life. I know she has visions of moving to Columbus now to be with this Alex kid and her other cosplaying friends. I keep reminding her that life isn't a dress up cosplaying convention.

She said Larry cornered her last night and asked what she was going to do with her life. Said at least he was nice about it. Guess he told her that I shouldn't have put the money in Teepo's seat and how he doesn't think I should restore the Intrigue. We have no place to put it and I have no money to restore it, and how I asked him if he would drive me to some car shows if I'm not up to it and he doesn't want to do that cause I can save money for medical bills by not going to so many shows and yadda yadda..... nice, huh?? Yeah why don't we just take away everything I like to do cause I have cancer?? I don't think so. I'll get to my shows believe me! So I guess he was encouraging her to do what she feels is right for herself. I have to learn to let go of her, she cant stay with us forever and all that crap. Whatever. He's jealous of any attention I give to anyone or anything else. Always has been. I'm not saying I don't appreciate what he's done and what he is doing for me now, just saying that a control freak never changes..... hope he felt better after venting to her.

I have to go back to sears and get my old lenses put back in my glasses. These new ones are not right. They stretch everything out. Giving me headaches. She bent my frames some too to make them fit better under the wig. I'll do that Saturday probably.

Well you all have a good day and enjoy the warm temps if u have them!!

Last edited by cutlassgal; February 27th, 2014 at 07:09 AM.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 07:25 AM
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Hey everyone.

Slow to get moving today. Got up before 7 because the dogs were in a frenzy, and when I fixed their breakfast they didn't want anything to do with it. So I went back to bed. Sunny today, but cold. Hope it warms up.

Jamesbo in all reality there's nothing I'd like more than to be married. It seems, though, that most of the women in the Greater Stockbridge Area are, well, not on the same page as me. Another reason to want to get the H out of here. Oh, today is the last day to put in for Savannah. Haven't made up my mind yet.

Clint I like that sort of stuff, too. Though when I see something that used to be, and I remember how it used to be, it kind of makes me sad. I'm not a big one for change. Edmonton Motors definitely looked better in the old picture. Minus the snow.

Sandy glad you're feeling better. What is it about Nicole's friends that always get her upset? Do they all live the life of luxury with servants and limousines?

Darrell it's good that things are picking up! We haven't heard any talk of selling the Cutlass lately so that's a step in the right direction.

Well I guess I'll get myself together and run some errands. Don't know what my day will be like without Awful house. Maybe I'll go there for lunch.

Have a good day everybody.

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Old February 27th, 2014, 07:51 AM
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Mornin', all... headed to Big Eezie to facilitate Aunt Jean's move to her new facility... I'm almost getting good at this....

Sandy, sounds like a little more of the same, but I detect just a hint of things moving in a positive direction on many fronts. In any case, glad you're up to 80%.... And you learned me a new word today: "cosplay." I'm happy to say I had to look it up. I really feel sorry for young'un's.... reality seems to be on a permanent vacation. It's a lot to contend with as a caring parent, especially when you have very REAL issues to deal with !

Whelpt, let me get a move on. The morning fleeteth....

Have a great Thursday, Oldsmomates.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 08:05 AM
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I didn't even open up the Monty Python video, and the "Lumberjack song" popped into my'll be there all day!
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Old February 27th, 2014, 12:03 PM
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Mike, We gotta have a long talk.

My daddy use to say, " If it flies. floats or it. "
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Old February 27th, 2014, 12:20 PM
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Hi everyone.
Just got back from the morning routine. Brekkie with the boys and curling practice. I really enjoyed the practice today and am ready for the next game big time. I just finished reading a post from another member on another thread who portrayed curling as:
Curling has to go from the Olympics, I look at all the other disciples, there is risk and a real price to compete. Injury is not far off in any other sport at the Olympics. The only risk a curler has is a fat *** and large gut from eating to many Tim Horton donuts.
and I was seriously pissed. He has NO CLUE what he's talking about and I told him as much. I'm tempted to report the thread as that seems to be trolling to antagonize those of us who love the sport. I don't go around bashing people or their sports/activities but this guy's really got me pissed off.

