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Old January 3rd, 2014, 03:24 AM
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Mornin all.

Looks like Darrell got the late/early worm depending on time zones. Darrell stay safe and use your legs. IIRC snow shoveling is a main reason for heart attacks. don't overdo it. We get our snow late tonite into tomorrow. Spose to be 60 today.

Mike, 20 years ago today there was this know it all kid who opened up his own business. He was only a couple years out of trade school and had no college business classes or experience at all. He did a lot of worrying as he mostly swept floors and twiddled his thumbs for the fist couple weeks. His wife was pregnant and they didn't have any insurance, and he started with $150 in the til. Well, he's not rich by any means but he still goes to work everyday and more times than not he cusses that place out. But it has kept a roof over his head and mostly pays the bills. So yes the American dream is still alive and it still can be done. I'm living proof of that.

Sandy, Yea, all these pic's of a bunch of potheads standing in line for something that I bet most of them already have growing in there basement. I found this article yesterday.
Funny this state believes its our individual freedom to legally get baked, but we shouldn't have the freedom to have a 16 round magazine for our self protection equipment.

Allan, break out the Bermuda's and the flower shirts. Come on down for a brew.

Adrian, From here it sure looks like the other side is a lot greener. Enjoy that warm weather for me.

Jamesbo, That little bit of information about greens would have been handy to know on or before New years Day. Now I have 363 days to remember that before trying it. I was only inferring that my missus was a half bubble off of her normal self. Not a rational normal person.

Have a great Friday all.
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Old January 3rd, 2014, 05:39 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp , It ain'y so sunny in de sunny south. Fact is it's colder dan $hit. and spose to get even colder next week.

I really don't see how yous guys [and gals] stand it up thar.

Clint, Maybe it's jes a southern thingy. But I've been told dat my entire life. BTW, I've werked for myslef my whole life and often tell de Mrs. " I sometimes wish, when I got to werk there was someone who told me what to do. "

Mike, Why are ya werk'in on planes dat ain't go'in anywhere? De mid west, New England and de mid Atlantic airposrts are shut down.

Darrell, I've been doing de same thing. Toss, toss, toss must be de time of year to get rid of stuff.

Adrian, I wish dare was a heat wave ere. I may come vist cha.
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Old January 3rd, 2014, 07:15 AM
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Morning all!

A cold 10 degrees here and that's without the wind chill, snowy and windy. Next week is looking pretty dammed cold on Tuesday! Oh the joys......

Darrell... hope you all make it through ok!

Clint.... Congrats to you! In this day and age it's a wonderful accomplishment to still have your doors open!!

Mike... I have direct deposit, but since the payroll lady had me on leave without pay, they never even cut me a check!! They had to send me a live manual written check that I had to deposit.

Boy old Steve left for the bank the minute the Fed Ex driver left here last evening! Wish I had his kind of money, lol. House paid off, no bills to speak of. I left early and went to the bank too. Roads were just a slushy mess. Tincanio was sliding even with 4 wheel on. It was ugly. Not much better this morning. January in NE Ohio....

Jamesbo.... stay warm lol!!!!

I'll be glad that we're back to normal weeks next week. Been thinking it's Tuesday all morning! No more paid holidays until Good Friday which is in late April this year. I'll have plenty of time off before that though, Im sure.

Well I better find something to do, so I'll talk to ya later. Have a good Friday all and stay warm and safe!

Last edited by cutlassgal; January 3rd, 2014 at 07:19 AM.
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Old January 3rd, 2014, 01:01 PM
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Well the sun has been out since before noon and it's a whopping 15 degrees outside! It was nice walking at lunch time in the sun. Felt good. Doesn't matter how cold it is, the sun always makes you feel better. Gray gets a little tiring, lol.

Been a long day for me. I'm not busy. Just been reading most of the day.......
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Old January 3rd, 2014, 01:41 PM
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Thursdays are sooo special. That signals the arrival of Flyday in China and Korea.

