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Old July 24th, 2012, 07:49 AM
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Scot.... That sucks!!!! You did the right thing by walking away from that guy. I sure hope you get what you need. You'll find something else, I have faith. I'll paypal you peach money - just let me know how much you need!!

I got the nicest call a while ago....... from Adrian!! It was sooooo sweet of him to call me and see how I'm doing. I really appreciate all you guys. You've all done more for me than anyone around here, lol.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 08:37 AM
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Scot that's too bad. What I don't understand is, why do you have to call him if you're standing right in front of him? Find out where he lives and send pizza and taxis to his house all night.

Sandy I'll be in Celina. It's on the western border of Indiana/Ohio, and Google maps says it is 201 miles from you taking US30 the whole way. Gee, stop on in!

I stayed at the Awful house about 2 1/2 hours this morning. Holy smokes. I almost took up residence. Always a good time.

You know what's funny, Sandy's post started Page 144. It used to be turning a new page was a big deal but now it comes so often I guess it's commonplace. We really chat it up here!
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Old July 24th, 2012, 09:06 AM
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Sounds good Sandy, I'll keep you posted

Mike I think he meant in a few weeks, he'll call to let me know he finally got his $#*! together 5,723 posts and 144 pages is a lot of yacking
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Old July 24th, 2012, 09:23 AM
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Good Mawning Folks!

Today's starting out really nice. Temps are down because of all the rain and I don't think I'll be cutting the grass till the weekend. Still too wet. Joanne got a call from work; can she come in on her off day to cover a shift from 10-630? Yup, quick splash & dash and away she went. I'm hoping to fire up the grill later and do some more ribs. They turned out sooooo good last time. Gonna try a variation on the cooking theme though. Film at 11:00

Ken - not much rain at your place? That's prolly a good thing. For a while here you couldn't even see the road.

John - Not sure what green SF/white sides means? Single Family house? If that's what you mean - nope. The dorck lives down the cul-de-sac to the right. His name is LOSER.

Clint - Glad you have family to spend the time with. Enjoy it while you can. All my parents/grandparents are gone. Even the in laws. Kind of depressing thinking about it.

Mike - 67 CS there are 2 versions on the fenders. On the HT and Sedans the CS was on the C pillar (or sail pillar) like Clint said. On Verts, there is no pillar back there so the CS emblem is added to the front fender

Sandy - I thought Nicole was done with that jerk and had moved on???

Scot - Yessir! I'll get to posting that for you pdq. BTW, from what you described? EVERY one of those instances would be covered by collective bargaining between USPS and Union. I find it incredibly hard to believe the PM is being so ridiculous about this. It's good that you kept your cool while dealing with him.

Adrian - Thank you. It is a very nice place to live. It will be even better when the dorck leaves. If you make it to Canada, LMK and I'll PM you my address. I can find some Woodpecker Beer (I know it's not Aussi, but it's inspiring

Funny, I was talking to my wife about an Australian vacation one of these years. She's bent on Europe though. Not sure why with all the economic instability and unrest in the places she wants to visit. BTW, I've heard that Aussies will speak their mind. I like that. Let's a fella know exactly what he's dealing with!
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Old July 24th, 2012, 11:38 AM
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Allan that's exactly what I saw. Is the green car in your picture someone's you know? That is the car and the color right there! I'll take mine with power windows and a 4speed.

I think I got everything ready for tomorrow. It's about an 8 hour ride up there, but it isn't a bad ride. I do know there are several places along the way the XM radio doesn't work so I'm bringing along some CDs just in case. So much for all-covering satellite.

