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Old April 8th, 2013, 04:46 AM
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Mawn'in all

Beautimus day to smack whitey 'round.

Mike, what mule joke you talk'in 'bout?

Looks like ever one is do'in thar spring clean'in. I got sum plants outa de green house and put dem on de screen poach.

De pollen ain't too bad up ere yet. That's de bad thing 'bout a drop top. De times of de year you'd enjoy demm de most is spring and the pollen make my Trophy Blue 442 drop top look kinda exorsist pea green.

Sandy, Enjoy de Spring. Car show season is jes 'round de corner. 'Don't think I'd enter Tincanio jes yet.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 05:49 AM
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Morning All!

Partly sunny and temps at 40 right now. It's supposed to rain about 4 ish this afternoon. Just in time for the Indian's opener, lol.

I wore a thin pair of capri's today - rolled up above the knee- and a short sleeve blouse and sandals. Sure as shi* Steve has his heater blasting. Later when it gets in the 60's outside, it's gonna be hotter than heck in here. It's 74 in here right now. Our house is at 68.... when it's warm outside, the heat doesn't need to be cranked up....... Hopefully it won't be such an irritating week in here. I'm trying to have patience....

Tomorrow is our appt. for the ccw application. I'm nervous! I don't know what kind of questions the Sheriff will ask. My memory ain't what it used to be, lol. I'm gonna have to read all that material again tonight and get refreshed, lol. At least I'll be getting out of here at 2:00 anyhow....

Mike.... we haven't seen any pollen here yet. I'm sure it's on the way though. I hate pollen on my cars. Almost as much as bug bodies, lol. Speaking of bug bodies, there are bugs out again which is a good sign spring is close. They are all over Tincanio's windshield from my trip to Ravenna Saturday. The 'peepers' or frogs or whatever they are are out now too, singing away around the ponds. It's nice to hear them!

Scot..... You can do it, bud!! I have faith!!

Jamesbo.... WalMart has little tiny mater plants already out, and a few other veggies. I think it's a little early for us to buy mater plants. I want to get my bean seeds started soon, and I bought some radish seeds - I'm gonna try them in the ground this time instead of in a container and see if they do better.

Well have a great Monday all!
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Old April 8th, 2013, 07:55 AM
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Jamesbo it was, what won't be extinct even if you kill all of them? Mules. Is it because you can always make more?

Awful house was okay. Walmart irritated the hell out of me. Why do people have to have their cart, motorized wheel thing, big behind, in the middle of the aisle and not move? Why do the people stocking the shelves have to have the biggest pallet they can find blocking most of the aisle and then give you a look when you want to get past? Why do they only have two registers open when there's 80 people in line. I refuse to use the self check out. Maybe I would if I got a discount for it. They suck.

Sandy if that place is so awful why do you stay? Go answer phones for Don Sitts or someone you like. By the way, what's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits the windshield?

Okay now that I'm done with breakfast I have to go to more breakfast. This is the last day I have to take care of my neighbor. His wife gets home this afternoon so then he'll go back into being a recluse. Eh, he's been feeling okay the last few days maybe the nice weather will keep him out and a little active.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 09:15 AM
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Mike.... believe me, I've told Don that if he ever needs help to call me! I'd love to work over there for him. Jobs are hard to come by around here, and at my age I better keep what I have. It's great pay and decent benefits..... I'm hoping to retire at 62, and I don't care if I don't get the 'full' social security payment for retiring early. As long as I can afford some kind of medical insurance. If I wait till full retirement age, they'll be even less by that time then there is now, lol.

I just propped open the door to let in some fresh air! It's up around 55 out there now so it will be a nice walk in a few minutes. I'm enjoying my egg salad sandwich right now. Yummy......
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Old April 8th, 2013, 09:15 AM
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Why do they only have two registers open when there's 80 people in line
. Good question, as it appears to be a national problem with them. I have no problem with the self checkout...if they would open them!
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Old April 8th, 2013, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
. Good question, as it appears to be a national problem with them. I have no problem with the self checkout...if they would open them!

alot of it is going to depend on your "Area".
We have several Wal-Marts.. some small "nieghborhood deli's" and other mega stores.. the closest one to me does not have the self check out.. "too much risk for theft" and yet the neighborhood deli " my mind a more questionable area" has them.. Go figure..

it is hit and miss for the stores in my area that have self check out.. in fact a Lowes about 1 mile away from the walmart DOES have the self check out.