Jim - I bermember wen dat skit wit de lumbrjack was first run on TV. My Gawd I'm gittn old...BTW not all de Canadjun lumbr jax are like dat... LOL ya can keep de suprmodle, I woodn't wishfer dose tings ta hapen ta my werst emeny.

Mike - Run, hide, watch out for Jim and his supermodel. Find more cars and buy em!! Don't hide in the cars - they'll think to look there!!

Sandy - glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Sux to lose the savings, and I know how much stress that can create when you don't know what else is in the future. Hang in there girl. BTW I also had trouble with the glasses from Sears. They screwed up 2x so I just won't go there anymore.

Clint - We're getting into longer days here too. There's a hint that the ol man is starting the long trek back to his stable up north, but I don't mind if he would install a turbo or NOS on his ride. This weekend is gonna suck - forecast for -30 overnight.

Darrell - glad to hear you're getting ahead of the game. Hope everything continues to climb and you start seeing some nice rewards.

Scot - Seein as how Elsie is always seemin ta visit ya when ya don't want her company, dis is just for ya!
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Old February 27th, 2014, 09:02 PM
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Good night Clint, Jim, Darrell, John, Sandy, Dan, Adrian, Scot, Scott, Paul, Pat, Bryan and anyone else I missed.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 09:39 PM
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So I figure I'd whine about it getting down to a -5 degrees tonight when I got out of work, and I see Allan posts that it'll go to -30 in his neck of the woods...jeesh just can't win
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Old February 28th, 2014, 04:26 AM
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Mornin all.

Dan, I looked up that song as I didn't know what you were talking about. Yup, Now I'll be humming that all day.

Allan, Don't give him no nevermind. As they say. "Don't feed the trolls" I hear the same thing about motocross. "Well the motor is doing all the work, you just have to hit the throttle" As I sit here 5 days after the race, groaning each time I have to bend over.

Sandy, sounds like Nicole is easily manipulated. She's doing pretty good at $9.50 for being a vet tech. Here there are so many techs looking, it seems that $8/hr is the starting rate.

Jamesbo, Hope Its as useful as those rotten potatoes.

Snow and 'wintry mix' coming in tonite. Not a real great weekend.

Have a day all.
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Old February 28th, 2014, 05:34 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I don't know what it is, but vacation seems to be going by a lot faster than I think it should.

Sunny and nice out, although it's only about 30. Seventy by Sunday, it better hurry.

Allan obviously that was a guy who tried curling and failed miserably. So to hide his ineptness he blames the sport, loudly, hoping to redirect attention off of him.

Jamesbo I guess that's the hopeless romantic in me. To paraphrase Snow White, some day my princess will come. I hope.

Clint I wish you'd stop with the wintry weather. I want to plan a trip out there but don't want to get caught in snow. Eh, it's nice in the summer.

Okay Awful house awaits. Got some errands to run then I don't know what I'll do. Something fun maybe. Have a good one everybody, it's Friday.
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Old February 28th, 2014, 05:59 AM
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Mornin all! Slow moving today with another arctic blast headed our way. Temps at -45 this weekend, Just gonna put another log on the fire, get some Deep Purple (Now what?) going and finish the downstairs bathroom. Have a great day, Spring is coming , one day...

Last edited by barnfind; February 28th, 2014 at 06:12 AM.
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Old February 28th, 2014, 06:12 AM
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Chili but spose to warm up down ere

Gotta replace de warn out Gator saets in de mountains. Got sum cheaper seats at northern tool [John Deere ones are made of gold] Gotta figger out howl ong de bolts are. May run by de golf course and get Donny to help. He's got a fleet of Gators over there.

Mike, I guess it's true for Princes and Princesses. Ya gotta kiss alota frogs to meet one.

Clint/ Allan, Always remember. What other people thing of you is NONE of your business. "Let em eat fish heads and rice. " Carpe Diem

Sandy Check your messages.
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Old February 28th, 2014, 07:47 AM
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Morning all!

Cold and sunny here today. Temps were -7 at home earlier but we're up to 8 above now! Heat wave!!!!! Hot in here of course. Wintry mix and lake effect snow coming in for the weekend and Monday. Maybe by July we'll have a week of warmth?

