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Old June 2nd, 2012, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by ah64pilot
jamesbo, in de army we call it volunteer or voluntold...which does you prefer? When i axe my keeid ta mow da lawn i use dat line sum times an he fine-ly figur'd out dat if he don't volunteer he's gonna get voluntold. i myself prefer the latter cuz den i ain't gotz to pay him $5 lol!

When I used to volunteer at a youth group, voluntelling tasks was common.

Last edited by car_designer; June 2nd, 2012 at 11:50 AM.
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 07:56 PM
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Evening All!

It was sunny/cloudy and windy today, also had some thunder around and a sprinkle here and there. Weird day.... temps in the high 60's.

Well I took Teepo to the body shop early this morning so Bob can get her on the lift and get my wheels pulled off and get everything changed over to the new rims!!
I took him the new lug nuts I got from Summit. The new rims are finally green!! They look very nice. I'll try to post a pic - I took some with my phone. Bob brought me home cause I didn't have a way back, lol. We passed a few classic cars - musta been a show somewhere that I didn't know about.

He has a Mustang in his shop on a rotisseri that he has down to bare metal. He's done alot of restos on cars around here. They are gorgeous..... someday Teepo will be on that rotisseri, lol! I am having seperation anxiety.

Got the house half a$$ed cleaned when I got home. Filled the bird feeders up. The Grosbeak was back again! So was the Oriole, this morning. He was trying to get nectar out of the hummer feeders but couldn't. His beak is too big. So we went to Tractor Supply and found a feeder that he can stand on and Larry cut 1" holes in it so his beak will fit in, and I filled it with nectar. So I hope he comes back in the morning. I'll be watching for him. There were 2 beautiful Bluebirds in the front yard when Bob brought me home. He had never seen any around here until today.

Larry grilled steaks tonight, then we went to the DQ for banana splits! Yummmmm....

I took a bath and polished my toenails and finally sat down for the night.

Pilot.... nice to see you joined our thread! Congrats on being done with your radiation treatments. Been there, done that, lol. I don't know what's wrong, but I will say a prayer for you and hope all turns out well! That sure is a beautiful car you have!!

Jamesbo..... everyone joining us is talkin like you, lol!! I'm havin a helluva time tryin to understand them.... you were bad enough, lol! I have little maters on both cherry mater plants, and lots of bloom on that bigger mater plant. Boy with the rain we had, the plants seem to have really shot up!! The pepper plants are taller, the beans too!! That rain did them good.

Larry got a good report from his doc on his check up the other day. His cholesterol is down from 241 to 211. The doc was pleased. His iron is kinda low again though, and his testosterone is way low. The doc said that's probably why he's so tired all the time and has no energy. He gave Larry a script for it. Larry dropped off the script at Giant Eagle yesterday and they said it would be ready today. So he went to pick it up earlier, and the cost was like $389.00!! He said forget it! Larry has Kaiser insurance, which is not very good at all, I don't think. The script may be cheaper at the Kaiser pharmacy, so he's gonna call them Monday and find out. If it's not, he's gonna call his doc and tell him he can't afford it. That's just ridiculous..... No wonder health care costs so much. I just don't get the reasoning for some of these prices for medicines. Heck, I paid $9.00 for a pack of that Prilosec last night, and it's only 14 pills! I made my first $100 payment to Akron General today for that MRI. I'm down to $1621.00 now, lol!

Well reckon I'll go search the forums, so you all have a good evening!
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 08:23 PM
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Here is a pic of the rims.... If you see something wrong, keep it to yourself, lol!!! All I care is that they are Teepo green! Once the tires and hardware get on them, they will be beautiful!!!

Attachment 176127
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
I made my first $100 payment to Akron General today for that MRI. I'm down to $1621.00 now, lol!
Holy crap, that's expensive, how can people afford that? BTW, wheels look great.
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 08:54 PM
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Evening all!