I prefer to use a cashier but if the lines are too long I will opt for the self check out second provided there is no line at the self check out.
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Old April 8th, 2013, 10:55 AM
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R.I.P Annette Funicello

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Old April 8th, 2013, 01:19 PM
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Scot, I jes heard about her. Man dat makes me feel older dan dirt.

Mike, Yep ya can always make mo mules if ya need them.I only go to Walmarts dat aren't on a bus line. It makes a world of diff. Course I don't go fer de people watching. I go to get in an out asap
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Old April 8th, 2013, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
R.I.P Annette Funicello

X2 on the older then dirt part. She used to make my heart go pitter/patter when I was just a kid. FYI she was also a classy lady in later life
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Old April 8th, 2013, 09:25 PM
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I thought I was dead for sure too . I was so sick the last few days , I could barely stand up . I finally went to the doctor today , not that I can afford anymore bills , but I got some Amoxicillin , Mucinex , and I been taking some Advil too . It seems to be working . I was never that sick in my life !
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Old April 9th, 2013, 04:57 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautiful pollen filled day down ere.

Boy we lost Annette and Margret Thatcher in de same day.

I'm gonna have to go to Walmart today. Frigg'in Publix refuses to carry decent Nova an I'm slap out.

John,WTH is de diif betwix a church an a basilica?

Sandy, Do y'all get much pollen up thar?

Pat, Yep she was a class act. When I was a pup, I liked her an Halley Mills cause I figgered Briget Bardot was out of my league.

Den James Bond movies came out and I began to lust after all of dem.

Have a Great day Olds friends Walmart awaits. I'm try'in to figger out what to say to de greeter?
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Old April 9th, 2013, 05:50 AM
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Morning All!

A beautiful morning here today. Almost 50 degrees, heading up to the mid 70's!!! Storm chances later, but worse tomorrow since it's supposed to get in the high 70's tomorrow. Had some lightening and a little thunder around last night, but we didn't get any rain at all.

Hot in here this morning..... there's a surprise! Got up to 80 in here yesterday afternoon, and Steve still had his heater on. Nuff said, lol.

I had to take time this morning to pick some daffodils and hyacinths. As I was backing out the driveway, they just looked soooo pretty. So I brought some color in this drab place with me this morning, and I can smell them and de stress.

I get to leave at 2 today for the Sheriff's office. We're going to the Ravenna office in Portage county. Our instructor said they are much better than Summit county here, or Cuyahoga county, to get the permit through. I have all my paperwork, picture, and $67 in cash. I'm ready!

Jamesbo.... I don't know how much pollen is too much, but yeah, we get it. Once the trees and bushes start opening up, everything gets a nice yellow coating on it. We don't have any yet, but we will! Of course our temps are gonna drop to the 40's again next week, so that will stall things from opening up.

Bryan..... sorry to hear you've been sick. Good that you got some meds and will feel better! Sometimes ya gotta bite the bullet and go to the doctor.

Citcapp... nice to hear from you! You're not on here very much anymore.

Scot... how'd it go yesterday??

Well you all have a great day.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 06:19 AM
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Howdy everyone.

Beautiful day here. The pollen is starting to get to me now, so I need to figure out what will be my remedy this year. Oh but it isn't what you see that is what bothers you...

Got quite a few errands to run this morning, but I may bypass the Awful house. I ate something last night that didn't quite agree with me so I'm thinking fried Lomelt might not be a great idea. Oh, I could have my food cooked in butter again, hm.

Bryan hang in there. You'll feel great once you stop feeling bad.

I'm playing phone tag with the insurance adjuster. He wants to talk to me about the Rolls. I'd love for him to say, gee, it's just too expensive to fix that thing, so here's a check see ya later. That car would be down the road before the ink was dry.

Okay here I go, have a great day everyone.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 06:20 AM
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Morning all.

John, thank you sir. I'll give it a shot. I also heard that Holy basil works too.

Sandy, Good luck. I think you'll do fine.

Well, we didn't make our trip this last weekend. My buddy was too sick to drive. So we'll load the steaks up in Brittney this summer and make the full trip. So I didn't go out and buy the little skidder either. I sound on in Chadron, and they are bringing it down to Fort Morgan, CO. I'll go out there and look at it. Its a pretty much done deal. Has a fresh motor and some new hoses and stuff.