Nicole is taking off for Columbus after work today. Took her stuff with her this morning. Hope she has no problem getting home Monday. Kids..... all they do is make you old!

Gotta ask Dr rehmus about my feet today when I see her. I have that thick dry skin around my heels all the time that I use a pumice stone on to shave it away every time I bath - I just assume its cause I wear sandals all the time that the skin gets dry around the edges. Anyhow last Friday it turned all red on my right heel and got so sore I could hardly walk for 3 days. I was walking like on tippy toes. Today now, the heel of the left foot is hurting. Has to be the chemo doing it cause it affects the nerves in the feet. God its always something you never even think of, showing up. I just hope my white count is up and good. I had a little bleeding afterwards, where Larry gave me the shot last night. First time. Don't know why. Its a little red there this morning. Better ask about that too. One more shot tonight and I'm done for this time. Only 10 more days till it starts all over. Depressing as hell.....

Its payday today which is nice. Called Akron general and paid off the ER bill I had. Think I'm up to date now.

Gotta go to the BMV tomorrow and renew Tincanio and the Intrigues tags. $110.00.... they expire on the 8th. That's Larry's birthday.

I should go to the bank at noon but might wait until I leave here to go to Dr. Larry is meeting me at home at 3:00.

Well you all have a good Friday and stay safe and warm!!
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Old February 28th, 2014, 10:14 AM
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Here ya go Mike:
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Old February 28th, 2014, 10:52 AM
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Mike, ya could buy alot of dat stuff hide it and noone would know it was there.
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Old February 28th, 2014, 10:57 AM
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I'm torn between this one

and this one

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Old February 28th, 2014, 11:00 AM
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Finally Friday!

Yikes, I was watching the mawnin news up here and all of a sudden I don't feel nearly so bad; but I sure feel for the peeps in Saskatchewan. They're the next province to the East Ok up here we have provinces instead of States, and only 10 of em + 3 'Territories. I don't understand it myself so don't ask why.... Anyway the dreaded of all meteorlogical highs Polar Vortex is hitting the good peeps of SK with the meanest 1-2 sucker punch you could imagine. I thought we were bad at -30 overnight. SK is bracing for temps and windchills approaching -67 (ya read that right : -67) while the rest of the Province is only going to get into the -40's and -50's. I remember looking at the flight monitor when we were flying to Mexico. It displayed all kinds of neat things like speed, Altitude, landmarks and outside air temps. At about 35000 ft travelling at 610 mph the outside air temp was listed at -65°C, which is about what SK is headed for. That's downright scary. Hope the oxygen level stays breathable outdoors. Sucking in that cold air could have an effect on the throat, nose and mouth.

Dan - That's incredible. I've watched episodes of "Tank Overhaul" that featured the Littlefield collection and it's dang impressive. Somehow I think those items up for grabs are going to be out of Mikes price range. But if I had to go for one myself I'd pick that DUKW. Drive to the lake and not worry about looking for a boat launch. Enough room back there to have a fishin partay all day long...

Mike - You should go to that auction just for giggles. Test drive the Leopard tank. You know ya wannnnaa!

Jim - Yeah, I know but it still frosts my apples when peeps do that. Any chance you could get some good quality seats at HF? Up here I think they go by Princess Auto and they sent me a flyer that had seats like that in it.

Clint - Right with ya! I can appreciate every bit of what you're going through. I tried dirt biking one time and I felt like that too. Wish I could say I had the quads to do what you're doing but I honestly don't have the space or vehicles needed to transport them. My hat's off to you and Torrie for enjoying the sport you obviously love. I watched several of your hero cam vids and that is no way easy. In fact it looked downright dangerous. Gonna have to call you Clint 'dangerous' from now on..