Spent most of yesterday working on the yard. It's all trimmed and fertilized now. Anyone got any good cures for Inky Top mushrooms? I got some that have been real pests for the last 5 years. Every time they start coming up ( and boy do they show up in HUGE clumps) I dig out the ground around them too. But just like robo calls, they keep on coming back. I'm thinking the only way to be rid of them is to dig up the whole area and lose the dirt.

Found a can of 2-4-D in the shed. Decided my lazy *** neighbors yard needed some help, so I sprayed it. With luck the dandelion oasis will be destroyed in a couple of weeks. This guy has all kinds of time to spend at the bar and frolicking with chicks, but no time to keep his yard looking decent? No wonder his ex divorced him...SHE was sweeet

Sandy - those wheels are soooo uh! One thing I want to tell you about those bolt ons if you don't already know. Make sure the guy putting on the new lugs doesn't use an impact wrench. Otherwise you'll end up with scratches on the sides of the caps. The only way I've found to avoid that is to install them with a deep socket and torque wrench. Unfortunately there's no way to take off the caps when putting them on/off. You should have offered to drink a Rum & Coke instead of water...... hope the diagnostics are positive. Tell Larry to find a new insurance provider. That one he has sounds like it sux. I pay 20% of my Rx costs - my plan pays the other 80%. For some stuff, that makes a huge difference. For Larry's Rx, it would cost me 69.80 which I still think is a lot of money. Can hardly wait (sort of) till I turn 65, then all my meds are 20 bucks - flat rate per prescription.

Steve - whuttaya meen I tok funee and kneed to be entrupretated?? I tox jus fine tanguberry much. Yup, don't know what it is with Jamesbo - he just has that effect on people. Sorry to hear that you were battling cancer. I had no idea; but am very glad you are on the upswing and hopefully have it licked. I'd also like a 455, but my luck has been plagued. The last one turned into a boat anchor....

Paul - HI there ya old P.Eng!! I'm a B.Com from back in 77. Even back then Engineers and Lawyers were the most flamboyant and hard to understand group on campus. But, both you and Tony seemed to have turned out just right!!

John - Easy way to beat the heat? C'mon up to Canada. Probably the climate change will make you look for a coat store. We're averaging around 65=69 for the past 2 weeks. Supposed to rain next week.

Mike - still haven't got that mower working yet, it's not clogged from the tank or in the line, so it's gotta be the carb. I hate taking those things apart. Oh well it will be a neat learning experience. If it still doesn't work? It will be in boxes at the curb on trash night....

Clint - I stopped in at the repair shop that did the alignment and asked about balancing the wheels. They have taped weights on all 4. The vibration is very slight and starts around 55-60 then goes away till about 70. I'm thinking it's the RR because when I took it out of storage it was completely flat. Might have moved slightly on the rim?? They said they will spin the wheels first and record the numbers and only balance the ones that are out. This is the first car I've had using taped weights. Hopefully this is the last time it needs to be done. I had this same problem in 2010 when I bought it, and the dealer fixed it under warranty.
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by 442much
Holy crap, that's expensive, how can people afford that? BTW, wheels look great.
I've been battling cancer since 2007. After a 17 hour surgery and 12 days in the hospital that cost $147,000 (thank God for insurance) and 6 months of chemotherapy last year, I just finished radiation therapy for the tumors I have all down my left leg.

I am hoping the radiation works, the other stuff didn't. If it doesn't work, I'm all out of options...well, except for cutting off my entire left leg from the hip joint down. We beez tryin ta keep from durrin dat one.

Anywho...Sandy, I beez on dis here thread fo some time, like back on page 75 or so...but it beez hard ta keep up wit so I jes read yo peoples posts and keepz to myself. I hope yo medrical problemz beez 'bout I prayz fo you an you prayz fo me? Soundz like a fa reel deel ta me.
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 10:41 PM
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Good... um... let's go with Morning Everyone.