Boy what a beautiful day. Think I'll go out in it for a little while.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 12:41 PM
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Well...... I knew it was coming...... Today at lunch time, Brian cornered me. He's noticed I'm not as friendly as I was before he went on vacation. I tried to tell him to 'let it go', but of course he's not that kind of person. So I told him how those texts he sent me really upset me and hurt me. I told him I would have never talked to him like that when he was sick. He apologized.... said my well being was his main concern and he certainly didn't mean to come across like I thought he did. That wasn't his intention. I told him that it's best for me not to say anything when I'm that upset, because it could lead to me not talking and being friendly for a very long time!! He said I should have called him and talked about it. I said as mad as I was, I would have said a lot of things I couldn't take back, lol. So anyhow, now he feels better, I guess. I'm still not going out of my way to be nice. He was all paranoid thinking Clay Steve and I talked about him or something while he was on vacation. Still... it's all about him. Some things never change I guess.

So there went my lunch hour when I could have been outside in my chair. Oh well. I'm going to see my hairdresser tonight to get rid of the 'touch of silver' in my hair, so I won't be home until about 8 or after. I should just let it grow out gray.... all the stress I've been through, it's a wonder I'm not completely white headed, lol!

Mike... too bad that's so far away! Maybe another time. Some day I'll get to Gawja and meet all of you guys there.

Jamesbo.... Do you have Crape Myrtle bushes/trees there??
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Old July 24th, 2012, 01:08 PM
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Mike - those were pics just to show the difference on the CS vert. How was I to know we think so much alike??

Sandy - Crape Mrytle bushes grow into big trees. Very pretty aren't they?

I know what you mean about not saying anything when you're upset. I'm the same way. Not all of us are like Brian though; I think you know that. You were just unfortunate to stumble into a hornets nest of egocentric weirdos. If you look in the dictionary under a@@, there's a pic of Brian

Well one set of new neighbors is moving in on the corner. I'll mosey over and say howdy AFTER they finish unpacking that honking big van. Looks like they're from Nfld. Hope they are nice. Looks like they will prolly beat the rain - there's more coming and the clouds are building.

Just an FYI, one of the areas south of us (Drayton Valley) got absolutely drowned yesterday. According to their local rain gages, they got 7" of rain in just one hour. They didn't have any roads left - just canals. Travel by boat in some places. We had several underpasses here flooded out. These one in 200 year storms seem to be coming with more of a one in 5 year frequency.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 01:39 PM
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Allan R..... Is that tree in Canada??

There are Crape Myrtle bushes across the parking lot from us, in front of the other set of complexes here at work. I looked up how to start one from a cutting. So tomorrow I'm gonna bring my clippers in and get a few cuttings from these bushes. Most of them are that dark pink color, one is a light pink. Very pretty! I don't know why I haven't gotten cuttings before now off of them. It says they're pretty easy to get to root.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 01:55 PM
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Sandy, no it's not. Sadly, it would die in our climate. I found that beauty when I was looking up Crape Myrtle trees. From what I've read, that would have to be somewhere in a more northern climate like where you are. Apparently they will grow 20 to 30' in the north, but in the South HOT areas like TX (where they are very resistant to heat) they only grow 5 - 8'. Just had to post that for you cause I know you're partial to pretty things.

When I saw that pic first thing I thought? What a perfect place for all of us to sit and watch Jamesbo whack whitey. Dibs on the Long Island Iced Tea or Mint Julep.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 04:22 PM
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Morning all, great day outside with not a cloud to be seen. To bad I have to go to bed soon as I am on first night shift tonight, oh well.

It was very good talking to you Sandy. Hope it cheered up your day a little

Funny ad there Allan. If you ever meet an aussie don't offer him a Fosters, they say it is Australian beer but none of us drink the stuff, it's awful And yes most of us do speak our mind so there is no guessing what we are thinking we will happily tell you

I really hope you get all this sorted out Scot, just sounds so unfair. Some people shouldn't be given jobs with authority.

Well time for bed, have a wonderful day

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Old July 24th, 2012, 07:03 PM
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Evening Folks,
Well, it's turned out to be a gorgeous evening. Temps are around 70 with a gentle breeze. My flag is unfurling nicely at times. I like having a flag. I wonder why more Canadians don't fly our national flag? When I've been to the US, I notice a LOT of proud patriotic US citizens flying Old Glory. Another one of those things that makes me go Hmmmmm.