Sandy - Umm, I don't think the foot thing is just about sandals. I get that heavy callous/cracking too even when I'm wearing socks/shoes. I tried the filing down thing too but then I found this foot cream that works on heavy callous and it's specific for heels and foot bottom. Worked really well and is non greasy. Put it on at night when going to bed and in the mawnin the heels were noticeably softer. After 2 or 3 nights they were as normal as when I was younger. I think it's just a factor of aging and I don't like it reminding me from time to time either. This stuff is called 'Dermal Therapy' Comes in a tube like this:

Are you nuts renewing tags on a Saturday?? The lineup will be a meeellyun miles long.. I hear ya on the $$ though, I just did both of our cars on Wednesday. I think the DMV should just charge a one time licensing fee for tags and be done with it. I know that's probably a pipe dream though, but it would be a pleasant idea. Road improvements could be done with toll roads like the old days.

Ben - Sorry to see you're also on the receiving end of the Polar Vortex. Speaking for all us Canadians - We didn't do it!! LOL Canada is 'officially' the Great White North as laid claim to by our heroes Bob and Doug McKenzie (SCTV). Welcome to Canada - eh?

Hmmm, where's Scot? OH - there ya are! Just saw ya post before I hit the return on dis epic post. Lessee now, saved it in case the site has a hiccup.... ready, set.....hit return!!! Bazinga!!
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Old February 28th, 2014, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Hmmm, where's Scot?
Here I is!

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Old February 28th, 2014, 12:18 PM
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Allan, Dat's colder than when Dan Mcgrew got plugged.

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Old February 28th, 2014, 12:37 PM
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Wow that stuff is cool! I told people for years I was going to buy a Sherman, then I found out they go for like 4 million. I stopped saying I was gonna buy a Sherman. I'd have to say out of those pictures my favorite is the DUKW. I'd hate to have to retrieve that rocket once I launched it in an Atlanta traffic jam. The DUKW seems to be missing the EO to be able to carry a Howitzer with its wheels on.

Scot I've been cleaning out my garage today and I've found three things to bring to the swap meet! If I sold all three I'd almost be able to pay for my space. I got lots of garage left, I'm sure there's stuff in there I haven't seen in years.

Anyone ever heard of Tung-Sol headlights? I found one in the garage. Were they aftermarkets or some obscure factory thing?

Okay back outside.
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Old February 28th, 2014, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Here I is!

R U KIDDING ME??? Oh, dat wuz wonuv yer babee pics??? Yew shore come a long way bro...

Jim - I remember we had to memberize dat poem back in Grade 5. Howdja nose dat?

Here's anudder won ferya!! (not fer de fayntuv hart) BdeWay, story goze like dis. De orijunal toe was cut offn a miner what gots gangreene an den de partner satrts dis tradishun in de bar. De toe has bin swallered hole by aksident by sum peeps so it gotts replace by anudder. Ya paze 5.00 ta git a sirtiffikat sayen ya did da deed. Yer lips gots ta tuche de toe when ya drink, but sum git in der mouf and den yu no whut happens. Ifn yew swaller de toe ya pays a 500.00 fine an so far dey have lost 3 of dem toes. Den dey replase em wit a new won frum a kadavaer.

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Old February 28th, 2014, 01:46 PM
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Allan, I'm not much of a HF fan. I'm kinda like Rob, I tossed too much of their $hit out de winder.

I didn't know you were a Robert Service fan. It's jes my weak attempt to "Be kind to Canadain friends who people give $hit to about curling.' Sorta my anti hurling curling idear.

I would sent cha sum grits but you'd probably used dem on de walk way ice.

Unfortunately, I've been to Canada exactly twice and the lumberjack song and Robert Service is 'bout all I could think of Because dat song wit Nelson Eddie and Jeanette McDonald reminds me of sum stupid sifi film where their sing'in kilt Aliens

I'll werk on expanding my Canadain knowlege beyond Canadian Bacon

Tanks but I prefer my vodka neat [sans toe]
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Old February 28th, 2014, 02:08 PM
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From the mixed reviews I hear from peeps about HF I didn't know if they were any good or maybe just junk. The PA connection up here is hit and miss too. Good thing they have a 100% return policy.

I didn't say I was a big Robert Service fan - I said we had to memorize that stupid thing in Grade 5. Big difference. Funny thing though, I still remember parts of that some 47 years later....Also had to memorize Cremation of Sam McGee and The Raven from E.A. Poe. I don't think schools nowadays put any emphasis on memory work like that.