Same old same old up here. One small change in the news yesterday. City said it would finally clean the windrows caused by plowing. Most 2 lane roads are down to 1 1/4 lanes wide. And they wonder why there's an increase in frustrated drivers and collisions??? I feel sorry for the bus drivers and large vehicles out dealing with crap like this.

Residential streets close to schools look like this - narrow and dangerous for kids being dropped/ picked up, or even playing king of the castle walking on top of these. They also plow over top of the sidewalks and leave that mess for the owners to clear.
IMO most polly tickle Muney sipple leaders have to take courses in 'Brain Dead 101' before they can submit their name on the election ticket.

Clint - Amazing how 20 years goes by and you can still remember all that huh? To this day, I can still remember the first day on the job after finishing my training. Scary but elated feeling. Congrats on your success! BTW now that I have my passport I can likely come down for a brew. Only I think there's a better selection of shirts and shorts down there at better prices than up here. I'll definitely let you know if/when I hit Colorado. I wanna ride in Brit.

Jim - whattaya mean you wished there was someone to tell ya what to do? Dats de supermodels job iznt it??? FWIW I survive up here by konjering up thots of whut it might be like in GA. Den I git in my summer shorts and bare feet and walk around de house. Dis mawnin de flyer lady came round. It was chill out, but I done walked outside in my shorts and bare feet ta git the papers from her. She wuz a little sprized since she wuz wearin her long pants an flip flops.....but den agin she wuz walkin round out der fer more den a few minutes. Good ting my feets caloused up enuff to tuff out a bit o frozen seement.

Darrell - put it out anyway. I was surprised on Boxing Day that we got trash pickup. Usually in the past we don't get services on special days. Surprise surprise surprise... sounds like this guy...

The house next to us sold and we're getting new 'tenants' moving in Sat. What a kick in the nuts - Dude bought it and is turning it into a rental! He seemed nice when I talked to him and gave me his contact number 'in case' something happened before occupancy. I emailed him yesterday and told him I put the trash from the side of his house out but some was too big to take and the trash collector left it. He said he'll clean it up himself, then mentioned ' The new tenants are moving in Sat '. This may not be good. Might have to list my place for sale before the neighborhood slides down any further.
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Old January 3rd, 2014, 03:08 PM
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Happy Friday everyone.

Cold as a witch's, well, it's pretty cold today, and last night was a mother! By some stroke of luck we got to work inside last night.
Clint congratulations on your longevity. I wasn't trying to say that the American dream was dead, just that any business/industry is going to have its challenges. I actually wanted to start my own airline once. Service between Moline, IL(MLI) and O'Hare(ORD). Very little service in that market and prices are extreme. Of course, Being just out of school myself and new to the airline biz I had no means. But I thought it would be a good idea.
Here is something else I found that happened on this day.
On this day in 1919, Ernest Rutherford was the first human to create a nuclear reaction. He artificially transmuted nitrogen gas into oxygen gas. Through this experiment, he found a subatomic particle that he named "the proton."
Allan those pictures are far too familiar. Even after all this time I remember distinctly the days of shoveling, the snowblower, frigid temps. Sorry to hear about the renters being next door. I was a renter once and was awesome, but I know not everyone is.
Okay I see I'm late for leaving. Gee, gotta drive 80 to work again, what a shame. Hope everyone has a good night and a good weekend.

Ah, and now as I edit the return function works correctly.
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Old January 3rd, 2014, 08:06 PM
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Evening everyone. Well the storm was pretty hyped up. Got about 12" of the white stuff which is a decent amount but not a whopper. It started out today at 16 degrees, tonight it's going down to 0. Was shoveling most of the morning then back to basement clean up and throw out. Making some good progress. Garbage men are going to love me.

Allan - those are some nasty winter pictures. Hope you get a warm spell to melt some of that crap.