Well I surprised Joanne. She got home right around 7. Just like I figured. Had supper all ready so she didn't have to do anything. Even had her Green Tea brewed and poured. Got all the preparation dishes and whatnot all cleaned up before she got in too. She had to go get her 'eating pants' on. I think that's a girl thing? Sandy - you understand that? I figured she would need to change shirts to avoid any BBQ sauce, but she NEVER gets any on her. Won't eat with her fingers either. Compared to her I'm a barbarian.

We went out to the flower garden and checked on the flowers. The setting sun was hitting them just right and the whole area was ablaze with color. I mistakenly called one of her flowers a Babies Breath, and was corrected. It's apparently a German Statice. ok. Couldn't believe how much the maters had shot up in the last 4 days of rain/sun. Over 2 feet. Still waiting for some ripe ones though.

Adrian - one of the things I read on the web was exactly what you said about Fosters. I think the movie 'Crocodile Dundee' painted it with a different brush. But the web said, Don't EVER offer an Aussie a Fosters unless you want to end up on yer A@@. That's why I sent ya the Woodpecker ad. I've seen it a while back but never get tired of it.

Well, best I make room for someone else to post something.

Hope everyone has a great evening.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 09:14 PM
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Scot - I posted those Special Order cars on your thread.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Evening Folks,
Well, it's turned out to be a gorgeous evening. Temps are around 70 with a gentle breeze. My flag is unfurling nicely at times. I like having a flag. I wonder why more Canadians don't fly our national flag? When I've been to the US, I notice a LOT of proud patriotic US citizens flying Old Glory. Another one of those things that makes me go Hmmmmm.
Allan, we are subtally patriotic. Didn't someone say at the Vancouver Olympics that we should yell "Go Canada Go" wave the flag around and we'll apologise to the world later?"

I would dare say that we are as patriotic as the Americans but are more subdued. I also fly the Maple Leaf on my house.

Attachment 175262

Attachment 175263

a few months ago...

Attachment 175264

I even flew an American flag on my house for about a month along side the Maple Leaf from September 12 - to the second week in October 2001. Just being neighbourly as we have a big US expatriot population.

My neighbours have also started flying the flag and not just on the 1st of July.

How's this for unrestrained patriotism....

Attachment 175265
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Old July 25th, 2012, 04:32 AM
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Good Mawnin Shania
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Old July 25th, 2012, 04:42 AM
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Oh sorry I couldn't help it

Good Mawnin All There that's better

Mike that is a great idea, but this *&%$$%^&** has wasted enough of my time and my life, it's like the REO Speedwagon song "I believe it's time for me to fly"

Allan I saw that and replied, man those are way cool for sure Thanks for the great detective work

Sandy we had a Crepe Myrtle when I lived in Warner Robins that was close to 40' tall Usually around here people keep them cut back and the sprout all the pretty flowers and they cut them back again.

Well I'll check back in a bit, yall have a great humptyday
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Old July 25th, 2012, 04:59 AM
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Anutter hot one dis mawn'in

Sandy,Yes we've got dem. Alot of people trim dem back close to de trunk but I don't care for that look.

I've rooted hundreds of azaleas. Ere's de way to do it.

Go to de garden store and get cha sum Rootone [powder] and sum vermiculite.[comes in a bag.] Make a box outa an old coke crate or soda can flat. line it wit plastic. poke sum holes in de plastic.wet down the vermiculite in de bag

Fill de box wit wet vermiculite.

When ya take cuttings, get new growth. It 'll be greener towards de ends. cut it at an angle which expose the max of the cambium layer. [center core] Strip off all but the top leaves as leaves use up nutrients, dip the twig in water, den rootone. [ de water makes de powder stick more better. Den take a pencil an poke a hole in de vermiculite [so the rootone doesn't come off when ya stick it in the vermiculite.]