Doanworryboudit. Nuthin you say is ever malicious or offensive to me. I consider you to be a friend, so if I was upset I'd just tell ya!

I've been to the USA - lessee now - about a dozen or more times not counting the time I lived in Dayton. Some parts of it are a bit scary, others are so dang gorgeous it's like I never left home. I hear lots of folks say bad stuff about Americans but I haven't seen any of it to be true. There's been more rude things said about Canadians by other Canadians recently than I'm sad to admit it.

Hey - one day you, Mike, Scot and I can all go for grits at yer place or AH.... I think I choose your place over AH...
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Old March 1st, 2014, 04:58 AM
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Mornin all.

Crappy cloudy day today. Not sure what I should do. I want to get my Mazda running, so maybe I'll go into the shop, and put a radiator and freeze plug in that.

Mike never heard of them. I'm assuming the tung is referring to the tungsten filament, but thats all I got.

Have a weekend all.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 06:10 AM
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Happy Weekend everyone.

S'posed to be a nice weekend. Got some work to do on cars that's I've been putting off all winter.

Allan I got a question for you. Are the Canada geese protected in Canada? They are protected birds here and we'd get in trouble if we shot one. We have many on our lake and they are a nuisance and disgusting. Do you know of any geese-be-gone repellent?

I've been to Canada one time. Drove to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls when I was in Buffalo some years ago. Border patrol was a hoot. There were about ten of us sandwiched in a Ford Expedition and we waited in a long line of cars. When we got to the booth the guy said, where are you going? The driver said, Buffalo, and the guy said, okay have a good one. I think it was similar on the way to the Falls.

Got plenty done in the garage yesterday. Got one big corner cleared out and I started thinking about insulating and shelves. Then I saw the bottom of the siding was rotten and started thinking about new siding. Ah where does it end. Found a few more things for the swap meet.

Time for the Awful house. I'm a little late for a Saturday, hope there's a seat at the high counter for me. Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 06:43 AM
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Mawn'in all

Gonna move 'round sum Forsythia dis mawn'in BUT sum SOB has my shovel in de back of his truck.

Off to Casa De pot to buy shovel # 253
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Old March 1st, 2014, 07:08 AM
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Jamesbo, iffin' you wuz a Cat-lik, you'd be canonized at the moment of yer det.

Funny... I've been watching this series from 1951 about war in the Pacific on N.Flix, I think we're moving in the direction of Korea in Ukraine right now. Ol' Vlad the Impaler's spots are as plain as da leopard's.... and they ain't gonna' change. OK, I guess that's politics? Nevermind.

Allan, I don't know how anybody could expose a sq. in. of skin when it's 67 below. No way you could breathe that, huh?

Mike, you could build a ramp on the second vehicle and use it to transport the TR-6. What's a couple million here or there?

Peoria ain't exactly blazin' these days... it was in negative territory every night the better half's been up.

Whelpt, gotta' run, boys & girl. Hope the Oldsmobuds have a great weekend.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 08:55 AM
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Morning everyone.
It's a brrrrr type day here. Nuff said. Gotta go pick up the boy and his girlfriend at the bus station later today.

John - I wouldn't want to be in that situation either. I bundle up plenty well to go out in only -35.

Jim - only 253?? Sounds like someone has a collection of shovels they need to return to you.

Mike - LOL, no way. During hunting season those things are fair game! Not sure why they're protected down there. Maybe they have good lawyers??? . Seriously I know what you mean. Those suckers lay down a greasy poop everywhere they go, and they're dangerous to be around. They'll attack anyone who gets too close. BTW, I was thinking about the temp changes the planes go through from 35K feet to ground and it got me to wondering. How much stress does that put on the structure of the plane or the wing itself? I imagine that's where a lot of stress cracking comes from?

Clint - MAW work on that Mazda if it's too crappy to do anything else outside. Love to be there and help out, but I think we'd have too much stuff from the micro brewery to analyze.