Sandy - no power outages so yes we made it through ok, thanks. Sounds like we got the same balmy weather. Lol

Clint - yea, ha ha I love shoveling snow. The only good thing about this storm is that the snow was very light and powdery.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old January 4th, 2014, 04:33 AM
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Mawn'in all


Allan, I don't see how you stand it. Course I don't see why people go to de south pole either. I'd get cabin fever.

How does de newspaper get delivered? by dog sled?

Yep, Politicians de world over are de same. I'd be embarressed to admit, I werked for the city/county/state

Welp Enjoy de weekend Olds friends
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Old January 4th, 2014, 07:30 AM
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Three hours after the worm, and I'm the only on here? Gazooks!
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Old January 4th, 2014, 12:45 PM
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Not worm, not bird - yay!

Got colder than a witches heart here overnight so the car's plugged in and switched on. I'll be driving my Missus to work today and picking her up later. She rather likes not having to drive in this nonsense, plus she also likes having a nicely warmed car with leather seat heaters to keep her tush cozy...

Plows are supposed to be coming around later today or tomorrow. About time.

The new neighbors started moving in last night. None of them know how to back up a trailer and it also looks like they seem to have a penchant for monster trucks. I'll know more by next week. Looks like they could be younger peeps from what I saw of em whilst they were running around out there last night like beheaded chickens.

Tomorrow is the start of round 2 on the curling circuit. Before Christmas my rink ran a perfect win record in one league and only one shoot out loss in the other. Hopefully we can keep that streak going.

Jim - I wish I could say we just get used to it but that's not true. We just endure knowing that it can't stay forever. We don't get the newspaper delivered up here, it comes via internet. I think that's going to kill the delivery system soon and I think there's maybe 1 house out of 18 up here that gets it delivered. Most peeps just mush their sleds down to the 7-11 and pick up a rag of their choice. Hafta do that cuz all the curbside boxes are buried in snow..

Dan - What? that's it? No news about digging out?

Enjoy the weekend; it's only gonna last another day....
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Old January 4th, 2014, 01:56 PM
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Dan - What? that's it? No news about digging out?
Not that much going on here, maybe 1 1/2", though they are predicting 8"-12" through Tues. depending on location. I'm not convinced that I'll see that much, though further south along the lakeshore they will probably see a lot more as they are in a snowbelt. Temps are to drop Sunday night through Weds. w/windchill warnings of -20 to -30, not common in my neck of the woods. They are talking about more ice on Lake Michigan that they have seen in 25 years, came close to freezing over back then, it will result in more sunshine, but we would loose the buffering effect of Lake Michigan, which generally keeps us warmer than Wisconsin by a bit when things get really cold. That Green Bay game should be interesting tomorrow.
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Old January 4th, 2014, 02:08 PM
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Hey everyone.

It was GFF at work and didn't leave until after 7. Go out to the car and it wouldn't start. I've been slowly toasting my Optima battery because the belt on the Saturn slips. The ride home isn't enough to charge the battery up, so lucky I have a spare car at work. I'll take my neighbor's jumper thing with me next week.

Cold as a mother. I think it got to 35 today. Of course I slept most of the day because I didn't have much else planned. Dreary looking day out.

Darrell I need to do some major cleaning out as well. Trouble is, everything I have is essential. I say I'm going to get rid of stuff and just end up rearranging things.

Allan are there a lot of rentals in your neighborhood already? That is death to a neighborhood let me tell you. My neighborhood is turning into rental city and it's tough to get good people these days. I've been telling my HOA for years we should be buying these cheep houses so at least we can choose some of the people that move in.