I just got home. The ceremony was great. It felt like an eternity waiting for them to call my name, then it was all over. So many people taking pictures the whole time. I will have to check the ones my family took. I now have 2 pieces of paper I can hang on the wall. I had a great time.

Allan, thanks for the compliment, but I'm not a P.Eng. yet. That requires more tests (2 I think) and 4 years of supervised work experience.

Sandy, the wheels look good.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 04:54 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little chilli up ere in de mountains

Sandy, Dem wheels look vera nice. Follow Allan's instructions on de lug nuts to keep dem nice.

Ya know, If you'd go to a nail salon, ya could ere people mak'in fun of ya in a different language.

Car_designer, You and Sandy make me understand dat I can't aford to get ill. If sum'em happens to my health, I gonna do like de Lilliputions, I'm jes gonna wander off into de woods.

Allan, I'd spray de mushrooms wit diluted Clorox. BTW, Yo sure do takl funny

Welp, Enjoy de rest of de weekend Olds friends.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 06:47 AM
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Morning All!

It's cloudy and cool here this morning. We're gonna go out for breakfast. Larry wants to go see that movie "Battleship" sometime this morning, too.

Glad ya like the rims. Nice to finally see them green, lol. I'm sure Bob will take the utmost care with everything....he's an Olds guy and he knows how picky I am. I told him to make sure he has the guy try to keep the rockets lined up and all that too, lol. This IS Teepo we're talkin about, lol.

Paul! Congrats!! Glad you had a nice time!

Steve..... so sorry to hear about the cancer. I know from experience myself, that it is nasty stuff. Sometimes I think the "cure" is worse than the disease. I had 6 mos. of chemo myself. Of course that was 22 years ago. I'm sure they've come out with newer ways of torturing you nowadays, lol. I think with today's technology and what they know now, chances of beating it are better than they were years ago. I will certainly keep you in my thoughts. I believe there is power in prayer!!! I've seen it work several times.....

Believe me, I'm thankful for my health insurance, but the chunk I end up paying is quite high. My deductible is $1500, so I was responsible for most of that MRI bill, as I had to meet the deductible. Once that is met, United Healthcare kicks in 80% and I pay 20%, up to $3500 out of my pocket. When I pay $3500 out of my pocket, they kick in 100%. That's if I stay in Network. If I go out of Network they only pay 50% I believe it is. I guess it's better than nothing. I pay $87 a paycheck for the insurance. Office visits to this urologist are $40, cause he's a 'specialist'. My regular doc is a $20 co-pay. It adds up quick.

Well gotta go get dressed, so I'll talk to ya later!
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Well gotta go get dressed, so I'll talk to ya later!
You bin tokkin to us settin at the puter all nekked as a jaybird??? Ya hussy....

Starting out nice here today, just windy again *as usual*. Nice quiet Sunday mawnin.

Yesterday I collected up all the kits from the Diabetes canvassing and most of us were able to collect around 120.00 from each of our respective routes. They'll be going to Diabetes central tomorrow. Lots of people I talked to asked if I was diabetic. I'm not YET, I'm at the stage called IGT *Impaired Glucose Tolerance* so I have to monitor my diet and exercise more carefully to stay away from full blown diabetes.

Jamesbo - whutaya meenz I tox funnee?? Yew shud here da car noyzes I kin makes....So duz de clorox kill dem shrooms or jes turn dem white??

Steve - Prayers for you and Sandy will be on the order of the evening from now on. Hope the new treatment is successful. Can't imagine what it would be like without a leg. I would never have guessed from reading through your activities on the car and engine build. Keep on driving it like ya stole it.

Paul - well let's call it an 'early' congrats. Major accomplishment my friend.

So much for nice quiet mawnin - de local kids just got up and are shrieking up a storm outside....
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by car_designer
Good Evening Everyone.

A rainy day here. I picked up a few more parts for the Cutlass this evening.