Sandy - Hope today is a better day for ya. I dislike needles.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 09:41 AM
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Allan, Believe it or not. The Grave diggers [sub contractors] I use once showed up w/o shovels. Got in a hurry and left them at another cemetery 20 miles away. They only use them for closing a grave. They use a track hoe for opening. But WTH. I had to loan dem 2 shovels.

Got 25 Forsythia bushes [small ones] reloacted on a fence line. Should be a wall of yellar dis spring.

Sandy, How ya doing dis weekend?
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Old March 1st, 2014, 11:50 AM
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Scrapped plans for working on the car and started a burn pile. No burning on Sundays and Monday it's supposed to rain. And I haven't had a burn pile in awhile so today is the perfect day. Cool, sunny, no wind.

Allan certainly the huge constant change in temperature has some effect on stress cracks on the airframe, but it is mostly the stress of flight, the expanding and contracting from pressurizing, taking off and landing, turbulence, etc. It all plays a part. Some cracks are easily repaired by stop-drilling, others have a patch put over them, others are cut out and a repair spliced in. It all depends on what the engineering dept and the manufacturer want to do.

Sandy must be at a car show. With the heat wave of 8, they've started an impromptu Spring Dust Off.

Okay back to the burn pile before it burns down my yard. Again.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 12:21 PM
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Thanks Mike. Cool (no pun intended) info!! I'm constantly amazed at how safe transportation by air continues to be. Saw a map of all the flights 'active' on a world map one time and almost crapped. And that didn't include a 24 hour snapshot - just an 'at the moment' look. Said it before and I'll say it again. Thanks for being one of the guys who makes the airlines and skypilots look good!

LOL - ya should get out some marshmallows or have a Weiner roast whilst doing that burn pile. Anything that gets too charred you can feed the pups with. Up here we need a permit to do that. Free on line, or pay 10.00 at the firehall.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 01:30 PM
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Sunday's already here. The weekend does come earlier for me here but then so does Monday

We got a new dining set for the house last week. Tink found it online, it was second hand but in excellent condition and less the 10% of new price, nothing wrong with saving a few hundred dollars

Time to get some stuff done around here before I have to get back to the grind, have a good weekend everyone,

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Old March 1st, 2014, 08:11 PM
Cutlass Lover
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Evening all!

I had such a great day today! We had sun until around 3:00 and it got up to 49*!!! It was soooooo nice. Just made me feel good.

I'm me again! . At least for 10 more days. It's a great thing! I went to the BMV around 11:00. Couldn't believe it - I was in and out in about 8 minutes! No waiting! Never happened before. Got right up to the counter, signed the papers and out the door I went. Stopped at the Twinsburg car wash and got right in a stall. Spent about $12 washing Tincanio and sprayed the hell out of her with clear coat. The guy waiting behind me was looking kind of irritated cause I get down on my knees to get underneath real good and I open doors and spray the inside edges and stuff. Guess women shouldn't do that, lol. I pulled her out of the stall and dried her. She was sooo happy to have all that salt off of her. Looks beautiful!! Got home and vacummed her out and detailed the inside. I know we're going to get more snow tonight, tomorrow and Monday, but she needed cleaned so bad. The side windows were so covered with salt spray that I couldn't see out of them.

When I got done with Tincanio,I went out and uncovered Teepo and fired her up!! She was glad to see me since she hasn't seen me since November. I had to explain to her what's been going on, lol. She started right up and I let her run about 25 minutes or so. Turned on the AC for awhile, ran her through the gears and moved her a little bit. She is anxious to get out! God I love that car. It was nice sitting in her on that nice new seat.

Larry and I went to Cracker Barrel for supper. I wanted their chicken and rice Saturday special. Larry had the meatloaf dinner. I ate like a pig... it tasted so good!

So I just had a great day. I'm so thankful to be feeling good and able to do things. It was a miserable 10 days for sure.