I'd do a bunch.20/50 Mist dem every day with water. After a month or so. You'll see tiny hairs growing [new roots] den ya can tranplant them in potting soil in seperate pots.
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Old July 25th, 2012, 05:26 AM
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Mornin all.

Ken Bless you. Haven't seen her in a while. She is ravishing. Not sure how she ever ended up with someone called Mutt?

Muggy and stale this morning. I would figure it was 70% or better but is only says 56%That was at 4:30 this morning when I went to go feed. We're only spose to get into the mid 80's today so that'll be nice.

Allan I've always liked Canadas flag. I used to have a flag, some maple leaf place mats and a shirt or 2 that I bought the last time I was up there. (1986)

I suppose I should go out and buy a new US flag as well. People look at mine funny. It was something I got from one of my Great-great cousins estate. It's only got 48 stars.

So Adrian, Fosters is the Budweiser of Oz beers? I'll remember that. If I ever meet you or the others from Oz that I chat with. Hows the scoot running? Not sure if I heard if you got the carbs right on it.

Scot, way to look forward. hope things fall in line for you.

Mike, I've been tempted to order XM for my chebby. But I'm holding back as I only drive that truck sometimes on the weekends.

Sandy. I say show the wisdom in your hair.

Have a great day all.
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Old July 25th, 2012, 05:58 AM
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Morning All! And Shania, lol.

Well it's like a September morning here. Temps in the 50's this morning, and no humidity. Heading up to the 80's with storm chances later.

I walked over and took some cuttings from those Crape Myrtle bushes this morning. I wrapped them in wet paper towels and put them into plastic baggies - this is what it said to do online. I took one on old wood, and a few newer branches. We will see. If it doesn't work, I'm not out anything, lol. I can always try again!!

Clay was telling me about all the ones that grow in Texas. Some really beautiful colors! I'd love to have a red one.

It's quiet in here this morning. Gonna be a long day. I have to go to Kent right from work tonight to the college for the orientation. And I have to pay them $200 tonight. That's to hold the spot or something.... Hard come and easy go.....

Adrian.... It was wonderful talking to you! I really enjoyed it. I love your accent and could listen to you talk for hours, lol.

Clint.... I keep threatening to let my hair grow out - I like the salt and pepper look. Just haven't gotten the nerve up yet, cause it's so pretty when I get rid of that streak on top of my head, lol. It looks so nice today!

Well you all have a good hump day!
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Old July 25th, 2012, 06:51 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Just got back from taking the dogs and eating at Awful house. They don't have Awful house in Ohio that I know of, so I had to get it in one more time before I left. Boy is it quiet in the house without the dogs. I don't like it.

Clint I think XM is not worth the money. My radio shows 200 and something channels, but about half of them are blank, several are duplicate, and some have commercials on them and people who talk too much. It came with my car for a year otherwise I wouldn't have it. And they are merciless when it comes time to renew.

I love crepe myrtles, and might plant some in my yard one of these days. They're about as common as dirt around here but they are pretty. I like azaleas as well, but hate that they only flower for a couple weeks in the spring.

Ken that's a nice looking Corvette. 76?

Allan when my friends were visiting me from Australia everywhere we went people would want them to say the Fosters commercial: Fosters, Australian for beer! They hated doing it but the people would just howl. I think Fosters for North America is made in New Jersey.

Okay! It's time to hit the bricks. I'll try to check in while I'm in Ohio. Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and I'll be back home some time Sunday.
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Old July 25th, 2012, 09:06 AM
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Good morning all.

We'll we're getting ready for the Alberta Summer Games and Josh has one more practice. We'll leave tomorrow morning. The boys wil leave on the bus at 5:30 am. It's a 325 mile trip. Karen and I will leave later. I have to rent a car because the compressor on the Aurora stopped working. No big deal for me but the one who shops at "Princesses Are Us" wants air conditioning. Lethbridge will be sunny and about 30C and she doesn't want to sweat.