Our terrible blizzard we were supposed to have last night didn't amount to much. We have about an inch on the ground. Its snowing now and it's just starting to cover the sidewalk. They are adamant that we are still gonna see a foot. we'll see.

Our little Jerk Russell fell off the haystack yesterday. fell about 15' and landed on his side on a stack of t-posts. x-rays didn't show anything broken, but he is one sore puppy this morning.

Have a great day all.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 07:35 AM
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Good Tuesday Mawnin All

Another bluebird day ere as Jamesbo would say Supposed to get into the low to mid 80's again

Sandy I am still waiting on the attorney to reply. Hopefully I will hear something soon I got this far, there is no way I am going to loose steam now

Clint I hope the pooch heals fast. My little JR isn't scared of anything. She picked a fight with our rescue lab/retriever/Heinz 57 dog that is 10 times her size and kept getting her rear end handed to her but still came back for more several times until I was able to get out there and split them up. This time it was over a squirrel they nabbed in the back yard but most of the time they will go at it merely for one getting more attention and the JR usually starts it. UGH!

Jamesbo what did you say to the greeter? Inquiring minds wanna know

Well I'll be around waiting on the atty to call....... Hope everyone has a wondermous day
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Old April 9th, 2013, 07:40 AM
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I don't know if it's bad luck to rejoice so soon, but I'm going to anyway. I just got off the phone with the adjuster and they are indeed going to consider the Rolls a total loss, due to the ridiculously complex paint job, and give me enough to pay it off and they are taking it and I don't have to mess with it anymore!

You can color me ecstatic. I hope I didn't sound too excited on the phone.

My day has definitely gotten a boost. I'm certainly not out to take advantage of anyone but when life gives you lemons, oh, that has more than one meaning in this case.

Okay I'm gonna go jump up and down for awhile
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Old April 9th, 2013, 07:44 AM
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Congrats Mike on the good news
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Old April 9th, 2013, 08:47 AM
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Mike, Darn. I was hpoing to meet cha in roswell
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Old April 9th, 2013, 08:55 AM
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How-day, all....

Well, it's back to the "real world" as of yesterday. Makes me wanna cry to leave dem GA mountains.... 1 week is definitely not enough.

Seems as official as it’s gonna’ get… I’m extended at the salt mine for another 6 months, so retirement will have to wait…. I might as well make hay while the sun shines; I just hope I don’t get run over by a bus the day I retire. Hope to enjoy at least a few months of it! ;-)

Real sad to see Annette hit the big beach in the sky yesterday…. funny how we were just talking about her a couple weeks ago. I had no idea she hadn’t even been able to talk for the last year or two; I knew she must’ve been in bad shape; but didn’t know just how bad. Funny how she and Roger Ebert were both 70 when they died, and neither was able to talk.

Looking back at the pic’s of Annette in the Mouskateers Club, she really was a little doll. We sure miss that kind of simplicity and ingenuousness in our present age. And as Pat remarked, she carried that class all the way into adulthood, and through her illness. She was class from day 1 to the end. And yes, I feel old, too…. When I was a kid, my favorite Annette movie was absolutely Babes in Toyland. We even had the album.... even though I did like Darlene and Cheryl more in the Club.

And yeah, Haley Mills was way up on our list of faves; the better half even has the original Parent Trap and watches it when the spirit moves.... What a cutie she was.

Jamesbo, at least you didn’t say “WTF is a basilica?”
In Catholicism, a church is a church. A cathedral is the church where the bishop of the diocese (or archdiocese) presides and says Mass. A basilica is “a church of pre-eminence, either because of its great architecture or historical importance.” They can also be cathedrals. Basilicas are designated by the governing body of the Catholic Church in Rome (Holy See). Simple as dat….

I was listening to some old Margaret Thatcher clips reading the Riot Act (figuratively, of course) to the House of Commons in Parliament in the early 80s. Wow! I really didn't remember her standing on her two feet the way she did.... IMHO, and I don't want to get political, we lost a true giant of the 20th Century.

WTH is Nova?

Very welcome, Clint. Let me know how it works. And congrats, Mike!
Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Boy we lost Annette and Margret Thatcher in de same day.

I'm gonna have to go to Walmart today. Frigg'in Publix refuses to carry decent Nova an I'm slap out.

Pat, Yep she was a class act. When I was a pup, I liked her an Halley Mills cause I figgered Briget Bardot was out of my league.

Den James Bond movies came out and I began to lust after all of dem.