I saw Dr. Rehmus assistant yesterday. Seems the good doc is on vacation in India! Now I know where my money is going, lol. Anyhow, my white count was up where it should be! I actually have too many white cells. So the neupogen shots helped. They're going to lower me to 8 shots next month since I over produced. Isn't that ridiculous though... $330 a shot?? No reason for that. I showed her my foot and she said it's the evil Taxotere making it red and sore. Even though my hands and feet are on ice when I'm getting that drug, it causes nerve damage. My hands were beet red and sore today too. Some of my cuticles around my fingernails are getting ragged. I'm trying to keep them moisturized best I can. I wear gloves when my hands are in water. I don't want to lose my nails, which the Taxotere causes to happen too. Nasty **** I tell you! Seems like something new shows up after every treatment.

I also told Kim how I couldn't drink anything on Friday after treatment this time to flush out the toxins, so she made me an appt to come in and get IV fluids on the Friday after the next one if I still cant drink. That will help! I'm worried about my kidneys and bladder if I can't get it out of me. This stuff is really hard on them.

Allan R... I've never seen that cream, but I will look for it. Maybe I can get it on Amazon or something. Thanks!

Jamesbo.... I can't believe you're planting Forsythia already! I want warm temps!! I did notice buds on my magnolia trees out by the garage when I was out there. I'm surprised they're budding with this cold.

Well you all have a good night and I'll talk to ya tomorrow.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 08:36 PM
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Didn't do too much today, a couple of loads of laundry, went to Menards. Rented the movie 'Gravity' with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, Intense! very good.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 09:21 PM
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Sandy the chicken & rice is my wife's favorite! We usually make it a habit to go to the cracker barrel at least once or twice a month on Saturdays. I am glad to hear you are feeling better and have you tastebuds back My usual s the Cracker Barrel Sampler with double hashbrown casserole and turnip greens. YUMMY!

Dan thanks for the movie review, I'll have to check it out. :-)
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 04:52 AM
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Sandy, Glad your feel'in better

GTG give a friend a ride home
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 05:47 AM
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Hi everyone.

Got lots of stuff burned yesterday. As always, when I came in and sat down for a minute I started to stiffen up, so I just went to bed. Really pleased with all I got done.

Sandy your exuberance just jumps off the screen! I'm so glad you're feeling better. When I go to Cracker Barrel it's usually for breakfast and I always have French toast.

Guess I'll work on cars today. Supposed to get up to 70. Time for the Awful house. See you all later.
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 07:16 AM
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Mornin', all.... So glad to see a smiley face in a Sandy message again ;-) Happy for you, Cutlassgal. Prayers continue.

Whelpt, gonna' go visit Aunt Jean this morning. Nobody was able to make it over there yesterday.

Y'all have a great Sunday, Oldsmobuds.
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 08:02 AM
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Well, I can't remember the last time I could actually say this, but Good Morning Everyone!

Things are busy as usual. Work has been real busy and I've been putting in extra hours. On top of that, there have been a few Mustang club exec meetings leading up to the AGM last night.

Work should hopefully slow back down to normal this week and now that the AGM is finished, we should be back to a monthly meeting for the club.

One fun thing I got to do on one of my few nights off last week was to go see certain movie that did some filming down in GA with a silver and blue Mustang. Need for Speed was great, and I'd recommend it to anyone who like car movies.

Sandy, very glad to hear you are feeling better.

Mike, with all your talk about Awful House, I'm going to have to find one next time I am in the US. We used to have one here, but they closed maybe 5 or more years ago.

Adrian, always good to get a deal.

Have a great week everyone.
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 08:38 AM
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Morning All!

Thanks much! It's nice to feel like myself again even if it is short lived. Snowin here of course, and temps at 19 right now. I am really sick of this crap.....

I'm not doing much of anything today. Took some pics of my cardinals when they were out at the feeders this morning. A touch of beauty in this bleak landscape, lol. The red wing blackbirds are back and hogging the feeders. Lots of Robins were out yesterday in the yard.

I need to go to Wal Mart and get some things. Hate to take nice clean Tincanio out on the salt slushy covered roads. She looks so nice.

I had a thing pop up on my screen this morning saying that Windows isn't going to support XP starting in April, so I gotta change to something else. I have XP on my laptop. I'm dumb about this stuff, so I probably should have my guru Kelly move all my stuff around for me. I'd hate to lose everything I have in my 'favorites' and such. Oh this modern technology.....

Well I guess I better find something to do so you all have a good Sunday!
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