So I'll get a 2012 Impala for $109 for the 4 days with unlimited mileage. She's happy about the A/C and I get to try out a new car. Some other parents may come with us which make it $54.50 for the rental + only 1/2 the gas.

Mike, good call! That was my 1976 Corvette. It was a fun car but was nickle and diming me. Bought it, kept it for 5 years, fixed it up a bit, drove it to Montreal and back and sold it for twice what I paid. So I was happy.

Cut the branch down myself (because I'm cheap) and trimmed a couple of other branches.

Attachment 175255

Opens up the backyard

Attachment 175256

Now I have even more wood to burn this winter and will probably give some away

Attachment 175257

Have a good morning. Will report back after the games.
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Old July 25th, 2012, 10:38 AM
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Happy Humpday Everyone!

This mawnin the plumber showed up on time and had a look at that pesky water valve. I'm glad I waited for him because when he started turning it, water started leaking. He managed to get it fully shut off, but there was something definitely wrong with it. While he was waiting for the City to show, he pre-fabbed the replacement valve and piping he would need. The water company (EPCOR) showed up at 8:40 to shut off the water from outside. Jamesbo? The water shutoff valve outside is 9 feet underground! Need a special key/rod to do this job. I think they do that because of the geo thermal insulation it needs in the winter. It gets down to -40 here.

Anyway, with a quick working plumber the City guy stayed around and in less than 10 minutes the water was back on to test the repair. All water tight and safe to use now. I asked for a discount (never hurts, right?) and got 10% before tax. So the whole bill came to 218.74. Add the 40.00 charge from EPCOR to show up and shut off the water and it's right about where I figured it would be.

This is the shutoff from the outside:

And this is the fix inside. You can see the water line from outside is a type of plastic, so the adapter to copper is a pressure compression fitting. This is all before it gets to the meter, which is why I was screwed for doing it myself.

The plumber was a young man who had impeccable manners and was very nice to deal with. I'll recommend this company to anyone I hear needs quality service up here!
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Old July 25th, 2012, 09:19 PM
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Wow. What a weird feeling. No one on here all afternoon or evening. Feels like it's haunted....
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Old July 25th, 2012, 09:24 PM
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I'm lurking about!
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Old July 26th, 2012, 04:51 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter hot one down ere

Sorry Allan, De cemetery buz has been hopp'in de last few days "People are dy'in to get in"

Sandy, You'd best listen to your ole pal 'bout dem Crepe myrtles and not beleive everything ya read on line. Like "Would I lead cha astray?"

Guess Mike is out look'in at yet another car. How many does dat make now? I've lost count.

Scot, I know dis fall under the very large unbrella of "None of my Business" But I'm really curious has to how things turn out with that jerk. It jes seems so arbitrary and plain stupid.

Have a great day Olds friends.

GTG Anutter family com'in in dis mawn'in.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 05:12 AM
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Good Thursday Mornin.

Sorry Allan. Yesterday afternoon got real busy.

Jamesbo. I think Mike is up in OH-10 for the Amphib show or somethin.

1969w3155, I sure wish youd keep it down, no-one else can type a word in edgewise

Ken the yard looks good. I can't get our grass to act right back there. The front looks pretty good (for how hot and dry it's been), but the back yard is really a mess.

Well, yesterday brought to us some good and bad news.
The Bad- The kid wadded up her car yesterday. I sure wish she drove like Graeme. We have repeatedly told not to follow so close, but shes a teenager and knows better than us who've already learned the hard way. So her little Celica tried to give a Dodge Ram an enema and came out with a punched hood, bumper, radiator, core support, condenser, and air filter box. Good thing she starts her new job with the Freight ****'s (UPS) next week. So, She left for work this morning in my little hoopdee (Toyota Pick-up) And my cousin, who is visiting, is borrowing my Chebby. That brings us to the good news- I have to drive the Olds to work

I hope everyone has a good day.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 05:54 AM
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Morning All!