Gonna go out and get an armful of wood and get the wood stove fired up. I'm thinking this thing has paid for itself already, with the tax credit I got when I bought it, and the supplemental heat it's given. And it's sooo nice to have it 75 or 80 in the house and not have to pay for it.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old January 4th, 2014, 03:12 PM
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Not that much going on here, maybe 1 1/2", though they are predicting 8"-12" through Tues. depending on location. I'm not convinced that I'll see that much,
I may have to re assess, as I just got back from the store, and had about 4" of new snow...ya know that **** that you slide around in even when you have good tires.
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Old January 4th, 2014, 03:41 PM
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Morning everyone, yesterday we had our hottest January day on record ,41 It seems that we are scorching down here and you guys up there are getting the extreme opposite with all those cold weather reports I keep reading about it doesn't look good for any of us at the moment

Lets hope your new neighbors are decent Allan, my current ones are good as I barley hear them or even see them

Those pics remind me of Niagara Falls when we were there Allan, the piles of snow weren't as big but boy they were just as dirty

Hope the weather changes for you soon Sandy and gets a little warmer, until then keep warm

Have a great day oldsmobuddies,

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Old January 4th, 2014, 04:40 PM
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Hey Mike. No that's the first one that's a rental. I was really not happy especially since it's right beside me. Have to play the wait and see thing to find out what kind of peeps they are. Hopefully they will be like Adrians.

Adrian - yup, it's getting worse before better. Those pics were taken Thursday - the first time it got above 0°C here for a long time. Plus it rained Thurs and part of Fri so that didn't help. I just got back from the slip way after taking the Missus to work and even with good winter ice radials, traction control and ESC the car was going nuts trying to find a spot that had any traction. Since the rain and thaw, it's now -20 with Wind chills pushing -32. The block heater cord on my car was frozen to the power cord - took me about 3 minutes of wiggling and hitting it to get it loose.

Dan - I hear ya.
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Old January 4th, 2014, 05:15 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Well, getting back to the usual routine now. Had a good Christmas and New Year's.

The temperature is supposed to go up, but the warm-up comes with snow or freezing rain.

So, I guess Mustang's aren't made for winter Since the temperatures have been dropping, as far back as November, I've been having some trouble with shifting. When the car is cold (-10*C or 14*F or colder) the shifter is clunky getting into 2nd gear and when it's -20*C, I just can't get it into 2nd at all I took it in to the dealership this week and they said there was a TSB on the problem and the fix is to put thinner fluid in. I picked up the car last night, shifted great, but guess what happened this morning... No change what-so-ever from before the fluid change.

Other than that, I'm still trying to figure out my 455 plan for the Cutlass.

Adrian, can I come and visit you in the heat? We've been getting close to -40*C, so might as well see what +40*C feels like

Mike, isn't that convenient that you have a spare car left at work?

Dan, take it easy with that slippery snow.

Allan, I've been thinking about you on my drive to work lately. A few times, I've seen a dark blue Regency in a driveway near work.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!
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Old January 5th, 2014, 03:02 AM
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Been up since about three. Slept too long yesterday afternoon I guess and went to bed too early. Hope that doesn't equate a siesta this afternoon.

Paul I used to have two extra cars at work. If I fly out and then drive back that's how the extra car gets up there. Once when two were there I needed one of them so went up with my flatbed and brought it home.

Guess I'll get ready and head to the Awful house. Gonna be cold today a-gain so maybe I'll clean house. Or I'll crank up the heat and do some painting. I had the wood stove going last night and had it up to 80 in here.

Good Sunday to you all.
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Old January 5th, 2014, 05:40 AM
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Mawn'in all

A lmite dank dis mawn'in but spose to get in de 20's tonite

Allan, Jes exactly where do you live?

You may not believe dis but a few years ago. I looked at [and wish I had bought] a 4 speed 69 442 drop top dat had the block heater on de build sheet. De owner said it was a typo. I dunno

Welp, got ta get crack'in
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Old January 5th, 2014, 05:59 AM
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Mornin all.

The missus wants to plug in the truck this mornin( I never do). She should be going and picking up the kids mule from the vet today. Overnight hospital stays for an equine is ungodly outrageous. And this one spent 2 nights there. Thats at least 3 house payments.

Oh well. Hope you northerners stay warm. and hope you southerners stay cool.

That about wraps it all up.

Got new wiper arms and antenna for Brit. I'll see about getting those put on.