Have a Great day Olds friends Walmart awaits. I'm try'in to figger out what to say to de greeter?

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 9th, 2013 at 09:00 AM.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 09:04 AM
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Nova is unsalted Lox. Salmon.

Ok, John, so I'm reading 'bout where de super model sister is gonna have a mass in downtown Hotlanta. an ere's what it be say [in the vernacular ]

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, formerly called the Sacred Heart Church, is the first Roman Catholic basilica in Georgia. The Church was designated as a basilica on February 22, 2010. Wikipedia

Never mind John, I found de info on it.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 09:36 AM
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Jamesbo, that would be worth seeing. St. Louis Cathedral in N.O. was designated a basilica in '64, but nobody ever refers to it as such.

Not (really) to change the subject, but speaking of Hotlanta, one day, I'm going to go to the Fox. I watched a TV show on its restoration last year and would really like to see some event there.... prob. after retirement Maybe you and Supermodel could keep your eyes peeled for events there after September.....
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Old April 9th, 2013, 09:44 AM
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During de renovation, Sumone was going to close an old strip club also. thus my favortie bumper sticker '"To heck wit the fox, Save the Cheetah. "

Seriously, the Fox is/was a cool place an I have many a fond memory of going down there in the old days. If you saw the same one I did, it talks about the guy who has lived ther fer decades.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 12:32 PM
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Jamesbo I'll make it up there and it won't be because I have to take that white elephant up for service.

I got the check for the Corvette in the mail today. It seems a little low but I'll let the shop that's doing the painting worry about that. The twist here is the place that painted it last time needs to do some warranty work(all the black part is pitting) so we'll see what they say about the new stuff.

John I saw Jerry Seinfeld at the Fox a number of years ago, that place is fabulous. I didn't know they did tours of it, I'd like to go on it some time. Even as late as the early 70s they were playing that Disney stuff on TV and I remember it rather well. I think the announcer was the same guy that announced the race in Herbie the Love Bug.

I was thinking after Margaret Thatcher and Annette there would be a third, because everything happens in threes. Then you brought up Roger Ebert and bam that's three.

The Presbyterians don't have cool buildings. We just have regular churches with weird words like narthex and manse.

Okay out to blow off the roof of the garage. I'm still doing my happy dance.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 12:39 PM
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Tempting idea

That would great if Jamesbo could track some event taking place there this fall and we could all meet up and go to the Fox and out to din-din in Hotlanta one evening. Maybe Sandy would even come down....
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Old April 9th, 2013, 04:40 PM
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I thunk the pollen has left our vicinity for now for the most part. Here is what it looked like over the past week

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Old April 9th, 2013, 05:31 PM
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Just stopped by to say Hi. Mike, nice to see you so excited and prosperous.
This is for you in case you want another one. I'd be pleased to drive it down. Silver Spur FS BTW, 93K km = 58K miles.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 07:43 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Nice, warm day today. Called for rain, but was just cloudy most of the day.

I am really thinking that this is the winter that will never end. They are now predicting 10-15cm of snow on Friday Allan, you didn't have to send it this way I guess I took the winter tires off too soon.

Mike, um... congratulations?

John, another 6 months of Olds parts funding?

Clint, hope the dog gets well soon.

Scot, hope it goes well.

Jamesbo, how did the Walmart adventure go?

Sandy, would the big Summit Racing store be in Summit County? I can't remember even though I visited it twice when I was in Ohio. It would make sense.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 07:47 PM
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Hi Allan! That Spur looks nice, but I think I'm out of the Rolls business. And again, if the car were in someone else's driveway it might fare better, but this is just too good of a chance to get rid of a big headache. Too bad, really, because for the 100 or so miles it ran for me(a year ago) it was kinda nice.

Scot if you only get pollen for a week I'm super jealous. It has to last a month here if it lasts a day.

John I'm there. I'd love to go to the Fox again. We don't even have to have a specific event. We could meet on a Saturday morning and just do stuff downtown, like the aquarium, Coke museum, the zoo, Cyclorama, whatever, and then dinner and a show at the Fox. We got Jamesbo as a tour guide. Being a local he knows every in and out of the city.

Well the big event of my day was blowing all the pine needles off the roof of the garage. The pitch was a little steeper than I remembered, and it wasn't the brightest idea walking up there with wet needles and an extension cord. But I did okay. Now the rain on Thursday will wash off all the compost that was forming and it will look uniform with the house.