Steve, good to hear you are finished the treatments.

Sandy, relax and enjoy the weekend!

Mike, have a safe trip.

Jamesbo, congratulations on the sale of the car.

Tony, ERTW! Sometime I'll have to tell you about the D.U.S.T.E.D. events the engineering student society at U of O used to have.

Allan, say Hi to another mechanical engineer... oh and I also did computing technology. Anyone looking to hire a mechanical engineer?

Have a great weekend everyone.
Hah! I started the first Montreal dusted In 2004.

We drank the town of knowlton Quebec entirely dry.

So far I've been to 8 dusters, organized 3 of them, organized CFES one year and CEC another.

Then I decided to actually concentrate on school ad graduate... Took some convincing tho...
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by car_designer
Good... um... let's go with Morning Everyone.

I just got home. The ceremony was great. It felt like an eternity waiting for them to call my name, then it was all over. So many people taking pictures the whole time. I will have to check the ones my family took. I now have 2 pieces of paper I can hang on the wall. I had a great time.

Allan, thanks for the compliment, but I'm not a P.Eng. yet. That requires more tests (2 I think) and 4 years of supervised work experience.

Sandy, the wheels look good.
In quebec its 3 years or 3000 hours. Im 2/3 of the way there....

We have to take one ethics test, unless you are from outside canada, then they make you take an extra test...
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 01:15 PM
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Tony, they can't do dusted here anymore, since highschool now finishes in grade 12, and most graduates are only 18 years old (drinking age is 19 here).

I have heard a "legend" that they were successful here once, and it was in a town in Quebec oddly enough.

As for the P.Eng., I need to find an engineering job so I can start it. No luck yet.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by car_designer
Tony, they can't do dusted here anymore, since highschool now finishes in grade 12, and most graduates are only 18 years old (drinking age is 19 here).

I have heard a "legend" that they were successful here once, and it was in a town in Quebec oddly enough.

As for the P.Eng., I need to find an engineering job so I can start it. No luck yet.
Agreed, It's hard when the drinking age doesnt match with most your frosh-ees.

Once upon a time back in 06-07 we actually invited a bunch of ontario universities to take part in dusted during the Bridge Building competition, we had over 1000 people and 15 buses full of people wearing fluorescent shirts.

Here's a picture of me and a couple cowgirls in action to prove it. I still keep in "touch" with the middle one.

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Old June 3rd, 2012, 03:01 PM
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Gee, I wouldn't be shy about keeping in 'touch' with all 3 of em.....
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 06:03 PM
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Allan R.... You're such a dog, lol! Just kidding!!!

It's been another windy, clouds/sun day today with temps in the 70's. When we were going out for breakfast, there were lots of classic cars out and about again!! I don't know where the heck the shows were this weekend? I didn't see any advertised. The Speedway gas station looked like a cruise in when we went by, lol. There was a white GTO, a blue Impala, a red and black Camaro and a few others there. Dammmmm I hate it when I miss a show!! I wanted Larry to stop so I could ask the guys, but he wouldn't. "You don't have Teepo anyhow", he said. Well I'm still curious about where they were headin.

We went and saw Battleship. If you're interested in it, wait until it comes out on DVD cause it was a 'cute' movie, but very predictible. Not worth Cinemark prices, lol.

Didn't do much when we got home. Filled the bird feeders - again. These friggin blackbirds are pigs and come in droves!! Grackles....ughhhhh.... I don't like them!! I tried to lay in my lounge chair, but the clouds would come along and cover the sun, and it would get chilly, so I gave up. Sat on my swing on the deck and read. Put a frozen pizza in the oven for supper, lol.

Well the weekend went fast as usual. Back to work tomorrow already. I have to leave at 1:30 tomorrow to go to the heart doc. You all have a good evening!
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 06:17 PM
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Ah Sandy. You were right the first time. I'm a dog. Grrrrrrrr Arf! Arf! Arf! Rrrrrrrrruufff!! Bow wow wow ...... need somethin ta chew on.