Well it got tropical as heck overnight, lol. It was such a pleasant evening last night - nice and cool dry air. I went out on the deck early this morning, and the humidity hit me like a train, lol. It's like, where did that come from? Temps in the 80's and some rain around. We didn't get any at home or here at work yet, but a shower musta came through Twinsburg, cause part of 91 was wet and part of 82. But it was dry all around that little stretch, lol. They're calling for storms today - could get severe. We're under a heat advisory.

I'm sure Bellacino's will be canceled again tonight.

I have the Solon Charity Cruise Show coming up on Saturday. I've already spent $20 to pre-register, so I'm hoping it will be good weather. Supposed to be, as of yesterday. I know it was hotter than hades last year there, and soooo much walking. Hundreds of cars everywhere. I probably won't do as much walking this year though.

We went to the orientation at the college last night. I had to pay a $200 down payment. Soooo much money spent already!! Nicole seems very excited still, so that's a good thing. The kids have to wear scrubs every day, so it's a good thing I saved all of hers from the various nurses aide jobs she's had, lol. Won't have to buy any.

Clint...... sorry to hear about your daughter and her car! That's a shame. No one was hurt though, so that's the important thing!! You hit it on the head when you said they know more than we do about driving, lol. I remember telling Nicole over and over about things when she started driving. But of course I got "I know, mom". I've told her especially in the winter, you can't ride on someone's bumper..... they have to learn the hard way, I guess. At least she hit something a little stronger - I don't imagine there was a whole lot of damage to his truck that insurance will have to pay for?? I'm glad she's ok. And very happy you get to drive the Olds today, lol.

I got another bill yesterday from Ahuja. We're only up to the ER visit on 6/22, so lots more to come. This one's total charges were $7,826.93!!! The CT scan alone was $4,668.00. There's no reason it should cost that much. The IV they couldn't get in my arm was $700, the oxygen clip they put on the finger was $144, walking through the door was $1,056.00, and it goes on and on..... Gee, what's wrong with health care??? I am thankful though, that my insurance paid all but $419.20 - that's what I have to pay. So I will call today and make arrangements for $50 a month payments on this one too. Yipeeeeee Skipeeeee!!

Well guess I better go do something. You all have a good day and stay cool!
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Old July 26th, 2012, 05:59 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Gonna be anutter heatwave today Temps soaring to the upper 90's and heat indices between 105-110

Jamesbo right now all I can do is keep on keepin on, karma will catch up to him soon enough I'm afraid.

Clint I just about spewed my mouthful of coffee all over the monitor and keyboard when you described the mishap I shouldn't laugh but "her little Celica tried to give a Dodge Ram an enema" was extremely funny. Sounds like my daughter and her crapalier doing the same thing just no where near that much damage, and it didn't even hurt the truck so he said no harm, no foul. The only damage to her car was crumpled hood, broken turn signal assembly and crumpled fender. I replaced the turn signal assy but left the crumpled panels as a reminder to not follow too closely

Allan glad you got your leak fixed and it looks like he installed a shut off just after the poly water line, so now you can turn it off without having to call the city

Well it's Thursday, so yall have a great day and I'll check in later
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Old July 26th, 2012, 08:12 AM
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Well, the rain is needed, so I won't bellyache too much on that.....but of course there is a cruise tomorrow night, and a 80% chance of rain, ending in the early evening (so they say), I'll hit that one because it's pretty big, but if it's a wash, then I have a car show up in Hart, Mi. (35 miles north) to go to on Sat., or one at the American Legion, 15 miles south on Sunday in Grand Haven, so, I should be good for one or two shows this weekend.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 08:32 AM
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Wow now that sounds like a plan I wish we had that many shows here.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 10:47 AM
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Well we made it to Lethbridge, a city of 9,000, in one piece. About 1.5 hours from the Montana border. Josh was named Captian of the team yesterday so he's pretty proud of that. Their first game is in a few hours. Hope all goes well. Have a good day all.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 12:40 PM
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Happy Thursday Everyone!