Have a great day all.
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Old January 5th, 2014, 10:18 AM
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Morning all, now the weather man is saying we can expect severe thunder storms over the next couple days. Sure wish this weather would make up its mind

It would be a sight to see the morris try and stay in a straight line over there Allan. Rear wheel drive that weights less then a tonne

You can visit any time Paul, so long as you bring some of that cooler weather with you

Time for work, have a safe day everyone,

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Old January 5th, 2014, 10:33 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Doesn't matter if it's °C or °F, the temps here dropped overnight. With windchill that's down to -39 which is pretty much exactly the same in both scales. But on a positive note, it's only -32°C without - that's -26°F.

Jim - I tot y'all nose ware ah lives. It's rite blow ma avatar. Edmonton. Here

Paul - Another blue Regency?? My 1995 Regency came from Barrie Ont, and it was absolutely loaded - with rust. That thing cost me literally more than I paid for it to fix just the rust. Then it needed a new rear air ride suspension, then full exhaust, then intake gasket etc etc etc. I don't think I'll ever buy another car that comes out of the rust belt again. Thanks for the thought though.

Clint - I bermember a movie called "They shoot horses, don't they?" It's a macabre twist on one woman's life and personal suffering I found difficult to watch. The title line for the movie only comes out in the last 2 minutes of the show when Michael Sarrazin pulls the trigger for Jane Fonda to grant her request.... I know - kids pets are expensive. Sorry to hear about the mule woes. BTW, I was curious about your model AA because I'd never heard of that. Cool truck!

Mike - 80 inside? Man that's only when you get to be a geezer. Open some windows and just heat up the outside a bit... Methinks that if you slept long yesterday it was your body telling ya something. Hard to get used to that 'feeling' of upset body clock isn't it?

Well, it's back to curling tonight. My arch nemisis Byron is the other team. Last year he took first place in the division because he beat us 2x. This year I'm hoping to change all that. Talked to the boys and told them to bring their A game. I can tell you with absolute certainty this is a game of skill, not luck. Quick and dirty diagram that makes sense to most non curlers:
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Old January 5th, 2014, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Ausraven
It would be a sight to see the morris try and stay in a straight line over there Allan. Rear wheel drive that weights less then a tonne
You can visit any time Paul, so long as you bring some of that cooler weather with you
Adrian! Good to hear from you. We can fix up that Morris to drive in a straight line no problem. Studded winter tires and about 200 lbs of sand in the trunk would do er nicely mate! You'd also need to have some -40 coolant in the rad. uhhh, you're welcome to have some of our climes too. Send a large self addressed dumpster and I'll top it off for ya, no charge!
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Old January 5th, 2014, 11:35 AM
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Good to have a real Internet connection again....Hope everybody's new year is going swimmingly thus far. Made the drive home safely yesterday, thank the Good Lord.

The Black & Gold boys finally won a road playoff game for the first time in franchise history! Hallelujah!

The big freeze is spose to make it down as far as da' swamp tonite & tomorrow; they're predictin' 17* here.... Yikes! I think I'm ready for Naples, FL, where it was a toasty 85* over the weekend.

Originally Posted by CQR
John, I'm still wondering how that guy didn't roll a bead off those rims in the slalom course.
I agree, Clint. Actually, my favorite ol' Car and Track test is this one of the '72 Centurion 455... made me want that big barge somepin' awful....\

Y'all stay warm, Oldsmobile friends.
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Old January 5th, 2014, 11:57 AM
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I loved the comment about the bug owners, and for a 'detuned' 455 4bbl in 72 it posted some really decent numbers, slightly better or equal to the 71 Delta 88. But in braking although some distances were similar the 71 Delta 88 Royale had a much shorter stopping distance at 70 mph than the Buick at 60 mph. The Olds also did the avoidance course at 45mph instead of the Buick's 40 mph even though both cars share Buicks camber compensation system.

What a hard comparison of 'back then' engineering. I had a bit of a chuckle when Bud says the interior styling was just 'ok'. In comparison he really liked the Delta and commented that most people who saw the Delta interior thought it was the higher model 98 appointments.