Wasn't much of a day here either. Sounds like we had the same weather, just a couple thousand miles apart.

Next time Larry ignores you like that? Smack him on the back of the head like Gibbs does to Dinozzo. I think it would have been nice to go to the show just to look. Have camera, will travel.

Tidied the garage this aft, vacuumed the floor and washed the windows. Painted the mail box....I think I'm getting bored. Time to pull my car out from the wall and start working on it again.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Gee, I wouldn't be shy about keeping in 'touch' with all 3 of em.....
but I do agree with you.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 07:28 PM
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Tony, frosh week is actually dry now at U of O.

Sandy, you don't have to attend every car show... Who am I kidding you need to attend every single one you can.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Gee, I wouldn't be shy about keeping in 'touch' with all 3 of em.....
Um yeps fer sure dude X3, all 3
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 08:22 PM
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Yahoo!! I got company. See Sandy? Us guys know a good thing when we 'touch' it. Good to know I'm not just an old perv
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Yahoo!! I got company. See Sandy? Us guys know a good thing when we 'touch' it. Good to know I'm not just an old perv
I've definitely had a midnight escapade with the middle one in my Sentra...

This one is from dusted the year after, she was from denmark. Carried her right out of the place.

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Old June 3rd, 2012, 08:44 PM
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of course i had to be courteous to her denmark friend too. Team player? You bet

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Old June 3rd, 2012, 08:58 PM
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Gee Tony, she looks like she's not enjoying that at need to repost that second pic of her friend. I think I need to take a vacation tooooo oh let's see now..... Denmark, ya that's it, Denmark.....

Does this make you the Canadian equivalent of Austin Powers??? Yaaa Baby....
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 09:17 PM
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I'm partying with Tony Or going to Denmark with Allan, hmmmmm decisions decisions Jamesbo HELP!!!!
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 09:25 PM
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Scot, WE can do both!!!
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Old June 4th, 2012, 05:03 AM
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Mawn'in all

Kinda cool wit off an on drizzle'in. Try'in to figger out wheather to go smack whitey 'round or not.

Tony, My vote goes fer pic number one. Ya shoulda quit when you were ahead.

I don't think de looks like Danes. Dem girls look mo like corn fed Iowa girls to me. I think de was pull'in your leg er sum'em.

If ya had a big tub. you engineer types coulda maxed out the Archimedes principle.

What dee heck team were de on? De one in de blue jeans has thighs like Hershal Walker.

Personally, I like 3 kinds of women Black Irish, Cajun and Dutch. I am also found of native American ladies but when de get drunk de wanta burn down your teepee. [Sorry Sandy I know you ain't fer from de reservation]

I think it 'bout time fer me to STFU.
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Old June 4th, 2012, 05:45 AM
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Monday mornin all.

Not good, but it is mornin.

Tony. Looks like you have some pretty girls there. I can't seem to make comments like the others as it makes the missus cranky.

Allan, I hate balancing wheels that require tape weights. They never seem to be 100%, but that is the price you have to pay for lookin kewl.

Sandy the wheels look real nice. Be careful putting the SS window rings on. Dont wanna chip that new paint.

Paul Congrats on getting thru the ceremony, now its time to get some color pics up of the cutlass.

It rained and blew real hard here on Saturday. Broke a bunch of limbs, and was even bad enough they had to delay the 2nd moto of the AMA motocross race at thunder valley. We were able To go to the super cruise after the worst of the storm blew over. I got a few whiffs of antifreeze while driving ol' red and once had a steam mark on the windshield, so I guess its time to do a heater core.

The owner of the large Nissan dealership wants to buy the 442.... Not really sure what to think about that. I'm gonna have to make my mind up before I put the OD on it.

Have a great day all.
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Old June 4th, 2012, 06:48 AM
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Morning All!