Still recovering from yesterday afternoon/eveings weather. It was lightning, crash, boom rain on/off pretty much all afternoon. My cat made a bee line for the basement and didn't surface till around 8:00pm. Can't do much with the grass right now, the ground is squishy wet everywhere I walk on it.

Went for coffee with the boys this mawnin. Ony 6 of us today instead of the usual 15. Most on vacation. Hmmm we're all retired, so how do you go on vacation from that? Several of them took their trailers/motorhomes to areas that have been hard hit by rain. News says those areas have been washed out/flooded. Hope they are all ok.

Neighbors are baby sitting a dog for their friend. Nice dawg, but it gets excited and starts barking at anything - even a butterfly. Dang thing doesn't know when ta zippit. Oh well, you get used to it after a while.

Clint - what Scot said ^^^. When I first read that, I thought you were trying to find metaphors for Ram and Enema! Too funny. Glad she's ok. So THAT's what UPS stands for! Kinda thought so.... BTW, I'll pass that on to Graeme. He's especially diligent about making sure there's an escape route when stopped and he follows about 3 seconds behind other vehicles. He has a great attitude about adjusting to others without losing his cool. Better than me sometimes.

Scot - That's the valve that failed and had to be replaced. Every house has one so you can do mtce on your fixtures. But when it packs it in? That's the only time you need the city to come out and turn off that one that's buried 9' underground. Maybe that's why some of you guys were confused about what I originally posted about it.

Ken - Glad you are having fun. Be interested to hear about your impression of the Impala. Best of luck to Josh and his team. Hi to Karen! Did you get lost in Lethbridge yet?

Dan - TAKE YOUR CAMERA to the car show!! Looking forward to seeing what's there. We also need pics of your car....

Jamesbo - ha ha! I wuz dryven by de lokal cemetary wit my boy and Mrs. a long while ago. I looks at dem an said, "You know how many ded peoples der are in der?" They didn't have an answer so I tol em "All uvem are dead". Dey both hit me. Another time I wuz readin about dis horrible plane crash in Nfld Canada. Twin engine Cessna goes down in a graveyard. Next day local paper reported 915 bodies recovered so far and count still rising....

See??? You guys shouldn't leave me alone so long Bwhahahahaha!!!
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Old July 26th, 2012, 07:19 PM
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Hey everyone.

Yes I am here, in beautiful Celina, Ohio. Had a decent ride up in the Fiat. It was hot as can be here yesterday, but today cooled off a little, and right now it's down right fall like. Been out on the lake a couple times in other people's cars, so far so good. The lake is down but so far no one has hit bottom.

Allan I'm glad you got your valve fixed. Nine feet down seems extreme. That can't be the frost line? Up home whenever someone was building a fence or whatever, the posts or footings had to go down 42" . In Georgia it's 18.

Ken congrats on your boy making captain. The yard looks better with that branch cut down and good job not taking anything else out.

Jamesbo when I get home I need to mow the yard then I can count all the cars.

Well we'll see what tomorrow brings. More swimming, if it doesn't rain. They've been threatening all week but so far nothing. Hope everyone is having a good week, I'll check back in tomorrow some time.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 07:23 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Allan, I posted a couple of pics of the Cutlass on a sunny evening (in the build thread). Any other pics you'd like to request?

Nothing new or exciting going on here lately. Just work. Oh, and we have had a bit of rain, but still not enough to really help with the drought.

Ken, good luck to Josh and his team.

Hope you can make it to at least one of those shows 1969w3155.

Clint, sorry to hear about your daughter's incident, but that description was funny.

Happy TGIF to everyone tomorrow.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 07:26 PM
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Enjoy your trip Mike.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:13 PM
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Camera is ready to go, here's some pics of my '71, which have made into a thread or two here. My '69 is rougher 'n sandpaper, and I currently do not have any digital pics of it. Somewhere there are photos which i would scan into my computer if i could remember where I put 'em
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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:39 PM
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Evening everyone.