Everyone has their favorites, and I still liked Buick, but more in their upper end luxo barges.
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Old January 5th, 2014, 06:18 PM
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Evening All!

We had sun yesterday and it got up to around 32. Went out and filled the bird feeders. Felt like a heat wave! Today it's been cloudy but was up to 36. It's raining lightly now, temps to drop overnight and snow to fall. Gonna be a cold couple days coming up. Supposed to be 11 tomorrow but wind chills in the minus numbers.... Nicole is all worried about the Intrigue not starting on Tuesday morning when it's supposed to be -15, since it sits outside. It has a new battery, so we shall see. I'm hoping they let us off work on Tuesday, lol. I'm sure it won't happen though. They're already shutting down schools.

I went up to Lin's yesterday to take her shopping. Ended up being there pretty much all day. Packed her Christmas stuff back in the containers so she can get them put back in that little storage closet. We bought a couple more containers and I started packing stuff in them off her plastic stand in the living room so we can get that TV stand from Jr. moved up there. She has sooooo much stuff in that tiny place. I was tired when I finally got home around 8:30 ish.

Today Larry and I went over to Levin furniture and he bought us a new couch and a new mattress set. Almost $3000! We got financing for 5 years, no interest. He'll have it paid off long before then. I wasn't nuts about any of the couches but ended up getting one that has recliners on each end. They probably won't get used, but it was the most comfy one I tried. It's covered with that kinda like suede material. We're giving Jr. my old couch and our old mattress. They'll move that stuff Wednesday night if the weather permits. Our new stuff is supposed to come Wed. morning. Got to put some plastic drop cloths down on the carpet in here.

Adrian.... we could sure use some of that heat, lol.

Paul.... sorry to hear you're having problems with the Mustang. Hope they get it figured out.

Clint.... hope the *** is ok, lol!

Well I gotta round up my stuff for work tomorrow so I better get off here. Gotta see Dr. Smith tomorrow at 4. I have a list of questions for him!

Have a good evening all.
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Old January 6th, 2014, 03:25 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Couldn't resist the siesta yesterday afternoon, which means I was up at O'dark Thirty this morning, again. Eh, I'll get to the Awful house early then to Walmart and still have most of the morning.

John I spoke with Pete yesterday on the phone. Sounds like a nice guy. He sent me some pictures of his TR6. Cool looking car. Glad you're home safe and sound.

Sandy good luck at the dr today. I can't wait until I can go buy some furniture. I've never bought any furniture for myself, always have ended up with someone else's hand-me-downs. After I get the living room painted and the new floor put in I'll go get a nice ensemble. I'd love for things to match for a change.

Had it up to 80 in here again last night. The dogs love it. In the summer they are always looking for a cool and dark place to hide, but when the stove is going they lay right in front of it. In the morning when I have the space heater going when I'm in the shower, my girl lays down just inches from it. Odd.

Adrian that car would be wicked fun in the snow. Good for skeeching.

Jamesbo you gonna smack whitey? Put on your parka. If the wind catches the ball it might end up in the next county. It's windy as heck down this way.

Okay gonna hit the road. Have a great start to the week everyone.
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Old January 6th, 2014, 05:22 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy, The kids horse went home yesterday. Temp is down to normal. so we'll see.

John, those are fun to watch. I watched the 69 LTD test. My buddys brother used to take us to school in a 69XL. What a tank.

Allan, Thats a nice lookin AA. Ours is close to that, with more bling on the front and less on the wheels. I'm Still looking for one more wheel for a spare if any of you run across one.

Everyone have a Monday.
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Old January 6th, 2014, 05:23 AM
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Yup, it's colder than you know what and it only gonna get colder here I think the low temp is actually our high temp and gradually fall as the day progresses and to top that off it should be a cozy 11* in the morning

Allan that cartoon sums up my take on curling It seems interesting, but I have no idea what or why they do what they do

Whar's Jamesbo?