Sun and clouds and kinda cool here today. Temps around 60 now. Clay is off today. I didn't know he wouldn't be here. Guess he had to go to Missouri to look at some material at a customer's shop. So it's just me with cranky Steve and whiny Brian, lol.

It's a quiet morning. I've been checking Clay's emails and such which keeps me a little busier.

Jamesbo.... you make me laugh, lol! No, I ain't from the Rez.... but I can swing a mean tomahawk!!!

Larry may be going to Iowa on Wednesday to see his mom. Guess she isn't doing real well. She's been in a nursing home since 2009, and her doc supposedly changed her meds or something a month ago (according to brother Phil out there) and his mom quit eating and such. So they put her in the hospital and got her eating again, but evidently she's having kidney troubles - they're doing dialyisis and she's not wanting to eat again. I don't know. His brother isn't the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to medical stuff. I told Larry he could take Tincanio out there, but he thinks his truck should make it. I dunno..... So I'm a gonna have some time all by myself!! He has to be back by Tuesday to take me for that surgery. Of course Nicole could take me.

I have shows planned this Saturday and Sunday!!!!

Clint - glad you popped in! How's your daughter doing?

Have a good Monday all!
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Old June 4th, 2012, 07:03 AM
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Dang Tony! I'm really missing my hometown now! Well the weekend was pretty nice. Had to move the 442 to a fellow club members garage. They are replacing the sidewalks on my street and have also decided to rip up the street and repave it. So, if I wanted access to the car in June, I'd have to find a place for it to stay. It's sitting in his garage now, next to his 1971 442 W30 4 spd.

It seems like all I did was spend money this weekend. New lawn mower...actually 2. Bought a reel manual mower off Kijiji for $30. That's the one you push while the blades turn with the wheels. Didn't cut as well as I'd like so bought a new gas powered, front wheel drive, 22" mower. Makes the grass look like a golf green.

Well, it's 8 am and the last calls from the Middle East will be coming in while the first calls from the US and South America will start. Have a good all.
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Old June 4th, 2012, 08:10 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Cloudy day here on my anniversary, the better half is taking me out to lunch so TTFN
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Old June 4th, 2012, 08:24 AM
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Happy Anniversary Scot!! Have fun!!
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Old June 4th, 2012, 08:28 AM
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Happy Anniversary Scot,

What's fer desert?
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Old June 4th, 2012, 08:30 AM
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Mawnin peeps!
Gonna be a nice one here today. Temps in the 70's and rain tonight.

Scot - Happy Anniversary bud! She's takin YOU?? Class act you latched onto there!

Ken - Sorry, I wasn't really payin attention. What did you say the address was yer storin the car at?? Your street and curbs don't need rehab...but make sure they do a curb cut for your driveway. Then I won't scrape the bottom of the trailer when I come to pickup another engine

Clint - really don't have a choice with the tape weights. The 17" rims for my Sonata don't have a lip for the weights to attach to. I'm thinking it's only 1 wheel though. They'll spin it first and record the numbers to see if it's in tolerance or not. No charge for spinning wheels that don't need balancing. Prolly take it in tomorrow morn first thing after the Monday rush has worn thin.

Sandy - You hang in there Princess. That surgery will go fine and we expect you to be at those shows!!

Jamesbo - I tink yo shud jes go whack whitey even ifn its a lil on da darkn wet side. See how eezy dat wuz to d side???

Gotta take my Mrs. shopping in a little bit. She wants to buy a couple of bags of potatoes and rice (the ones that weigh 40 lbs). They're 'on sale' for only 24 bucks!! Anyone else notice the cost of staples (no, not the metal thingy's) is way high this year? Good thing we got a No Frills store close by. We can get other sundries there really cheap most of the time. Gonna stock up and open a General Store in the basement and make some $$$!