Arrrgggh! My team had 54 seconds to go, needed first down on the last set of downs and they were close enough to kick a field goal for the win. So whatta they do? Quarterback sneak. Ball pops loose before the QB goes down, recovered by WP and there's on 43 seconds left on the clock. Take the knee 3 times and gave over - we lose by 1 lousy point.... AAARRRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!! Sometimes Steven Jyles plays like a girl...

Ooooooh! While I was watching the game the moving truck came to Mr. Dorcks house. It was there for over an hour. They were just doing some last minute packing. Prolly be outta here tomorrow. Wish I had fireworks to celebrate. Not making this up. This afternoon about 2:00pm just after I had posted, Dorck goes out and fires up the lawnmower. Thought maybe he was being nice and cutting the grass one more time for the new neighbors? Naw - instead of draining the gas, he let it run by the fence for over 2 hours till it was empty. Drove the dog next door nuts.. I'll be so glad when he's gone.

Mike - thanks. Yeah up here it's based on 2 conditions. one is frost line. Ours goes down almost 3 feet. Second is type of foundation soil. Well if they want to say 9 feet is 'safe' that's ok with me. Just so long as they don't have to come out and dig that sucker up. I think you guys have shallower pipes just because of the less severe climate. Anyway, she's done and I'm happy.

Dan - That's a beautiful 71CS. I don't know the answer so I'm asking. Is it an SX? Don't know if that side trim means it is or not, but dang it's pretty. BTW, I haven't seen one of those 2 stripe polyglass belted tires since...forever! I sure hope you don't get a flat cause they don't run with radials worth a toot. Nice floor mats and trunk light. Are the mats OEM or repops? I've been toying with buying a set.

Paul - Don't worry, I'll think of something for you. Hope you're enjoying the driving experience.

Well, gonna try and go to bed shortly. Pretty muggy with all this moisture. Got some good crops of shrooms in de tall grass.

Sleep tight everyone. TTYL
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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:53 PM
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It's just a Supreme, previous owner added the bumper and tips. I replaced the exhaust with aluminized and new tips. From what I know that is the original spare, I have pics of the car when it was brought to Mi. in the '80's with the double stripes all around w/wheelcovers. The mats are original, and the car has the light option, which besides the trunk, includes underhood, sail panels, rear view mirror map light, and one in the dash with it's own switch.

Last edited by 1969w3155; July 26th, 2012 at 09:56 PM.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 10:01 PM
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Dan, you should start an album on your home page. That car is too nice not to share. I often wondered why ALL Cutlass models didn't have light packages. I really like the sail panel ones. I bought a set of them on fleabay for cheap and have been toying with putting them in my Cutlass S. Just don't know if the sail panel is tall enough to do that. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Oh BTW? Some folks I know would cringe to hear you say 'its just a Supreme'.
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Old July 27th, 2012, 04:43 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter not one

Mike, How 'bout sum Amphi pics. Ya know I gots a crav'in fer one.

Pat, Tore up de front side wit 2 birdies 40, Colorado Koolaide kicked in on de back 45.

Made me an antipasto salad las nite. Yum

TGIG Olds friends
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Old July 27th, 2012, 05:21 AM
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Mornin all.

Paul, the car looks great in the sun. While you're offering, how about some pics with a scantily clad petite redhead on the hood of that fine machine?

Jamesbo, salad looks good enuf for breakfast.

Dan, Allan is right. Nice lookin car.

Allan, You should poured a coupla tablespoons of ATF into the gas tank of that mower. Then when it started to smoke he could freak out and shut her down.

Ken, Congrats on the Capt. position. Sounds like a fine young man.

Scot, I think we all do something stupid like following too closely every once in a while, But sometimes we're lucky and don't hit anything. It's all about growing up and learning. Hoods and radiators can be replaced, not so much when its our body parts.

Gonna go campin for a few days leaving in the a.m. have a great weekend all.
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