Have a great day all and stay warm
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Old January 6th, 2014, 05:48 AM
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Mike, No I ain’t think’in ‘bout smack’in whitey ‘round dis mawn’in.
Do you know it dropped over 40 degrees last nite?

John, I was think’in ‘bout y’all dis mawn’in It’s getting cold in de mountains. Hope ya drained de pipes are shut off de water.

Allan, I thought dats where ya lived but I don’t speak Canadian very good. “I guess you and I and my old squeeze are de only people who saw dat movie. Most depressing. When I left I was worn out.

Scot, How cold is it down your way?

Sandy, Good luck today at de Doc’s
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Old January 6th, 2014, 05:50 AM
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Morning All!

Cold here, and some flurries coming down right now. Temp is 18..... It was 42 degrees at 12:05 am when I went to bed, and dropped that much in a short time. Tomorrow is gonna be the killer day.

Hotter than Hades in here of course. I went in and put on the capris and t-shirt. Just turned on the fan.

Mike.... I couldn't stay in that 80 degrees, lol. Way too hot for me!! I bet the dogs do like it though.

Jamesbo???????? Yooooo Hooooooo....

No phone calls yet this morning in here. Gonna be a long one. I have to leave around 3:15 for my appt., so that's good!!

Have a great day all and stay warm!
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Old January 6th, 2014, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

Mike, No I ain’t think’in ‘bout smack’in whitey ‘round dis mawn’in.
How long has it been?
Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, How cold is it down your way?
Right now it's 33* and feels like 21*

Sandy X2 on good luck at the doctor
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Old January 6th, 2014, 07:13 AM
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Good chilly morning

Morning, guys and gal.... 'tis 28* in da' swamp.... gettin' ready for da' big chill tonite. They're predicting 17 here in Ponchatoula. Sounds about right.... might leave a little stream running so our well pump doesn't freeze up just when I'll need it most at 4:00 tomorrow morning.... . I'll prolly put an incandescent drop light out there with it tonight, practically touching on that little pressure tube that seems to be the culpret. It's in an enclosure, so between those two things, we should be good.

Jamesbo, thanks for the thoughts... I actually drained the pipes for the first time since we've owned the place. As I'm sure you know, they're sayin' mid-single-digits in the morning for Hiawassee.... I turned off the hot water valve, so the interior hot water won't drain; but we leave the heat on 50. And we turn off the water every time we leave just to be safe. Should be fine....

Clint, I wish I didn't like so many kinds of old cars, but I even have a weak spot in my heart for late 60s Fords. I know I've mentioned my old buddy's '68 Galaxie 500 w/ the 390 Interceptor motor. We had more fun in that thing than the law allows (literally!). That thing would hit second if you floored it at 80 and not look back.... and to think of the tires we used to do that stuff on... .

Mike, glad you finally spoke w/ Pete. He's a book of knowledge; real engineering type, and he loves his Triumphs . He had an old one-banger Triumph 250 dirt bike when we were in H.S. and we had a lot of fun with that, including driving it on the street. It was an old right-shifting 4-speed. Don't see them anymore.... We both wanted Hodaka dirt bikes, but neither of us ever got one... maybe for the better.... .

Sandy, hope all goes well today! You almost got to taste worm this morning.... .

Allan, great observations! I think ol' Bud might have been on some prescription meds when we was raving about the Centurion's brakes. I must say, however, that the brakes on my '73 88 at moderate to high speed were something to keep you awake at night. Fade was about the worst I've ever experienced. The pads and shoes were aftermarket, to be fair -- and those All State linings might not have been quite up to the Oldsmobile engineering specs. I must also admit that my '72 GS had fab brakes; I'm guessing the original owner had a brake job at some point, but it rode on the brakes I bought it with, the whole time I drove it. I'm guessing there's a good 4-500 lbs difference b/w the Centurion and my GS, but I think the Centurion had larger disks and drums.