Have a good night everyone. Clint hope the pup is feeling better tonight.
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Old April 9th, 2013, 07:50 PM
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Evening all. It was 82 here today, a big improvement over the 61 on Monday. Finally, a warmer day than the avg temp says it is supposed to be. Hoping tomorrow will be about the same.

Mike- What happened to the Corvette? Did I miss a post on it back a ways?

Hope everyone had a great day.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 04:40 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter pretty day down ere.Got my taters an squish planted yesterday.

Sure I'd meet cha at de Fox, I'll show ya de exact seat whar in de 7th grade my hand "accidently" slipped down on Lourie G's [nevermind]

I only wish dat Jap Zero dat was parked downtown fer ever was still there but alas, it's gone.

Originally Posted by slantflat
The Presbyterians don't have cool buildings. We just have regular churches with weird words like narthex and manse.
Mike, I'm a 'recovering Presbyterian" so I speak de lingo. When we go to de Fox, we can discuss the plus's an minus's of a unicameral system vs. a bicameral system.

BTW, I was on the Propety managment committe at 1st Pres. 16th an Peachtree fer what seemed like a few thousand years.

Some yahoo hired an architect and paid them 30K to do a space utilization plan. [bad idea] He made the STUPID mistake of suggesting they move the womens Bible class. Shortly thereafter de Blue hairs made sure his study was tossed in de trash.

1st Pres is a beautiful old Limestone "Kirk" wit Tifffany stained glass winders, ya need to see it some day. It's right next to de High Museum.

Never made it to Walmart yesterday, I stopped in Kroger an got my Nova. Sure was yummy dis mawn'in

Have a great day Olds friends, I GTG plant sum pole beans.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 06:02 AM
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Morning All!

A lovely 68 degrees out on this cloudy morning. Calling for some storms throughout the day but heading to the mid 70s!

We hit 78 degrees here yesterday!!! It was wonderful! It was heading towards 80 on my thermometer in the office when I left at 2:00, so I'm sure they sat in here basking in the heat, lol.

Today I wore a skort and short sleeve light blouse and sandals. Its 76 and I turned on my fan the minute I walked in. Steve just shut off his heater. He and Clay both have sweaters on.... that's funny! I'm waiting for Brian to tell me he's chilled and would I shut off the fan......

So it was in and out at the Sheriff's office yesterday. I was expecting to be asked some questions about the laws or guns or something, but they didn't ask anything! No wonder anyone can get a permit...

They fingerprinted us electronically, took another picture and had us sign our names. That was it. Since we were from another county, we had to sign papers giving permission for background checks from our county to be given to Portage county. We were in and out. It sure was nice to be home and outside in the afternoon!!

Well my laptop crashed for some reason. Turned it on last night and got some message about not being able to get in - something about /windows/ config32/...... So I called my friend Sue after 10 pm and she talked me through a bunch of crap, but I didn't want to lose my files and stuff I have on it, so I didn't do anything. Im gonna take it to her tonight and she will get all my files off of it and just start it up again like it was new. Nicole got mad cause I asked her what she did to it. I probably shouldn't have jumped to conclusions but I did.... I never had any problems until she started using it. I felt bad. Sue said it could have been one of the updates I installed last week. I know its been running jerky like. I don't know. Its the only thing that keeps me sane here all day. Well I have this Kindle but its not the same.

Paul.... yeah I do believe Summit is in Summit county. Its right close to the county lines of Portage and Summit though.

Jamesbo.... I wanna plant! No fair, lol. I have to get some new dirt and manure and such and put in the new space Larry made me. So I will have 2 little gardens this year. I know I'm gonna plant the maters by themselves this year lol. They drowned out everything else last year.

Well I better get something done so you all have a good hump day!
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Old April 10th, 2013, 06:21 AM
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If anybody can come with an itinerary and a date anytime in the months of October or November, count me in! I'd love to do that. I've never been on the streets of Hotlanta before, and would love to see the sights. Jus fer kicks & grins, what would some time during the week (or weekend) of 10/6-13 look like?
Scot? Mike? Jamesbo? I can fly solo or paired, as the group would like.... although I know the better half would prolly like to mosey around the town as much as I...