Gonna go surf a few threads and then shower....TTYL
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Old June 4th, 2012, 10:25 AM
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Sandy, She is doing ok. We went car shopping yesterday. There sure is a lot of expensive junk out there. When did it become mandatory that if you are trying to sell an Accord Coupe that you Habla no engles?

We looked at a nice little Grand am coupe this morning and have a grand Prix to go see tonight.

She is looking at signing up with the Army reserves. Anyone have any insight? The recruiter is very pushy.
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Old June 4th, 2012, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
She is looking at signing up with the Army reserves. Anyone have any insight? The recruiter is very pushy.
De Army Reserves was a great deal bfo ya started gett'in called up an shot at. Jes MHO, there's WAY too much politics an de SOB's use our brave men and women like pawns.

p.s. Recruiters are paid to be pushy liars.
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Old June 4th, 2012, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Sandy, She is doing ok. We went car shopping yesterday. There sure is a lot of expensive junk out there. When did it become mandatory that if you are trying to sell an Accord Coupe that you Habla no engles?
I've noticed that for a while now. I deal with buyers from the US a lot. I noticed this "trend" when one guy called me and I could hardly understand him. I asked "Sir, what country are you calling from?" "Da Ju Hess Eh" "Did you say "USA?" "Jes, do you speak Spanish?" Luckily the guy I work with is from Mexico and he took over.

Right now the largest immigrant population coming to Canada is from Mexico...go figure. Must be because our weather is so similar... I just found it funny (in a strange way not Haha) that he was in the US and could hardly speak the language...unless the language is becoming Spanish. You win the war against Mexico, absorbe 5 states and now they are taking them back slowly...gringo's!
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Old June 4th, 2012, 01:47 PM
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Well...... got a good report from the heart doc anyhow! Echo looked good, valves and stuff are all working as they should, blood flowing through like a 20 year old, he said, lol!. If we can only keep the heart beating steady, all is good.

So get this!!!!! I'm venting, by the way.

I called the urologists office to see what the results of the renal scan were and I am told: There are no blockages, no obstructions! I said, then why do I have to have this done? Because he wants to take a look, because the kidney is not emptying all the way which could lead to infections and problems down the road. I asked, Is he still going to put a stent in the tube? She didn't know - depends on what he sees in there. I asked if he's still going to do a biopsy? If he sees something in there he will.

Soooooo..... I probably should go ahead and have it checked out, since I've gone this far and through all this crap, just in case.... But I'm really leaning towards not having it done at all. I was venting to the heart doc, and he agreed with me. Just cause they found something totally unrelated to what I went in for, they want to do something to it because they know it's there now!! I don't know. I'm soooo mad!!!

Thanks for listening.

On a better note, I'm getting a totally unexpected $300.00 bonus! The owner sent an email around this morning about all the sales peoples 'sales bonus' for 2011 sales', and he included me cause I help these sales guys! I'm excited!! These guys are getting some pretty good chunks, let me tell ya. Clay's is over $2,000. I deserve it just cause I put up with them and their **** ways, lol. So I sent him a nice email thanking him. Cause I really do appreciate it. Especially now with all these medical bills.

Now this is funny right here. I saw 2 older car guys I know in the heart doc's office, lol! The old guy with that beautiful blue Starfire, and another guy who has a big old Lincoln. We were all talking cars, lol. Old people with old hearts and old cars, lol.
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Old June 4th, 2012, 05:46 PM
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Thanks all for the well wishes on my anniversary We had a great time together. Including desert Jamesbo

Congrats on your bonus and the good reports at the doc Sandy
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Old June 4th, 2012, 07:01 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Dry day, but cool. It only went to about 15*C.

I spent a few hours tonite working on the dash for the Cutlass.

Tony, I wish I had been invited to your school's DUSTED

Allan, I like your idea. Let's do both.

Clint, good to hear your daughter is doing well.

Scot, happy anniversary!

Sandy, congratulations on the bonus, and go for the tests.
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