I'm also guessing that the Centurion and the 88 were fairly close in weight, but the advantage might go to the Centurion, since the 88 was a 4-door. I, too, liked the dash of the Olds more than the Buick. But both were rife w/ idiot lights, as you know -- par for the GM course, especially back then.

Whelpt, hope all my Oldsmopals get through this deep freeze OK. First one to report his (or her) temperature tomorrow morning gets a frozen egg to eat w/ the poor, frigid worm....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; January 6th, 2014 at 07:30 AM.
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Old January 6th, 2014, 12:03 PM
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Gee, I guess it's afternoon already! How time flies when you're having fun.

Last night the boys and I brought our A game and we FINALLY beat Byron. Went to the last end of play though. We were tied at 3 and I buried my first skip stone perfectly behind a logjam of guard rocks, then guarded it like heck. Byron couldn't get to it and missed on his attempted angle takeout so we won 4-3! Byron and I are still friends, but really enjoy spirited competition.

Clint - That's just a pic of an AA I saw on the web when I was trying to understand what it was. At first I thought you might have typed an additional A by mistook, but looking at the results of the web search really impressed me! Ya, those wheels probably are probably hard to find. I gotta admit they look really cool.

John - That does sound chilly for your neck of the woods. And as far as Olds vs. Buick? Hey, they're both winners. I betcha Bud was somewhat biased back in those days.

Scot - Once you experience the game, you'll WANT to stay in a frozen building longer than normal throwing rocks at ice houses

Jim - Yup, that's me. I didn't realize there's more than one Edmonton.

Mike - I thought of putting that dog video here for you. Glad you liked it. Every time I watch it I pee myself laughing. That dog is priceless....
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Old January 6th, 2014, 12:26 PM
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Here you go Allan. Here is the Missus' AA

Attachment 166532
Attachment 166533
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Old January 6th, 2014, 01:46 PM
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is that just me or does it have Utah Plates on it ?
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Old January 6th, 2014, 01:58 PM
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Wow! That is one awesome looking truck! It looks brand new or maybe even better than brand new. Is the drive train original?
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Old January 6th, 2014, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by crzyjef
is that just me or does it have Utah Plates on it ?
LOL That's what I was thinking

Anywho I think we made it up to a balmy 39* today but the wind chill made it feel like the 20's But tomorrow is a different story with the lows in the mid teens and wind chills around 0* I think the high is supposed to be just below freezing. This Southern boy ain't used to all that

I went and winterized the shop so hopefully there will be no busted pipes when I go back down there
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Old January 6th, 2014, 02:07 PM
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Hehe. No Jeff, Those are Colorado Horseless carriage plates.

Allan, Yes. It still has the little flat 4 in it. I did upgrade to a 6 blade plastic fan to help keep it cool. And It has a 4 speed with the Granny low. 25-28 MPH is comfortable. I did have it up to almost 50 once, but I don't think that did it any favors.
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Old January 6th, 2014, 06:16 PM
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Hey everyone.

It got up to a whopping 30* here in the Greater Stockbridge Area today. Teens tonight and single digits tomorrow night. Yay, it's my Monday.

Clint that's a nice looking truck. I'm guessing that picture wasn't taken today.

Sandy the room is comfortable at 80 but doesn't really feel like 80. It's a big room and the house is a little drafty. Oddly enough the dry firewood tonight is not burning nearly as well as the wet firewood did last night.

Well, have you a good evening everyone. Got some Amphi club stuff to do, I gotta stay up late tonight so that's a good thing to do.
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Old January 6th, 2014, 08:50 PM
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Clint, sweet truck. -2 here right now, with a -18 windchill, of course when I need it the most, my remote start won't work. The drive home was fun, whiteouts from the blowing snow, and white knuckles from me gripping the steering wheel. I don't shy away from driving in crappy weather, but sometimes it is a pain. My battery is seven years old, so maybe I'll get another this week, of course I'll have to try and figure out where they buried it in the engine compartment, that's if that is where it is.
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