Originally Posted by slantflat
John I'm there. I'd love to go to the Fox again. We don't even have to have a specific event. We could meet on a Saturday morning and just do stuff downtown, like the aquarium, Coke museum, the zoo, Cyclorama, whatever, and then dinner and a show at the Fox. We got Jamesbo as a tour guide. Being a local he knows every in and out of the city.
BTW, in the "incredible jackass" department, check this shocker out in the local news yesterday. I'm speechless.

Y'all have a good humpity-hump today, ya' hear?
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Old April 10th, 2013, 06:22 AM
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Tied the record this morning. 7*F. Brrr.

Have a day. Gotta get to it.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 06:54 AM
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John, I'll check wit de super model 'bout dem dates. I'll buy ya dinner at the Capital city club down town [ Peachtree and Harris] and enjoy my adult beverages from de veranda while y'all wander among the unwashed masses and try to get mugged.

I wished de tossed her off the TOP floor for doing that. IMHO there's a special place in hell for people who are cruel to animals.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 09:24 AM
Captain Starfire
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OK, Jamesbo & Mike. Sounds at least like a quorum.... Like Mike, I say if we can't see an event at the Fox, we at least take da' tour....

My sentiments exactly, Jamesbo, as far as that cretin goes. Man, o man. God bless us all.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 10th, 2013 at 09:27 AM.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 10:01 AM
NOVICE car nut
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Man , this place is cold (moms house) my fingers are frozen lol . I'm finally getting a feeling of what it's like to feel normal again after being sick for the last how many days . I can also see how far behind I am with this site and others . My 72 CS has been in an indoor storage site which is costing me a $130 a month . I can't wait until this crappy , rainy weather goes away so I can feel my fingers again , and start wrenching on the old car where I left off .... Well I'm going to go take a shower before work so I can warm up again ....
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Old April 10th, 2013, 12:05 PM
Always room for one more
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Hey everyone.

Nice day here, it got up to 80 by about noon I think. Should be a nice night at work.

Darrell the Corvette was a victim of the epic hail storm. It doesn't look like there's damage to the body, just paint.

Lots of cars getting totalled out by the storm. I'd say if you were looking for a decent running project check out the insurance auctions. There's gonna be a lot of them.

John give me about one minute with that scum that threw the puppies off the balcony. Also, I saw on facebook this morning someone drove by a circus in MS and shot an elephant in the shoulder. The elephant will be okay, the drive-by shooter I hope is found and put in the enclosure with the victim.

I'm pretty flexible with my schedule so if we can come up with a date for downtown Atlanta I'll make sure I'll be there.

Sandy it's strange that you have an office full of guys that are perpetually cold. Was that part of the screening process to staff the office?

There must be five houses in the neighborhood(that I can hear) getting roofs today. I hope when my neighbor gets his roof next Saturday it doesn't keep me awake all day.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 12:16 PM
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Yeah, Mike. I can't think of any punishment for those low-lives that would be too harsh.
Here's another one from our neck of the woods (figuratively and literally... unfortunately) I had heard about a little over a month ago. What a slime ball.

I'm with you on the flexibility --> I'm committed to making this happen, Mike. Let's see what's goin' on w/ Supermodel that week and we can adjust accordingly. I'm purposely not planning anything else in October.

It's a warm, muggy one down here today.... we're bracing for storms tomorrow... and that's too bad, 'cause it's the first day of the French Quarter Festival. But at least Fri thru Sun (which also happen to be days of the Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival) appear to be OK.

Hasta manana, hombres y muchacha....
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Old April 10th, 2013, 12:20 PM
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John, Stop post'in dem things, you're making me sick.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 12:50 PM
Cutlass Lover
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Well we had thunderstorms come through right before lunch. Its cooled off to 68 degrees now and its kinda muggy out.

Will wonders never cease!! When Brian came back from his lunch with a customer today - he got back at 2:30 - he turned on the AC in here!! Works for me! . It's all about him. I can sit here till I die of heat stroke, but if he's hot the air goes on!

It was 81 in here when Steve shut off his heater to go to lunch at noon. I felt like a dog that's been left inside a hot car, lol. I propped open the door and turned on the AC until it got down to 76. Then I shut it off. Didn't want it to be too cold when he came back.

So now its getting comfortable in here. I still have my fan on though just to circulate the air.

Mike.... I just don't know about these guys!

I hate to hear about people mistreating animals. There is a lot of that on the news around here and it breaks my heart. Id like to get a hold of some of those people.... they're trying to get stricter laws in Ohio and I hope they do.

Man I miss my laptop. I hope Sue doesn't have to keep it too long.
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